Friday, December 20, 2013

freaky friday

today was a weird not bad just off. I don't know if its just vacation days coming or the storm but but it was something. At sugarhouse our department went to a movie but since I worked at night we all took a half day and went and saw anchor man 2. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't work. Then At pioneer this girl can't work the extended part of the show so I guess I am taking over her track. but there is no time to follow her and see how her track goes because I am taking off my birthay and christmas eve. so I had to read all of her notes and ask her questions because tomorrow is the last day I will see her before I have to do her show. The girl that has been taking my days will just do my track for the extended time. ITs just a mess. we will leave the details for that. And then I forgot to write...Walter wasn't feeling well yesterday and today he went to the doctors and has strep throat and I hadn't seen him since monday so after the movie I went to target and got a t.v series "game of thrones" and some treats and brought them by his house. everyone was there and so I talked for a bit but had to run off to pioneer. SO it was an action packed day. WE are planning on coming up on sunday. I think I am going to meet walter for lunch and then we will head up after around 2-3 ish. I will text before we leave. pending weather and health. Then we are off. travel safe!! love you robin

Let the vacation start

I am so excited we made it.  I only have to work a couple of hours on Monday and then I don't go back until the 2nd.  I am so excited.  We will leave tomorrow.  We will be up there by lunch, weather permitting.  We had to get new debit cards because we were one of the 40 million that shopped at Target and we decided to be safe. Not much else going on with me.  Robin, I am assuming we will see you on Sunday.  Is Walter coming with you?  I got him some PJ's for Christmas Eve.  I am so excited to play for awhile.  Be safe and I will see you all soon.  Robin they had white elephant gifts today and there was this purse.  I got it for you.  I think it will be a good costume prop.   LOVE MOM  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Got ut

Here's a photo of the snow that was on my car after work


It did snow here I had about a foot of snow on my car while I was working. THe roads on state street were plowed pretty good by the time I had to go to pioneer so that was nice. I made it safely everywhere. Its suppost to be bad again on saturday. yesterday I got tickets for walters mom and sister to see elf. I was going to get comp tickets to see it but they really wanted to go. they said they liked the show to. I am so excited that its friday tomorrow and that next week is christmas. well I hope everyone travels safe! stay warm I tried to add a picture of the snow on my car but the blog won't let me I will try again tomorrow robin

Winter came

It was one snow storm here.  I don't think we got as much as you Rachel but the roads were a mess. Dad worked from home and I took Trax in.  The big meeting with Seer was not good.  Nothing from China, they haven't even tested it yet.  What a mess.  Drive safe tomorrow Karen.  I think we are coming up on Saturday.  It is suppose to snow but not that much.  One and 1/2 more days and I am on vacation.  I hope I get some stuff done tomorrow because I am still way behind on stuff.  Oh well it will be there when I get back.  Have a great Friday.  Robin be safe in this weather  LOVE MOM


We got a lot of snow last night.  This morning we went out to shovel and bit so we could take the garbage out and the Anderson's next door used their snow blower and did the sidewalk and driveway.  It was really really nice of them.  Isaac really liked digging in the snow also, it was a nice morning.  We went to the mall and got our picture with Santa.  It isn't the greatest picture but Isaac looks pretty good.  Karen, drive safe tomorrow.  We are looking forward to seeing you.  Everyone have a good night.  I am getting excited for Christmas.


Almost there

I only have half a day left to work. I still need to pack to go to Logan tomorrow, but that shouldn't be too hard to do. The party was fun last night. They didn't have any cash drawings so there weren't any major winners. We didn't get a whole lot of snow today. We didn't even get any snow until about three. I am keeping my figures crossed that we still won't get much. Andy said in Morgan this morning he had 6 inches. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Getting closer

