Thursday, September 27, 2018


I spent most of my day working on the safety fair.  I got to sit out in the hallway and they had a green screen picture thing and I had props to hand out.  It was fun.  It is so hard not to have a desk.  The have torn everything apart and started to rebuild.  I hope they are done tomorrow.  I stayed late and worked on data.  Rachel those plums are beautiful.  That will taste good.  Karen is coming down tomorrow and we are going to hook up with Robin and go to dinner.  We will leave early to come up to Logan and decorate.  I am in if we want to go to a corn maze afterwards.  Have a great Friday.  I am ready to play.   LOVE MOM


Thank you so much Robin, they look awesome.  Today Isaac said that you were the best at decorating houses.  Today was good.  I don't have a work out on Thursday so we can go slower in the morning.  Oliver and Ruthie were playing train on her bed and it was cute.  Oliver had school and we went on a walk while he was gone.  We picked up Casey and got some nuggets for lunch.  The boys had swimming lessons this afternoon and they did really well.  They are cute.  We had a quick dinner and then rode bikes to visit Leona.  Ruthie was singing a song in the bike trailer about Robin buying a bulldog, it was really cute.  Isaac doesn't have school tomorrow so that will be nice to have him home.  Last night I did the wefty fabric weaving and it was a lot of fun.  I used some scraps from Isaac's rug.  I used the wrong pellon under it so I had a hard time getting it off the board but I learned a lot.  Ruthie wants me to make a bag with the panel so I am going to do that.  I picked all the plums off the tree today and we have so many.  I have a batch in the crock pot to make plum butter, I hope that it goes ok.  Love you guys.



I agree with Robin. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.  Work went well. It was the end of the month so they brought in doughnuts. So that was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good only because tomorrow is friday. It was pretty chill at work so that was nice. I think I'm done making stuff for Saturday I now have an army of boo's lol. Have a good one


Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Robin, I love the decorations, you are amazing.  That you so much for spending so much time on this.  It is going to be epic.  I am glad that you pump is almost here, I am so excited.  Good luck moving Mom, that is the worst.  I forgot to blog last night, sorry.  I didn't think about it until this morning.  Buying the house went really well and it is exciting.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning and it is getting easier which is nice.  Oliver had school and that makes him happy.  We went grocery shopping this afternoon. Imogene played for a little while and then we went to the homecoming parade for green canyon.  Casey wasn't home yet from work so we left without him and he caught up with us.  We walked to where it was last year but they had changed the parade route.  A friend from college was their and she drove us down to where the parade was.  It was fun to see her.  The kids got a ton of candy and had a fun time.  It was a nice walk home and a pretty evening.  Love you guys, you are all amazing.




That is awesome you are getting your pump Karen. I'm excited for you!! My day was good I'm kinda over working but what is new. It just was same ole same ole. I'm really happy it's almost the weekend. I finished the coin part of the mario door. Have a good one


Hump Day

I am so glad the week is half over.  Work was crazy busy today and I was tired.  I drank too much caffeine yesterday and I paid the price. I had a hard time falling asleep.  They are coming to redo my cubicle tomorrow.  They are taking 4 cubicles and making them into 10 workstations.  Go figure that one out.  It will be interesting if they have any room to work at all.  Tomorrow is the big safety fair and that will take most of the day.  It is kind of a good thing because my computer is locked away and I only have my laptop to work on.  It is tough.  I did stay a little late tonight and work on my project.  That felt nice.  Have a great Thursday.  Karen, I am excited about your pump.  LOVE MOM

It shipped

I got am email after work saying my insulin pump has finally shipped. Yeah. They said the doctors office should call with in 7 days to set up an appointment. So yeah i am in the hom stretch. Other than that it was just the usual here. It was super cold this morning it was 26 when I left for work this morning. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We did it!

We made it to Logan safe and sound and signed papers.  The money will be transferred tomorrow.  Everything went just like clock work.  I got to go see the boys swim and that was fun.  Ruth wanted a treat so we went to the vending machine.  She got everyone a treat.  It was so cute.  We went to Hu Hot and that was good.  Robin, I love Mario and that automan is really nice.  Way to go.  You will love that.  I am looking forward to decorating the house.  The kids are excited.  Isaac ate two cookies and a donut before swimming.  He is getting at the age where he is hungry all the time.  Karen I am sorry you are in meetings all the time.  They always assign you projects but they are hard to get done when you are in meetings all the time.  Have a great hump day.  Man the moon was beautiful tonight.  LOVE MOM


I hope everything with the house went well. Good job on all the hard work. Today was good for me nothing to wild and crazy. I finished my mario for the door. I'm making a box with the question mark and make it look like a coin is coming out. Over his head. That piece is still in the works :) have a good night


Congrats on selling the house mom and congrats on buying a house Rachel. That is exciting. My day was good. Tuesday's are meeting days so I spent a lot of time in the meeting room. I even had to stay late because a meeting went long. I was tough and made it thru. After work I came home and did dishes and laundry. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 24, 2018


Today was good. We side stepped all the weird conversations in the meeting we had today. So I was nice for me to delay the awkward talk. They were giving away furniture from photoshoots. I was able to snag a atuoman. I was excited I am thing of putting it in my sewing loft when I move



I am sorry about your pump Karen, that is the worst.  I am sorry that work is crazy Mom, that is so stressful.  You guys are amazing.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning and I feel like I am getting stronger.  Oliver had school and we went on a walk while he was gone.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  Oliver really really wanted to go to the fun park so when Isaac came home we went and they played in the soft play.  It was a good night.  Casey got a bonus check today so that was a fun surprise.  We are signing the closing papers tomorrow morning, thanks for coming up Mom.  It will be a good day.


Full Moon

It must be a full moon.  It was a crazy day today at work but I survived.  Barely.  I did stay late and work through my tutorials so that felt  nice.  I am going to do that again on Wednesday.  We are going up to Logan tomorrow to sign papers.  We are celebrating at Hu Hot.  It will feel nice to leave early tomorrow.  Everyone have a great day.  They are for sure moving offices so I will get a new office on Friday.  I also get to be in charge of the move.  Lucky me.  LOVE MOM


My day was good for a Monday. Work is still busy but it isn't as crazy so that is good. I emailed the medical supply place to see when my pump was going to show up. They told me it was backordered so it won't get here until the end of next week. So that was annoying. But oh well at least it will get here sometimes. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Thanks you guys for the fun weekend.  I love the boos Robin, thank you for doing that.  I am excited.  Here are my pictures from the weekend.  Good luck everyone tomorrow.



Thanks for the fun weekend.  I had a good time.  Those ghosts are amazing Robin.  You are so talented.  I love them.  I am glad you got a lazy day Karen.  We went to the zoo and we saw the baby giraffe.  She is really cute.  I just vegged after we got home.  We watched Jurassic World.  Thanks Karen for buying that.  I like the first one better but it is a good show.  I have to go to work early tomorrow.  I hope I wake up.  Everyone have a wonderful week.  I am excited to haunt the house.  LOVE MOM


I had a fun weekend also. Thanks for the fun time.  I was just lazy today. I had a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Thanks for the fun weekend. Hope everyone has a great monday. I finished the big boo and 3 little ones tonight



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...