Friday, July 20, 2018


Work was good, I was a half hour over my time so I left a little early and got on trax and there was a malfunctioning train and it took us 90 minutes to move.  So much for leaving early.  We just vegged and watched a movie afterwards.  Everyone drive safe.  Rachel you don't have to rush.  Just come up when you can.  Drive real safe.  I am excited to play.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Friday afternoons always seem long, but I made it thru. Work was good. Just the usual. I am excited to play this weekend. Drive safe everyone. Bye


Today was good.  We just went slow this morning and then we went to a concert at the tabernacle.  Two girls from young women's were performing.  It was really good and the kids lasted the whole time.  They were a little antsy neat the end but they wanted to stay.  We went to Mcdonalds for lunch afterwards.  When we got home we played with playdough which was fun.  Then Isaac and Oliver went to a birthday party and Ruthie watched a princess show.  Tomorrow we had a breakfast at 8 and we will leave for Kamas after that.  Thanks for having us.


Thursday, July 19, 2018


Well work was good today. It was busy so it went by fast. Then after work I picked up mom and dad and we went and got my jeep. Yeah it is fixed. Then on the way home there was a wreck as mom said. So I was stuck there for about an hour before they let us thru. It sucked being stuck but hey what can you do. I did nake it home safe and sound so that us good. I even remember to put my trash can out. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Karen came down this evening and we went and picked up her jeep.  She said the sound is all gone so that is good.  She was the 5th car in line in a motorcycle wreck that shut down parleys so she hasn't made it home yet.  I am glad she did see it.  Robin, I am glad you survived going in early.  I am so looking forward to 4 days off also.  My boss asked me if I wanted to take an ATP class.  It is on quality.  It is an 8,000.00 class.  I said yes and went and registered for it.  I start it in August.  I was pretty excited about that one.  I am worried I might not be very good but I will study hard.  That was my exciting news.  Everyone have a nice Friday and I will see you in Kamas on Saturday.  Robin do you want to drive up with us?  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Ruthie seemed like she was feeling a lot better today which was nice.  Isaac had summer reading this morning but I could not get him to finish the book so we didn't make it.  We met Casey at the DI at his lunch time and walked around and then we went to the Hobby Lobby to get a girl down the street a birthday present her party tomorrow.  We also picked up some crafts to do.  It was fun to do them in the afternoon.  The girls next door came and played for a while also and they were really nice.  Casey had to get a filling fixed today so we went out to dinner to do something fun.  Casey mowed the lawn when we got home and then took the kids on a ride when he was done.  Love you guys and have a good day tomorrow.



Today was good I went to work early and made it alive. It was nice to leave earlier. It's so hot outside. It was a chill day so not much to report. I'm excited to have 4 days off. Just one more day to go


Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Ruthie has been grumpy but she isn't acting too sick.  She is doing pretty good, she still looks pale to me.  This morning we took Leona to the bank so she could order checks.  After we dropped her off we went to Sonics and got some slurpes and ate them on the deck which was nice.  We did perler beads and that was fun.  My visiting teachers came and they brought me flowers for my birthday which was nice.  This afternoon Oliver and Isaac were jumping on the trampoline with the water on and Isaac accidentally hit Oliver on the head with the hose.  He has the biggest goose ache, poor guy.  It looks so sore.  When Casey came home we drove over and visited Leona, I was worried about Ruthie in a bike trailer so we just drove.  Then we came home and ate dinner.  They boys rode their bikes to Lee's to pick up some groceries and go on a bike ride.  I am glad that your jeep is fixed Karen, good job.  I am sorry you have to wake up so early Robin, that is hard.



It was a quiet day today and I got a lot done.  I picked up a new assignment and I hope that is good.  Not much else going on we did go grocery shopping.  We having been home and eating so we were out of food.  It was nice to open the freezer and see food.  I made sloppy joes for dinner and that tasted good.  Karen, I am so glad they found out what was wrong with the jeep.  Robin 7 is early.  I hope you make it through.  Tomorrow night we are going to help Karen pick up her car.  That will be a fun night.  Rachel, I hope that Ruth is doing OK.  You are in for a long week.  LOVE MOM


I'm glad you got your car checked out Karen. That is crazy. My day was good I was tired. I guess I need to start going in at 7 now for a little while. I'm not doing anything so I'm not sure why. But I will do what I need to do. I guess until everyone feels good about the UK I'm in it to win it. Lol Have a good one



