Saturday, September 19, 2015


Well my day has been good. I got to sleep in. Then I got my dishes done. Then I went down to Salt Lake and went to Costco with mom and dad. I didn't hang out long because I had to go grocery shopping. I hope everyone had a good Saturday. Bye

Friday, September 18, 2015

I made it

I made it to Friday.  I don't think I have worked a whole week in such a long time.  It felt kind of weird.  I did stop at the store on my way home.  Dad stayed home today and just rested.  I think he is starting to feel better.  I love that onsie Robin that is darling.  You are getting really good at that.  When did those boys grow up.  They look so big.  Karen I think your picture was really funny.  Have a great weekend.  I did buy a few things to help decorate for Isaac next weekend LOVE MOM

Try friday

Today was good at work we thought it would be fun to have "try" friday. It's where we dress up and do make up and try to look nice. It was fun. Then we went to ogies for lunch it's good. Grandma would like it, the place reminded me of alices. I picked up a onsie at Walters parents. His sisters little one is going to be a clown so she wanted a clown onsie. I also used the pink glitter vinyl for the letters. I met up with Joe also to give him the jacket back. He was happy with the patchs. Well I'm tired I've been running all day. Karen-- my boss had left for the day but I will ask her in monday about the cotton candy machine. Thank you again



I am so glad that it is the weekend. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Work went good today. I got a project done so that was good. It is still chilly here. We have definitely entered heater weather. I hope everyone had a great Friday.

Image result for sleep jokes

Mr Sun

Today was pretty good.  Casey said the job he turned down called him back and asked what it would take so he will call them Monday and see what they have to say, he can't have his phone at work.  It was cold this morning so I turned on the heater but it turned out to be a really pretty day.  The boys enjoyed being outside.  I got out all of Isaac's 18-24 month stuff and 2t stuff.  I had Oliver wear a 18-24 month sweater and pants today, they sweater fit really good but the pants were pretty big on him.  I finished all my blocks and got them in the right order.  I was working on it last night and I looked at the clock and it was 10:30, I lost track of time working on it.  I don't have a picture because I don't have anywhere to lay it out.  I don't have much else going on.  Everyone have a good weekend.


Thursday, September 17, 2015


Today was good. Work was slow so that was nice. Joe called and want me to pick up the jacket. He wants me to sew patchs on. So I met up with him and got the jacket. It only took me a few minutes to finish the sewing so that was nice. Then Walter came over and we got a red box and mc donalds. Also at work someone bought one of the cancer quilt squares. but they are due tomorrow and they hadn't finished theirs so they asked me to help. I used mom's pink sparkle vinyl you bought me so it was easy. I also started on my zombie letters. I ran out of black paint so I have to pick up some more.



I worked a little late tonight to make up the hours from taking off on Tuesday.  I made up all the hours.  I am saving all my leave so I can help with the baby.  I am way excited for that.  Dad had to work later than me so I drove trax and got the pictures of the boys from Penney's.  They are so dang cute.  I love all of them.  Dad wasn't feeling well so we came home and had dinner and just vegged.  His stomach wasn't feeling very well.  I think it is just allergy season.  Not much else going on with me.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  I think it is the first week I have worked a whole week in a long time.  LOVE MOM

Almost Done

I only have half a block left on my sampler quilt and then all the blocks are done.  I am going to finish it tonight I hope.  When Isaac was at school Casey and Oliver ran some errands and I stayed and sewed, it was nice.  Casey turned down the job today and I think it was good.  He can find a better paying one.  I tried to make a ghost with Isaac this afternoon with cheese cloth and cornstarch but I made it too thick and it didn't work out.  I think we are going to try again tomorrow.  We went and visited Randy this evening and it was good to see them.  When we got home we went on a walk and it started to rain when we were almost home so we had good timing.  It should be better weather tomorrow so we might try to go to the zoo.  Everyone have a good Friday.



Well I actually saw the sun for a little while today. It was also a little warmer today than yesterday was. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Today was good it was super rainy. Work was chill so that was nice. I had the night off of scheels. Tomorrow we are having a pot luck for a girl that is quitting. I decided to make a cheese cake and be ambitious. I think I over plan what I can do. That is all I did was cook. I didn't get any sewing done. Hopefully I will be more productive later this week. Well. Not much else with me. Have a good wednesday



Sorry I missed your call Mom.  They class went until almost 10 and it was too late to call back.  That is good to know at offers.  I told Casey about it.  Casey had a job interview this morning and he didn't think it went well but they called this afternoon and offered him a job.  It is less money but we are not sure about benefits so we are thinking about it.  Isaac had to take the sharing bag today for the letter B so he wanted to take his blanket, he was pretty excited.  Oliver really wanted some chocolate milk so we picked up Isaac and went out to the cheese factory.  They were pretty excited to get some.  I had that birth class again tonight and it was interesting.  It is pretty long, I go at 6 and it last until almost 10.  Well everyone have a good night and stay warm.


