Saturday, January 18, 2025


 We got some snow last night which was exciting.  I went to exercise class this morning and the roads were rough but we did high and it was fun.  When the kids got up we deep cleaned the house and it feels better.  Casey went and helped his co worker fix his car.  Isaac went to his friend's house to play D&D.  Me and the little kids went grocery shopping.  When everyone got home they went sledding and it was freezing cold.  I talked with Dad and I did some programming after lunch.  

Love Rachel 


 We got up and went shopping for a fridge. Karen found one at home depot. We then went to the Costco next to home depot. It is huge. When we were checking out the lady said it is the biggest in the world. The had leg of lamb in the freezer section. We went to the mall and then came home and played with Luna. I failed at getting her to eat very much. We went to the rec center after dinner and played in the kids area. She had a good time. Robin I hope the fiber glass wants to terrible. Rachel you are working so hard on the program. Way to go. Love mom


 Well i got a new fridge. It is going to be delivered in a week. We met Robin and crew for lunch then we took Luna back to my place. Luna found the pillow Rachel had made me with the flower on it. She said it was too little for me so it was hers now. It is also her favorite pillow now. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, January 17, 2025


 We went slow this morning and then I took dad to work. I went to get cookies for a funeral. I just worked on the tiger puzzle and when Karen came home we finished it. It was a hard puzzle. I took food over for the funeral at the church. I didnt know who it was and they told me it was the mom that lived in the house that caught fire. She was only 35. I felt bad. We had dinner and then Karen got us paint night. It was so much fun. It is a place in Jordan landing. It reminded me of color me mine but you do paintings. I think we need to try that out. We are going to look at fridges in the morning and then we are going to hook up with Robin and Luna is going to spend the night. Be careful in the snow tomorrow. I love ruths bed. Love mom


Work was busy but good. After work I picked up groceries and picked up Apollo burger. Then we just took it easy and I tried study. 



 Work went really well today.  All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good.  Isaac didn't have school and he wasn't here when we got home.  I called him and a birthday party I thought was tomorrow switched to today.  Casey came home for lunch and drove him over so it worked out.  He stayed until 7 and had a fun time.  I had a really really embarrassing moment.  Oliver's friend wanted to play and I didn't read the text well and thought it was Dean but it was Hayden.  So I took him over to Deans house and after talking to Deans Mom I realized my mistake.  Oliver had a fun time with Hayden.  Me and Ruth went to the fabric store and got a back for my Phoenix quilt and we went to shivers to spend the rest of her gift card.  Again I messed up and kept the wrong receipt so she couldn't use the gift card.  After a bit she said she could just give us the amount off.  Ruth loves it there and she was really happy.  I accidentally fell asleep when we got home.  Casey and Ruth are making a platform on her bed and it is looking really nice.  Everyone have a good Saturday.

Love Rachel 

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Today was my last day of class. It's nice that part is over. My test is Tuesday so now it's studying to try and pass. It's stressful. Work was good but I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I have Monday off for Martin Luther King Day and I took Tuesday off for my test



 I took dad to get a steroid shot in his back. We tried a new doctor and I liked him. Dad said it didn't hurt as much. I hope it helps him. It has been almost a year since he had one. We came home and I got him a jimmy John's sandwich for.lunch. he ate the whole thing. Robin I hope your last class went good. Rachel that is nice you are helping dad. Have a nice Friday. January seems to be flying by. Love mom


 School went pretty well today which was nice.  After school we didn't have an activities so I was able to program for an hour.  I taught Oliver how to crochet a bit and he is practicing before we do the animals.  We went and got some wood to make a platform in Ruth's room.  Then we had dinner.  Casey went cross country skiing and I went to exercise class.  It was high tonight and it is so fun.  It is my favorite thing to do.

