Thursday, June 5, 2014

He is awake

I have been working on sewing my sampler quilt and it has been a lot of fun.  Last time I did it I was having a hard time and I really struggled but this time it has been really fun and I have been doing a lot better on them.  I attached a picture of my progress.  I was working on the hexagon quilt but Isaac wanted to sew when I was feeding Oliver and made a pile of all my hexagons.  I haven't had the heart to lay it all out again so I am working on something else.  We had  a good day.  Oliver has been sleeping  a lot and today he was back to his normal self.  I read online that sometime they eat a ton and then sleep for a couple days because of a growth spurt and that is exactly what he did.  This afternoon Oliver took a nap and Isaac played in the water outside, it was fun.  After dinner we walked to Cold Stone and got ice cream.  It was fun, it was a really nice evening.  Isaac ran and ran, he had a lot of energy.  When we got home I put Oliver to bed and Isaac and Casey went to feed the ducks.  At the park they ran into the four wheeler train and Isaac got to ride it.  He was on cloud nine, he had a great time.  This weekend we are coming down on Saturday to the party and we will go home that night.  We can do something fun after the party.  We are excited to see everyone.



We made it through graduation.  It was long but we just sat and talked it was fun.  We went to lunch afterwards.  It was almost 3 before we got to lunch.  I had a nice time.  Just nice to visit.  I am tired.  I got the trailer for 8 am on Saturday.  They are only open until 5 on Friday and that was cutting it close.  They said 8 on saturday would work.  We will come up after dinner and work tomorrow night.  Robin if it is too much I think we will be fine to get what needs to be done done.  I am looking forward to this weekend.  Rachel have you firmed up your plans yet?  I can't believe how fast time has gone.  This week has just flown by.  It was nice to have a day off.  LOVE MOM


So walter is busy Friday but I can come up after work and help for a bit Karen. I will probably come back Friday night so I can make the spinach dip for Alyssa's party. Today was good work was work. One girl went home sick so hopefully it was a migraine thing and not a flu thing. One so she isn't sick a long time and two I don't want to catch the stomach bug. Walter picked me up for dinner we went to noodles and company. It tasted good. Not to much else to report on my side. Love ya


Almost Friday

Hi everyone. My day was good. I made it thru work. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. Then I came home and made a macaroni salad for the luncheon tomorrow. Hopefully it tastes okay. I am excited for free dump day. Thanks again mom and dad for coming up and giving me a hand. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nice Day

Robin you will be able to use that picture for bribery when he is older.  I am glad that potty training is going good.  He will figure it out.  I bought him a car magazine to read while he was going potty.  I thought that would help. Oliver's pictures are so cute.  He is growing up so fast.   Today was good at work and then we played with Robin tonight.  It was fun.  Tomorrow I am taking the day off and going to Alyssa's graduation.  That will be nice.  I am going to sleep in.  I am meeting Kay and Julie at 9:30.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad potty training is going well, work was good I am glad we are heading to the last half of the week. I officially am done with jury duty calling in every day. It's a nice feeling. Then I meet up with mom and dad and went grocery shopping we have stuff for spinach dip for Alyssa's graduation. Then I just played my Townsville game on my iPad. I think tomorrow me and Walter are going to try to meet up for dinner. Have a great Thursday.



I am glad that the week is half over. My day was good. We had cake and ice cream at work today. It was good. I went to Smith's after work and got stuff to make a macaroni salad for the luncheon on Friday. It is super windy here tonight, it also looks like it could rain. I am glad that you are making progress in the potty training Rachel. He will get it eventually. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Have fun at Alyssa's graduation, mom. Bye


Isaac was kind of grouchy this morning and didn't want to go on a walk so I decided was the day to start potty training again.  I pulled out the potty videos my friend lent me and we watched them and then we got in his underwear.  He kind of peed in them and then he wouldn't put new ones one so we was running around naked.  That was the key to all of this because he started doing great.  He would go sit on the potty when he needed to go.  He did it all morning until he took a nap.  It was great.  I think that since he is so bullheaded he just needed to be in control of what was going on and being naked gave him that control.  I figure we will do the naked thing for a while and then work in underwear.  We will see how it goes.  I read in the newspaper that they were having old cars meet up at chick fil tonight we went over.   It was really fun and Isaac really enjoyed seeing all the old cars.  Well we are half way done with the week, that is nice.  It has been a fast week.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I love summer too

We had a good day.  Isaac didn't take a nap today and this evening he was tired and grumpy.  Oliver slept for 11 hours last night and didn't get up to eat.  He also took a three hour nap and missed a feeding there also.  Casey thinks he is growing.  He seemed fine when he was awake.  We went and got Ice cream tonight and looked at a crane.  Then Casey went home since he hasn't been sleeping good and we went to the park.  It was really nice weather outside.  I am glad that everyone had a good day and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.


