Friday, December 20, 2013

freaky friday

today was a weird not bad just off. I don't know if its just vacation days coming or the storm but but it was something. At sugarhouse our department went to a movie but since I worked at night we all took a half day and went and saw anchor man 2. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't work. Then At pioneer this girl can't work the extended part of the show so I guess I am taking over her track. but there is no time to follow her and see how her track goes because I am taking off my birthay and christmas eve. so I had to read all of her notes and ask her questions because tomorrow is the last day I will see her before I have to do her show. The girl that has been taking my days will just do my track for the extended time. ITs just a mess. we will leave the details for that. And then I forgot to write...Walter wasn't feeling well yesterday and today he went to the doctors and has strep throat and I hadn't seen him since monday so after the movie I went to target and got a t.v series "game of thrones" and some treats and brought them by his house. everyone was there and so I talked for a bit but had to run off to pioneer. SO it was an action packed day. WE are planning on coming up on sunday. I think I am going to meet walter for lunch and then we will head up after around 2-3 ish. I will text before we leave. pending weather and health. Then we are off. travel safe!! love you robin

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...