Quiet day

This week has been so much better at work.  I am so enjoying the quiet.  It rained here all day.  It was really nice to watch it from my window.  I worked a little late because I left work early so I only have to make up another 1/2 hour and I am good to go.  We were going to go pick up pictures today but Rachel said there was a power outage and that we had to pick up the pictures tomorrow.  Did you lose power Robin?  Karen I bet you are cold.  It was 56 when we came home from work.  I am so glad the week is on the downhill side.  I can't believe it is the middle of September already.  LOVE MOM


Well it is cold here today. I really don't have anything exciting to report. Work is going good. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

No Fair

I never made it to the fair.  Kay, Julie and Jen were there and a huge storm moved in they said they were going to stay but by the time I left work they had had enough so we met at the Valley Fair Mall.  It just poured rain the whole way there.  I haven't seen rain like that in a long time.  I am glad that Casey made it home safe and sound.  That was really nice of Randy to come and get the boys.  Robin that does look like a really good recipe.  I am going to make it.  I hope Walter knows how spoiled he is.  Karen is has been raining here all night also.  I love the rain.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the recipe Robin, that looks good.  We had a good day.  Casey went backpacking last night and came home this evening.  They got rained on but had a fun time.  They seemed happy.  The boys got up early and I thought it was going to be a really long day but it turned out good.  We went to the grocery store this morning and then went to story time.  Jenn came over to sew which was fun, I did three more blocks so I only have three more.  Randy came over while we were sewing and wanted to take Isaac and Oliver out for a treat.  Oliver was asleep so he just took Isaac.  They got doughnuts and went hiking at first dam.  They had a fun time and it was nice to have him have a good time while I sewed.  The afternoon was nice outside so we got to play in the backyard.  Casey has a job interview tomorrow so I will let you know how that goes.  Everyone have a good night.


I thought of Robin


Well it rained here most of the day. My day was good. Work is moving along. I also had engineering meeting today. So that took up a lot of the morning. That recipe looks good Robin. I will have to try it one day. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.


Today went by so slow. I swear it was 9 o'clock for at least 3 hours. :/ but I made it out alive. I made beef stroganoff for dinner. Walter is going to come over and get some :) it's really good I've made it a couple of times. I keep forgetting to share the recipe so I thought I would blog as I'm cooking so I would remember. I put the link below. I don't use mushrooms but I think for dad if you take out the sour cream the sauce would be tasty on noodles. Have a good one


Monday, September 14, 2015

I love to play

I sure had a fun birthday weekend also.  It was tough to get back to the real world.  I am with Rachel.  I can hardly wait until next birthday so we can have crab.  It was so good.  I thought about it all day.  I am hoping it rains tonight so it will wash my car.  I was in the garage at work all day today.  It needs a bath bad.  I am going to the Fair with Julie and Kay tomorrow afternoon unless it rains.  We made it to Walmart to night to get groceries.  Everything that was in the house had mold on it.  I love those cookies Rachel.  I got them at Target.  I will have to go and get another box of them.  They are cute.   Have a fun Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the pictures Robin, I didn't hardly take any.  Thanks for the fun time, I will be thinking of crab until your next birthday Karen.  It was so good.  We had a good day today thanks to all of the fun things Mom bought the boys.  We did fun things all afternoon, we made cookies and glitter stickers.  Oliver woke up at the crack of dawn and slept most of the afternoon.  We walked Isaac to school this morning which was kind of stressful because Isaac went so slow.  I need to give us more time.  Then Casey got ready to go camping.  He left around 12.  It rained a bit after they left but I think that they will be fine.  Julie sent me two cute little girl outfits, they were really cute and that was sweet of her.  Well I am off to make two more blocks.  I hope that I can get them all done this week then I can start on another baby quilt. :)



Today was ok it was a monday. I just wanted to sleep all day. It was nice it was cloudy and rainy. My car needed a wash. Thanks for the fun weekend it was fun.



Well I made it thru Monday. Thanks everyone for the nice birthday. Work was good today. It also rained a bit off and on. I like the rain. I hope everyone had a great day.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Karen thanks for the fun birthday weekend.  I sure had a good time.  I am glad your room turned out the way you wanted it.  I am glad everyone made it home.  I enjoyed Antelope Island, I think I would like to go out there again and do another hike when it is cooler.  Rachel, I hope you got some dinner and that the caffeine rush it doing OK.  Everyone have a wonderful week.  LOVE MOM


 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me...