We had a nice day. Karen is making a huge godzilla and it us fun to watch. Seer gave dad some money so we went and bought me a new laptop. My computer was having issues. It made me nervous to buy me a computer but it runs so fast. I met up with the people i used to work with. It was nice to see everyone. Rachel I was so worried about the wind. I am glad you are safe and had a good time. The kids love going back backing. We will have to go see Josh grobin again and get you a new hat. Robin. That is funny about the bananas. It.snowes off and on all day here. Have a nice Sunday. Love mom
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Well the weather defeated us again but we still had a fun time and it felt so good to go down there. We drove most the day on Thursday. The back roads are so confusing and we took a couple wrong turns but we found the trail head we wanted. It was a big success and it was exciting. It was pretty winding when we got out of the car but we thought when we hiked down into the canyon we could find a place to camp that wasn't as windy. We had a fun time hiking down and the kids were cute. Ruth even loved it and was showing me the best way down. When it started getting dark we looked around for a place out of the wind. We found the best we could but it was really hard to set up the tents with the wind. We were only able to get one of our two tents up so we all slept in one tent. It worked out really well and we all fit. It was windy all night and it was blowing so much sand into the tent and the sides were hitting us so we didn't get a ton of sleep. Our plan was to hike around Friday and leave our big bags and find a better place to camp. We had fun hiking around but the wind was getting more intense. It was blowing sand at us and we said we were getting sandblasted. I lost my Josh Groban hat and Casey's sun glasses blew away. Oliver said it was a bad day to be skinny because he was going to be blown away. I swear the wind was gusting over 40 miles an hour. So we ended up getting our bags and hiking to the car and driving home all night. We couldn't set up the tent in the wind and we couldn't think of another place that wasn't windy. The kids were troupers hiking on narrow rock ledges in that wind. We think we should go in May next year when the spring weather won't be as bad. Today we cleaned up all the gear and their was so much sand on everything, it was crazy.
Love Rachel
Friday, April 5, 2024
We got up and dad went to seer. I fell sound asleep the whole time he was gone. He came back and I took a nap. Man I was lazy. We did go to Arby's for dinner and then got our hair cut. That felt so nice. We don't have much planned either. It snowed here tonight. I hope the back backers are doing ok. It is cold. Stay safe and warm. That is nice you had grover over. Love mom
Thursday, April 4, 2024
We got up and got the kids ready to get picked up. Rachel, Casey, and Tony showed up and they took off for robbers roost. I hope they don't freeze. We did offer to have them camp in the back yard if needed. I just straightened up and took it slow after they left. I did make bacon and tomato sandwiches for dinner. They tasted good. I am with Robin. I am so ready for it to stay warm. Have a nice Friday. I hope we get our taxes tomorrow. Love mom
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. My day was good. I was tired today though so that made the day long. I started my big godzilla on my printer tonight. It is going to take 2 days and 6 hours to finish. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
We had a nice day. We met Julie and her grandkids at the zoo. There were so many people. It was so crowded. We came home and I mowed the front yard. It was so long. I bagged 3 garbage bags of grass just off the side walks. We played monopoly. Robin I am sorry you didn't get that job. Don't give up. That garden bed is amazing. You do such good work. Rachel drive safe. I will have the kids ready to go. Love mom
I am sorry Robin. That is really nice she talk with you am maybe it will put you on her radar for the next job. We are heading out to go backpacking in robbers roost tomorrow so I won't blog until Sunday, maybe Monday night. We are excited and are all packed up. It is supposed to be cold at night but we have warm stuff and I think we will be ok. We will pick up the kids around 9 or 10 tomorrow.
Love Rachel
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Sorry I didn't blog last night. We cleaned a lot yesterday and that was nice. Good job applying for a new job Robin. I think you are qualified for it. It was fun to meet up with Mom and Dad at the airplane museum. Me and Casey went on a bike ride this evening and that felt nice. I have been getting up and walking Tony. I need to do that went school starts, it feels nice. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
We had a really nice day. We just hung out this morning and then meet rachel and the kids for lunch. We met in roy. We ate at the oh delicious Japanese Wasabi resturant. I thought it was good. Dad and rachel said it was ok. I just thought we had to try it for the name. We went to the hill airforce museum. A lot of the planes were not outside. They are making a new wing and taking them inside. It will open in may. We will have to go again. We took the kids home with us. We just hung out and played. They are staying the night and tomorrow we are going to the zoo with Julie and her grandkids. It was just such a pretty day. Love mom
My day was good. I got Ruth's and Oliver's dinosaurs done this morning. Then I went to work. Work went good nothing too wild and crazy. I will keep my fingers crossed for you Robin. After work I came home and mom and everyone was here and we had dinner. Then we just hung out the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, April 1, 2024
We had the furnace and air-conditioned guy come and service them this morning. He left around 1 and then we had lunch and I went grocery shopping. I made zuppa.soup for dinner and it tasted good. We went to the gym. Karen went low and so we left a.little early. Tomorrow I am meeting Rachel and kids at the hill airforce museum. The kids are going to come home with us and then rachel and Casey will pick them up on their way to robbers roost. Fun spring break. Robin I am glad you got a quiet day. I hope you get that job. Love mom
Sunday, March 31, 2024
We had a nice day. We went to church and then went to lunch with Karen. The movie was good and I made a roast for Easter dinner. I sure had a fun time yesterday. Thanks Robin for everything. Rachel I am glad that lagoon was fun. I was worried you would freeze. Love mom
Thanks again for the fun time yesterday and thanks Robin for having us and planning such fun things. My day was good. I slept in and then we went and got ramen for lunch. It tasted really good. Then we went and saw the new godzilla x kong movie. It was good. I wasn't paying attention to the time though and we were 10 minutes late. However we didn't even miss the previews. Then mom made roast beef and potatoes for dinner. It was yummy. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Thanks for the fun party yesterday. We had a good Easter today. The kids liked their Easter baskets and were happy. We went to the store and got a Isaac new controllers for the switch and a new game. Then we headed down to Lagoon. Casey got some money from his last work trip so he took us to lunch at PF Chang's. The kids love it there. Then we went to lagoon. No one was there and it really wants too bad of weather. We got out season pass cards printed and didn't wait in any line. We walked right up to primordial and didn't even wait. We just spend a couple hours there and then came home and watched a movie. It was a fun day. Love you guys
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...