Well the finally found the problem with my car, it was a wheel bearing. They had to order the part so my car will be ready tomorrow. My day was good. Work was busy because I had to catch up with what I missed yesterday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Thanks guys.  It sounds like you had a really nice day Karen, good job.  Good job on the pump consultation, that is exciting.  Ruth doesn't have a cold Mom, we probably gave something to you sorry. That sounds like a good plan Mom, we should go to the zoo one day also.  Today was a nice day.  Randy came this morning and took the boys for the day.  They went hiking and to the park.  I had a good day with Ruth.  We had to go to the bank so we got a jimmy johns sandwich and we both enjoyed it.  We were laying on the couch this afternoon and Ruthie took a nap which she really needed it.  It was nice to have some quiet so she could do that.  Oliver picked some flowers for me at Randy's and was really cute about them.  Randy took us out to dinner which was fun.  I was really late to young women but they were delivering flyers so it wasn't a big deal.  She said that we are getting released soon so that will be fun.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


Happy birthday

I hope you had a good birthday rachel!! I'm sorry your jeep couldn't get fixed Karen hopefully they figure it out. I'm good with that plan mom. I'm easy peasy. Today was alright work was slow and crazy things kept happening. I went grocery shopping. It was so hot today.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Rachel, I hope it was a good one. Like mom said my jeep isn't fixed yet. They agree it is making a noise but they haven't found what is causing it yet. So hopefully tomorrow they can get it fixed. Me and dad had a fun day. After we dropped off the jeep we went to the zoo. Then we went to mom's work and met her for lunch. We took dad's watch to a jeweler and they put a new battery in. Then I went to the doctor. I have a pump consultation in a month because insurance requires a month of blood sugar testing 4 times a day. So after i do that then i go in. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Happy Happy Birthday Rachel

Happy official birthday Rachel.  I hope you had a nice day.  I am sure with a 2 year old with tonsil surgery it had its moments.  Karen's jeep didn't get fix today.  I am so glad that dad went with her.  She would have been stranded.  They said she could have the jeep back but it wouldn't be fixed.  She took our car home so she is safe and sound in Kamas.  I was thinking about this weekend and I thought I would see what you think of this TENTATIVE plan.  I know a lot will depend on how Ruth is feeling.  If it is too much we can come to Logan.
Saturday - Kamas. It is the demolition derby and they will have fireworks that night
Sunday - Kamas sewing day.  We can leave on Sunday and come to SLC if you want to.
Monday - sew in the morning and then go down to SLC and play
Tuesday - play in SLC.  I haven't figured out where to go I am letting Ruth guide us with that decision.
That was just an idea.  I am really good with anything.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I didn't feel 100 percent today and I was worried I gave something to Ruth.  I did go to work but everyone was kind of grouchy.  I think it could have just been me.  LOVE MOM

Monday, July 16, 2018

Birthday Eve

I am glad that your AC is working now Robin.  I am glad that you guys met up for dinner, that is fun.  I wish we lived closer.  Ruthie is doing really well considering she just had her tonsils out.  She was pretty moody so we just stayed downstairs mostly and watched shows.  When she gets grumpy she is really grumpy.  This morning we built legos on the deck and that was fun, the boys really liked them.  We listened to stories on Alexa and that was really nice, the kids liked it.  After dinner Randy came over to picked up a canoe.  He stayed for a bit and the kids played in the backyard, it was a nice evening.  Ruth was getting pretty grumpy at dinner so we loaded her up with medicine and she had a good evening.  Love you guys.  I am excited for the 24th.  Casey is going to stay this weekend and work.  We are going to come down Saturday and stay until Tuesday if that works ok.  I am going to bring my sewing machine.


Back to work

I was tired today but I made it through the day.  Karen is going to fix her jeep tomorrow so I said come on down and play and then you can leave from my house in the morning.  So me and Karen and Dad and Robin went to dinner and played.  It was a nice evening.  Rachel, I hope Ruth is doing OK.  Not much else going on with us.  DAd is going to drive out with Karen and make sure she doesn't get stranded in Tooele.  Love ya MOM

Work it

Saturday/Sunday my ac stopped working and it was Terrible. I called them today and when I got home they fixed it! It's so nice. I meet up with mom, dad and Karen for dinner and pinochle. I was fun. I'm sad its only Monday but next week I have 4 days off so I'm excited for that. Have a good one


Sunday, July 15, 2018


We had a really nice day with Mom and Dad.  I went to church this morning and then had a meeting.  Mom and Dad took the boys birthday shopping and Ruth and Casey slept.  We got Even Stevens for lunch which is one of my favorites.  We played games and made taffy in the afternoon.  Casey spend all day working on a crepe cake for me and then made salmon and potatoes for dinner.  Everything tasted really good.  It was a great birthday party and I feel very loved.  Thanks guys.  It is going to be hard to go back to normal again.


Home again

We made it home safe and sound.  Ruth is doing really well.  She is eating and a little moody but all in all she is amazing.  We had a nice weekend helping and tonight we did a birthday party for Rachel.  It was fun.  We made salt water taffy.  I haven't done that in years.  I hope that everyone has a nice week.  LOVE MOM


I have had a quiet day. I have been watching Chuck. It is a funny show. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...