Saturday, September 24, 2011

so close

sorry I didn't blog last night. It was opening night at lagoon so we all went out for dinner afterwords, which was till 12. then I had to make some fake blood for a short film I helped on this morning so I was up till 2 and woke up at 7 to go to the movie shoot then ran to lagoon and worked all day there. now i am beat. but monday I have off!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) so excitment. well have a great sunday



Well I got a lot done today. I went to the bank, got my car washed, went grocery shopping, and did my dishes. I hope that mom and Rachel got all the canning done they wanted. I really don't have to much to report. I just ran errands so that next weekend when I come up I will have it all done already. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, September 23, 2011


Well I went and got me a new printer today. My old one stopped printing black so i needed a new one. It is cool. I got a wireless one. I am glad that Isaac is taking a more active role in reading time. Pretty soon you won't be able to read any of the words on the page before he turns it. Work dragged today. I think because it was Friday and I really wanted it to be the weekend. I hope that mom and Rachel have a fun time making applesauce tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone. BYE

Page Turner

Isaac learned how to turn pages today when I was reading to him. It was really funny, I would lift up the page and he would turn it. I also made the pork roast today and it was really good, I used this recipe,, and it tasted really good. It was fun. Collin came and took the washer and dryer today and gave them to someone. It was nice of him. Well I hope that everyone had a good day. Both of Isaac's teeth came through so he was happy today, it was so nice.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

last day

well it was a good last day chill. I am really glad to be done, the job sucked but I will surely miss the paychecks. well today was preview night at lagoon it went well. Tomorrow is opening. I am so excited for this shanninagans to be over. Its been alot. I like isaacs chair rachel he is getting so big, I'm glad that everyone is doing well have a great friday


Almost to the weekend

I did it. I went and got the flu shot. I figured I had to do it and prolonging it wasn't helping. It didn't hurt and I don't feel bad so that is good. It just kept making me mad that I wasn't given the choice. I had a good day. It was a quiet day and I like those. They said at Jiffy Lube is was a wiring issue and that he just wiggled a wire and it came on. He thinks I should go get the wiring looked at. I need to register the car in October I thought I would have it checked out then. I love your pictures Rachel. Thanks for posting them. Casey went out and checked the lights for me and they were all working so I feel better. I am meeting Kay and Jeff and Kay's family for pizza tomorrow night to give them the checks. Then I am completely done with Grandmas estate. I think that will help me calm down a little. At least I hope. My blood work all came back super normal. YEAH. That is all good. LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

Robin I hope that you had a great last day of work at Zions. My day went well. Work was alittle slow at first at work but then it picked up. I like the new car sit, Rachel. I think that will make car rides better because now he can look outside and see things. He might actually like car rides now. I also want to say that I think your blocks of the month are really cute. I hope that Jiffy Lube got your brake light fixed mom. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I have to teach primary on Sunday, but mom came up with a good idea so it should be good. Well have a great Friday every one. BYE


I keep thinking of things I am going to blog about and I forgot when I sit down to do it so I am going to cover some of those things. I got my Oct block of the month on Saturday, YEA, and I finished it yesterday. I fell like I am a failure when I finish them but when I stand back and look at them they aren't too bad. I have attached a picture. Also yesterday Mom and Dad got Isaac a new car seat that is front facing and he is sitting up. He likes it. We drove to Joanns today just to walk around and test it out and it went well. It was nice because I could point the AC at him and cool him off. Also I could wave at him and he liked that. I made one of the pork slices for lunch today and it was really good Mom. I think that I am going to make the roast tomorrow, I found a recipe online that looked good so I am going to try that. I bought a pedal for the Casio downstairs and that has been fun, it was only $20. Isaac really ins't into the piano really, today when I was playing he somehow got under his bouncer and was playing, it was really funny. I am starting to cut out the quilt we got at the quilt fair and I am excited about that. I joined Google + so if anyone wants to be my friend on that it would be fun. Well I think that it what I have been forgetting to say. I hope that everyone had a good day. I hope you last day was nice Robin.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Home again Home again

Well Robin tomorrow is the last time for Zions. Congratulations. Exciting. Karen I missed emailing you also. The day seemed to just fly by. The doctor gave me an inhaler to try and took some blood. See if that will help me breathe a little better. I am going to pick them up on SAturday. I had a fun day. Isaac is just so much fun. Rachel and Casey are fun also. Karen I am glad you liked the quilt. It is so perfect for your bedroom. Rachel is an amazing quilter. Well back to work for me. I think I will take the bus in the morning. I haven't done that all week. LOVE MOM

Where does the time go

Karen, I am glad that you liked the quilt. It looked really pretty in the picture you send. I am excited. We had a really fun day, it went way to fast. It was really fun to spend the day with everyone. Well tomorrow will be quiet, I guess it is only two more days until the weekend.