I love summer

I sure am enjoying this weather.  If anyone is having problems with allergies it is grasses.  Just an FYI.  I am still on to go grocery shopping tomorrow night Robin.  We can do dinner also if you would like to.  Not much else going on with me.  I was tired today also.  I am going to bed early tonight.  Work was good.  Nothing too much going on.  LOVE MOM

Paint it

Today was good I worked in awnings again. We painted the graphics on, it was special but I made it out alive. Then I meet up with Walter for dinner. I am tired tonight though I am ready to hit the sack.  Am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday we are closer to the weekend. Are we still on for tomorrow mom? I will text you tomorrow, have a good night

well my day has been good. Work is a little slow but I made it through. I mowed my lawn after work. It was rough but i did it. Well there isn't too much else exciting happening here so I will sign off. Have a good one. BYE

Monday, June 2, 2014


Robin, that is awesome.  Tell Walter Congratulations.  That is really neat that he was able to work through all that paper work.  I am glad that Karen, Mom and Dad had a good time tonight.  That sounds like a really nice evening.  We had a good day.  It seems like it is non stop all day.  I had to go to the dentist for them to check my gums.  It was a five minute check up so I took the kids with me.  They did really good.  Isaac went up to everyone and introduced himself and then his baby Oliver.  It was really cute.  Then he wanted to go to the Jump Zone and the summer hours started today so we went.  It was really fun.  It wasn't too busy but there were enough kids there to entertain Isaac.  I think we will be doing that a lot this summer.  It was funny he was jumping then came up to me and said "Hey Mrs, the house is crashing in."  It made me laugh, I don't know where he got that from.  When we got home Isaac fell asleep in a second he was worn out.  Casey came home and watched Oliver while I went grocery shopping.  Casey went to bed early since he didn't sleep well last night.  Isaac had so much energy we went on a walk and it was a really nice evening.  We are coming down Saturday for Alyssa's party but I don't think we will make it up to Kamas much to Isaac's dismay.


I hung some posters up in Isaac's room

One giant step

Robin, that seems like one giant step to me.  Tell Walter I am proud of him for going through what he has had to go through the couple of months.  His life just changed.  I am proud of you for sticking with him.  I took dad to the doctors today and then we met Karen for lunch.  He wants to do a kidney CAT scan.  We are going to wait and week and see if the kidney stone will pass on its own.  Not much else to report.  It was a beautiful ride to Park City everything is so green.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Robin I am glad that things are working out for Walter. Mom I did like X-men. They are also coming out with a new planet of the apes movie that I want to see and one called guardians of the galaxy that I want to see also. Today was good. Went by pretty fast. Then I met mom and dad for dinner. It was fun to hang out. Free dump day is this weekend so mom and dad are going to be nice and come down and help me down a couple trees before we go to Alyssa's graduation party. It should be exciting. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow.bye

Baby steps

Well I have big news. Walter call me at lunch and his disability came through. He got his back pay and his first check, he was sooooo happy. I was proud of him, they said he was 80% disabled. I felt bad he was in bad shape but I guess it paid off. Anyway just thought I would let you know. He is going to take me to a fancy dinner tomorrow to go celebrate. On my side things were good I worked in awnings all day so it was fun. Then I came home and vegged. Well that's about it for me. I hope everyone had a great Monday.


Sunday, June 1, 2014


Thank you again for the nice time yesterday.  We had such a nice day.  This morning I bribed Isaac with Chocolate cookies if he would go to church and we had a much better morning than we have had in the past.  He went to sunbeams without a problem and had a good time.  I taught the lesson and it went better than last week.  It went good.  We just took it easy the rest of the day.  We all had naps and it was really nice.  That sucks about the phone Robin, I almost texted you to see what kind of phone you got.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



Robin you can see about joining our plan.  It wouldn't be that much to share our plan.  Just a thought.  We took Grandma Bodily to breakfast this morning.  It was nice.  We went to Kohls afterwards and walked around.  It was so pretty outside.  We came home and took a nap afterwards.  Karen did you like the X-Men movie?  I heard it was really good.  Everyone have a great week.  We are going to Park City tomorrow to see Dr. Strong for dad and get some more pain pills for him.  His kidney stones seem to be doing better.  His appointment is at 4:30.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun Saturday it was fun to swim. Me and Walter went to go look at phones and it's more for me to get on his plan then just stay on mine, so I am going to stay with Verizon. I always thought Verizon was the most expensive but they are cheaper then T Mobile. So I didn't get a new phone I am going to go in this week and get it done, I also went to Walter parents for for dinner and now I am just relaxing, have a good one



Well my weekend has been good. It got really windy on Saturday so I didn't get too much weeding done. I went and saw the new X-men movie. It was good. Today was good. I got a nap and that was nice. I hope that everyone had a good weekend. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...