Love Rachel 


 Well I went to the dentist this morning. They want to do a root canal. I hate root canals. Oh well. Then I went to work. I had a bom meeting and then I did final folder checks. I hope everyone had a great Thursday and I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Bye

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


 I took dad to work today so I could have the car. I went grocery shopping and then made chex mix. I am taking dad to get a steroid shot tomorrow. It has been almost a year since he had one. I think he will feel a lot better. I can't get over this weather. It is so warm. Good luck Robin on your last class. You did it. Rachel thanks for helping dad. Have a nice day. Love mom


 I don't work at the school on Wednesday so I programmed for Dad all day.  It was a really good day and I enjoyed doing it.  Me and Isaac walked to school to pick up Ruth.  Oliver has orchestra.  We did homework and then Isaac had young men's, they went ice skating downtown.  Oliver wanted to walls off his bed and only had a platform so Casey did that.  Ruth wants a platform so he is going to make her one.  I went to exercise class which was good.  It was surge fit.  I used to go to this class but she had a baby and took time off but she is back now.  

Love Rachel 


Work was felt like a long day but we all made it out. After work we just did laundry and dinner. So pretty basic. Luna got a spin paint for Christmas. She loves it so we did that again tonight. We ran out of paint again. I already bought one replacement set. So I will have to get another one


Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Today was busy. I basically had meetings all day. After work we drove to Provo. Jeramy sister needed some help. Then we came home and I studied the rest of the night 



 My day was good. Work is still keeping me busy. I worked on final folder qc and answering emails. After I came home and just was lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 I had a good day. I hung some pictures in my bedroom and then worked in the guest bedroom. I was taking off the trim and the carpet was in the way so I ripped that up. I then cleaned up the dust. I also set two gopher traps. We will see how they work. Rachel your Classroom is really good. I love it. I am glad you found parts for olivers lego. You are a good mom. Robin just think next week at this time your  class will be all done. Have a great hump day. Love mom


 Today was good.  I made new wall displays in my classroom.  I made a mouse and then some computer science inspirational quotes.  I think it turned out pretty good.  After school Isaac had violin lessons.  Me and Oliver went and got new laundry bins because everyone's broke.  We did homework and then Ruth had tumbling.  I went to exercise class and Casey picked her up.  Oliver lost some pieces for his grout Lego so me and him master built the arms and it was fun.  It turned out really cute and he is finished now.  I think I forgot to post some older pictures so I attached them now.

Love Rachel 

Monday, January 13, 2025


 I was very productive today. I did housework and laundry and took down the rest of the picture in our bedroom. I found some paint and painted it. It might be a little dark but I am going to try another color tomorrow. We went to lowes and I got some gopher traps. I hope they work. I tried the green drink Robin got me and I don't think it is for me. I had an allergic reaction. I sure missed the kids today. It was so quiet and I needed a good snuggle. I am sorry they were tired. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Today was okay.  The kids were really tired this morning.  Work was hard today.  We had new students and all the kids were really chatty today.  Isaac and Oliver had orchestra after school so it is a lot of picking up and dropping off.  Casey went climbing up the canyon and I went to exercise class.  It was upbeat bare and their was a million ladies their tonight.  I was even a little early and had a hard time finding a spot.

Love Rachel 


 Robin your drywall is looking good. My day was good. Work was busy. Just a bunch of random tasks that kept popping up. After work we went to  Lowe's to look at fridges. I didn't get one yet, but I am still going to look. I hope everyone had a great Monday. 

P.S. i think Monday the 13th is way worse than Friday the 13th, because at least Friday the 13th is Friday.


Today was good for a Monday but it was cold. After work me and Jeramy carried all the dry wall from the garage to the shed. Then Jeramy can park in the garage again. Luna was cold after the first one so we put her ipad on and snuggled her in the back window so we could watch her as we carried the pieces back. Then we just took it easy the rest of the night


Sunday, January 12, 2025


 We had such a fun weekend. We played and played. It was fun. It was a cold one however. That drywall looks really nice. Bet that feels good. Good luck studying Robin. Rachel I hope you all have a great week. Love mom


We woke up this morning and cut a few pieces of dry wall. We finished on side of Lunas space. Then we met up with everyone for lunch and to run the mall. We came home so Luna could take a nap. I studied because I'm taking my test next Tuesday so it's cram week to hopefully retain as much as possible. We just took it easy the rest of the night. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...