Wow, Rachel I was really surprised when your package showed up. The quilt looks really pretty. I had a pretty good day. Work was slow, but I managed to find stuff to do so that I wasn't bored for too long. I did miss emailing mom at work though. How did the doctor go by the way? Well have a good one. BYE

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So I thought it was wensday today and was really disturbed to find out it was only step to next week..... well not to much else in life just work work work work work and some more work. loads of fun



Mom, I am really excited to see you guys tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. Thanks, I am excited. I got a calling today, I am going to be on the enrichment board. It is a easy calling I think so it will be good and I will get to meet people. :)

My Wednesday

Well tomorrow I get to play. I am excited about that. I was reading there is a pumpkin shortage so I will start looking for pumpkins. I got my sheets washed on the bed and that is always nice to sleep on. Clean sheets. Love them. I am going to sleep in for a little while. Rachel we will be in Logan for lunch. We will take you out. Have a great Wednesday Just think Robin just two more days and you are done with Zions. LOVE MOM


Well I am doing good. Work was little slow but not too bad so I wasn't too bored. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. i hope that mom and dad have a good time in Logan at their doctor appointments. Today was really pretty outside, I love this time of year. Well have a great one bye.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Mom, I like that plan. That sounds fun. I am excited. We had a good day today, it went pretty fast. The neighbor borrowed our lawn mower and I was so worried about it. I feel really attached to it. he brought it back safely and said it was a amazing mower, which it is. I am loving this weather, it is so nice outside. It is getting cold at night. I have been putting a real quilt on Isaac, the one Terry made him. On Saturday night after I fed Isaac I went to turn on the heater because I was so cold and it was 70 degrees and I felt like a wimp. Who gets cold at 70? Good thing I have two Josh Groban jackets. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a stress free day tomorrow. I am excited for you to come up on Wednesday Mom.


I have a plan :)

Well I have figured out a plan for conference weekend. What do you think of this plan. Friday night we will go to Frightmare to see Robin's shows. It is family night so it will be cheap to get in. Is that OK with you Robin? Then on Saturday I will get some pumpkins and we can carve pumpkins and see if there is a corn maze? Then on Sunday I will fix a nice lunch and Karen can go back home. HOw does that sound for a plan. I was excited. Not much else to report with me. Just same old same old. Oh I did have one more good news. They fixed the washer so now there are two that are working. I was done with laundry by 7. It was very nice. LOVE MOM


Well I made it thru Monday. It was so pretty outside today. It was really hard to go to work. Work was good I stayed busy for the most part which made the day go by somewhat fast. I am sorry that you were stressed Robin. When is your last day of Zions? Rachel good idea on the chewy stuff. I think that will help Isaac with his teeth. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I can't believe how big little isaac is getting he is getting all grown up . Tear. well today started stressful, I felt like I had to finish everything by tonight. But then I decided I will never be done today so I wasn't so stressed, thanks for the fake blood and eye lashes mom. I keep meaning to tell you but everytime i see you I am on the run or have a million things to think about. sorry but thanks I really like them. well this week is tech week we open on friday.. yeep its going to be a nightmare and the last week of zions. If i make it through I will be a lot crazier person. :) anyway have a great monday



Last night I was changing Isaac and he was a little fussy so I gave him his binki and he started chewing it, and it donned on me that last time he teethed I gave him his binki alot and he chewed it. Lately I never give it to him and that may be why it is taking long. So today I have been giving it too him a lot for something to chew. We went to church this morning that was nice. We just went to Sacrament. I am glad that you made it to your ward Mom, that will be really nice. We were out eating apples and I gave one to Isaac with a bit out of it and he loved chewing on that also. I think that it was good for his teeth. It was fun to watch. Casey wanted to moved our washer and dryer downstairs so Collin came over and helped him do that. Terry and his Dad came over after and we went out for Ice cream. They offered his Dad early retirement so he took it. He gets severance pay for one year, but he doesn't qualify for social security for two so he isn't sure what he is going to do after his severance pay. Well I had a really nice weekend, it was so fun to have everyone come up yesterday and today was nice to be at home. Here are some pictures of Isaac eating apples.


Well I have had a good day. Nothing too exciting to report. I am glad that you got a ward, mom. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I talked to mom on the phone and then I forgot. Oh well. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. BYE

Nice weekend

I have had a good weekend. It was a nice trip to Logan yesterday and see everyone up there. It was really rainy going through Sardine but it felt so nice. Fall is in the air. I love this time of year. I hope Isaac's teeth come in soon. They look so sore. We went to our ward today. I know shocker. They are going to move our records to here. I feel good about that. We stayed for Sacrament and Sunday School and then came home. It is in an older building like Rachel's ward in SLC. They all seemed really nice. I even got a nap. I have been doing a little organizing this afternoon and that feels nice also. I need to do a lot more of that. I was thinking of crocheting this evening. I haven't done that for a long time. Some sort of craft. That feels so nice to have time to do that. WEll I hope everyone else had a good weekend. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...