Robin I am glad you got some sleep you really needed that.  Rachel, I think that is so funny you talked about trucks in the dark.  He is so funny.  Karen congratulations on the ham.  Christmas Eve will be a success.  I finished wrapping all my presents tonight.  It felt really nice to have that done.  I still need to get Walter some PJ's but my list is getting shorter and shorter.  Dad has a meeting at 1:00 tomorrow.  Fred is back from China and he is going to tell them what happened.  I will keep you posted as I know more.  I hope it is good things.  It is suppose to be freezing rain in the morning everyone drive really safe.  LOVE MOM


sorry I didn't blog last night I "watched" netflix mostly with my eyes closed but I did catch the first five minutes of something. then I rolled into bed. It was nice to sleep. I feel a little caught up today but still tired. tis is life. Only two more days of working at sugar house before I start vacation time :) so excited. work has been SO SLOW. its killing me. I have half of my gifts wrapped. I put things in boxes..... volla lazy man wrapping. Everything else that needs to be wrapped in paper I will do last minute. just to make me feel the christmas rush :) anyway not to much else with me I ordered pizza today because it was cold out and didn't want to make anything and did a batch of laundry mostly my blacks for pioneer. tomorrow I start again at elf my mini break is done. I got paid from my makeup gig last night so that means a 3 paycheck week. that will be nice. have a great one robin

Things to do

Karen,  I keep forgetting to tell you that on Saturday morning you are going to come with me to Terri's family party.  It will be fun and we wont stay long.  Also on Saturday night their is a ward Christmas party if anyone wants to go to it.  I think that is all I was forgetting.  I finished up Christmas shopping tonight and I am glad to be done.  We are getting a lot of neighbor gifts and I didn't do anything.  I feel kind of bad, maybe next year we will do something.  I have been really wanting cinnamon rolls and someone brought some tonight.  It tasted good and now I am over it.  We watched Merry Madagascar this morning and Isaac laughed through the whole thing and throughout the day he would just start laughing and say that is a silly show.  It was funny.  Also tonight he said he wanted to go in the dark room and talk about trucks.  So we went in his room and he turned off the lights and we named trucks we liked.  It made me laugh.  Well that is about it I hope that everyone has a good night and thanks for everything.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Going Good

I had a good day also.  I left work early to take dad to the stomach doctor.  He thinks it is acid reflux so they are going to try a new medicine.  I think it is worth a try.  We went grocery shopping afterwards and that was nice.  Rachel the number is buy the button you open the door as you come into the garage.  I am glad that Isaac got some sleep.  It does make a big difference.  I know it does with me.  I am getting so excited for the holidays.  I am glad you got a break Robin.  Karen I am glad you are making more of those cookies 18 wouldn't be enough.  Robin says that one person can eat that many when she makes them for work.  Tomorrow we are going to lunch for work because one of the ladies is quitting and it is her farewell.  That will be fun.  I got the name of Jeff's dentist and I am going to give him a try.  I have a cavity in my front tooth and it needs to be fixed.  Have a great day.  It is hump day.  LOVE MOM


Good luck on your cookies Karen, I hope that they are delicious.  Robin, I am glad that you get a mini break, that will be nice for you.  Mom I didn't see a number anywhere on the garage door opener.  I will ask Casey tomorrow if he has seen it anywhere.  Today Isaac slept until 7 and he was really happy all day.  It was a nice day.  The potty training didn't go as well today but he made it most of the morning.  He got frustrated around lunch so we just switched back to a diaper.  We will just keep trying it out in the morning.  Isaac didn't want to go to story time so we just stayed home and read books.  Jenn came over and sewed and I finished up the Santa quilt.  It was bigger then I thought so I had to make the borders smaller.  I think that it looks pretty good.  I don't put the eyes on mustache on until after I quilt it.  I will put pictures on then.  Isaac and Casey set up the tent and watched a movie and had a good afternoon.  Well everyone stay safe and have a good night.


another day over

Well Tuesday is almost over. When I woke up I kept thinking that it was Wednesday, so I felt like it should be later in the week. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I was thinking about the cookie contest and decided that one batch of the Oreo truffles wasn't going to be enough (it only made 18). So I went to food town here in Kamas and got stuff to make another batch. The company Christmas party is tomorrow night. Wish me luck on winning stuff. Have a great one

Monday, December 16, 2013

Last monday

today was good. The girl that is "splitting" a track with me is taking today, tuesday and wednesday. So that will be nice to get a mini break. Today was the last monday I had to work at sugar house in 2013 I am taking vacation for the next two weeks. I am so excited. its going to be a long week I feel like though waiting for the vacation days to start. I finished walter's quilt. I took it to work because I snipped through some threads when I was doing the edges and holes appeared so I thought I would just machine over it again. It doesn't look amazing but its done. I meet up with walter later in the night and delivered presents to some of his friends I will post a picture of the quilt tomorrow when i have more time. Thanks for mailing the bag rachel you are the best! Not to much else going on with me hope you have a great night robin

Does such a time even exist

I am sorry Rachel 5:30 is so early.  That does make for a long day.  I hope he sleeps well tonight.  Karen I really like your cookies.  They looked really cute.  Way to go.  Robin I hope your play is going well.  Only one and 1/2 more weeks to go.  I woke up really dizzy this morning but I am feeling better.  Dad got paid so that made my Christmas a whole lot more cheery.  Dad is going to the stomach doctor tomorrow and get checked out.  Not much else to report.  I am going to leave work a little early tomorrow.  On Wednesday we are having a farewell party for someone who is quitting.  I am becoming a party master.  LOVE MOM


Rachel that would kill me also. That makes me tired just thinking about it. My day was good. It is nice that Monday is over. I did get the Oreo truffles made and I think that they turned out cute. I know the cookie thing isn't until Friday but I was nervous they wouldn't turn out. But it will give the chocolate I dipped it in to get more solid in the fridge. Wednesday is our company Christmas party. I just need to wrap my white elephant gift and then I am good to go for that. Well I hope that everyone has a great one. Bye


Isaac is killing me with his sleep schedule.  He woke up at 5:30 this morning and wouldn't go back to sleep.  He wouldn't take a nap so we went grocery shopping and when we got home we had some snacks and painted.  Then he wanted to lay down and I was trying to talk to him so he wouldn't fall asleep but he did.  So he was asleep at 5:30.  I was trying to keep him up so he would sleep all night.  Other than that we had a good day.  We went visiting teaching this morning and that was nice.  It is good to talk with everyone.  Isaac did pretty good also.  He liked everyone's trees.  I mailed Robins bag, she said it will be one to two days so it should get there this week.  I think that I am going to call it an early night also.  I hope that everyone has a good night.  I am excited for next week.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Secret elf society

Today was good I slept in it was lovely. Then I picked up Walter and we went to Buffalo wings for lunch. We went to Costco and bought the 12 days of Christmas package and delivered it to Walters sisters house. We wrote a note that it was from the north pole elf society. The kids loved it. Walter gave it away that it was us so his sister knew. He's the worst elf. But the kids still think it was elfs. But walters cute so I'll keep him . Lol but on our way out we got stuck on the hill since they didn't plow well in front of their house. We were burning rubber. We almost didn't make it out. It was a Christmas miracle we finally got up the hill. Mom I am planning on making houses. I will have time I am taking my birthday off and only working half day the 24th. They don't take to long to make. I'm excited for next week it will be fun! Love you



I forgot to tell you that I love the jokes.  They were funny.  That is neat that Isaac is potty training.  Our baby is growing up.  I love the bag.  We had a quiet day.  I cooked  a roast and got up late and took a nap.  We did walk the mall today and man was it crowded.  I think we will try and avoid that from now until after Christmas.  I am getting really excited for Christmas.  It is going to be fun.  Robin are you going to have time to make gingerbread houses.  The only reason I ask is whether I need to buy decorations for them.  Have a great week.  One more and we start the Christmas/Birthday celebrations.  LOVE MOM


Yesterday Casey had Isaac sit on the potty and then he put in him underwear.  We had him in it most of the day and he did really well.  He peed twice in the potty and had one accident.  It was after he had peed in the potty and I don't think he emptied his bladder.  I did the same thing this morning before church and he did really well again.  He is a pro.  I am just going to start having him be in underwear when we are home and give it a go.  He is amazing.  Today at church they had him go into primary and he was upset going there but when we left he said that was so fun.  I think that he will get the hang of it.  He teacher is nice and we will work on it.  Casey didn't work this weekend and it was nice to have him home.  His friend never came up so it was just us.  I made the roast yesterday and it turned out really good, thanks Mom.  I finished the bag for Robin's friend today and I am going to mail it tomorrow.  I can't believe Christmas is almost here, it is coming really fast.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...