Saturday, November 4, 2017


I had a fun time today also. Since mom has given a good description of what we did I won't retype it all. i hop that Ruth gets feeling better soon. If she has trouble breathing stick her head in the freezer. it always helped me when i was little and congested. Have a good Sunday tomorrow everyone. bye


I am worried about Ruthie too.  She is acting OK, she is silly and plays but she sound horrible.  I am glad that you had a fun day, that sounds really nice.  We just stayed home today .  We made Oliver's and Ruth's pillow beds.   I just had them sit on my lap when we sewed them and they had fun.  The love to put pins in everything.  Casey put up the tent and we put the beds in that and the boys are sleeping downstairs tonight in the tent.  We needed to get out of the house so we went to dinner at noodles and company and the kids really liked that.  There was a free ice skating night for Casey's work so he took the boys and I stayed home with Ruth since she is sick.  Everyone have a good Sunday, love you guys.


Oliver is rolled up in there

Fall Back

Don't forget to change times tonight. We fall back.  I hope that Ruth gets feeling better soon.  She has me worried.  She is just so little.  They get sick so fast and so hard.  We had a nice day.  We went to lunch at Leatherbys and then were going to the movie house by Robin but they didn't have any good seats left so we went to Gateway.  They had really nice seats there left so that worked out really nice.  We went to Charming Charlies and I got me a necklace and then we also went to the oil store and got some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  We are hooked up now for a while.  Afterwards we tried an ABC Chinese food and it was good.  They were very generous with their servings.  WE will have dinner tomorrow as well.  I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Friday, November 3, 2017


Rachel, I really like those pillow beds.  That is fun.  That is a really good idea.  Oliver will love his.  He always just needs to warm up to things.  I am so worried about Ruth.  I hope she gets better soon.  Karen, I am glad you surface got fixed.  That is a lot of work but the surface is so nice it was worth it.  Robin, I am glad crazy girl is gone.  Did you post an ad for the position?  Work was OK.  Everyone is so upset that they are going to lose their jobs.  There is a lot of change going on and no one is saying anything.  It is very unsettling.  I care about all these people and it is hard to watch.  I drove trax home and then we just hung out.  Let me know if you need anything Rachel.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was pretty good. I nroke my surface last night. It was running slow so I was using the clean up feature that reinstalls windows. It errored partway thru and then when i turned it on it just gave ne a blank screen. So I got the online chat help on my phone. After trying a few things they gave me a web address to go make a recovery disk. So I had to pull out my old laptop that i haven't even turned on in a year. So after it took forever to get going i got my file downloading. It took over an hour to download. Then i got a flashdrive to copy it too and i didn't have one with enough memory.  So today after work i got one that had more memory.  So i got my surface going again with that. Now it is just installing the many updates for windows. At least it works again. Other that that it was just the usual for a Friday.  I am excited to play tomorrow. Rachel those pillow beds look cool and i hope the kids feel better soon. Have a great Saturday everyone. Bye

See ya later

Today was the crazy girls last day. I'm surprised she made it to Friday. I went grocery shopping today. Nothing else to crazy. I'm sorry ruthie is sick and isaac. Let me know if you need anything. Have a good night


Day off

Casey took today off and he stayed up all night with Ruthie.  We kept Isaac home from school since he had a really bad cough.  Ruthie has the cold the worst and is miserable.  Oliver cough is gone and is doing better, he is just really grouchy.  Casey took the boys and got gas in the van and picked up some lunch from costa vida and it tasted good.  This afternoon me and Isaac went and got fabric to make his pillow bed.  I got fabric for Oliver and Ruth too.  Oliver hated his but after Isaac's was done wanted to sew his and liked his fabric then.  Isaac did really well sewing and it was fun to do.  He loves it and almost slept on it tonight.  Not much is going on with us.  I think we are just going to spend the day in the basement again tomorrow.  Have fun watching Thor.


Thursday, November 2, 2017


I am glad that the Jeep drove ok, good job.  Karen that is crazy that Thanksgiving is coming so soon, I am excited.  Ruthie had a rough night so we just took it easy today and she was pretty sick this evening.  Oliver slept in till lunch time and then he went to school.  He was super star but I hadn't gotten the calendar yet so I missed it.  He had a fun time.  Isaac went to school and Oliver had the biggest tantrum when we were picking him up because he didn't want to hold my hand crossing the road.  When Casey got home I went to the store to get a filter for Ruthie's humidifier.  Then I had a young women's fireside.  It was pretty dumb but nice to get out a bit.  Ruthie had a fever when I got home and Isaac had a cough.  We gave him a shower to make lots a steam and that seemed to help.   Casey called in sick to work tomorrow so he could help with Ruth tonight.  Hopefully they will be doing better tomorrow.



Today was busy. I was tired today. I tried to leave work by 3 because I'm 2 hours over and I finally left at 5. So close. So tomorrow I have to leave early which will be nice. I just relaxed the rest of the night.



Well there is just 3 more weeks until Thanksgiving. I can't believe it is that close. My day has been good. Work is still going good. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Back to the real world

I made it back to the real world.  It was missing playing with the kids.  Work was good.  It was quiet and I just made it through my emails.  Not much else going on with me.  We drove the jeep to work today and it runs really nice.  It just makes a noise.  It was really a lot better coming home tonight.  I think it is just a noise.  It is suppose to get nasty weather this weekend.  Everyone bundle up.  I hope the kids are feeling better.  Robin are the marks from the monitor starting to feel better?  I am glad it is Friday.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Congratulations Robin, that is awesome.  Thanks Mom and Dad for the really fun time and everything you do for us.  We miss you.  The kids were all tired tonight after Mom and Dad left so we didn't do much.  We were reading book and I was holding Oliver and he fell asleep.  Ruthie was doing a lot better and I am hoping she has a good nights sleep.  Have a good Thursday, it will be hard to go back to real life.



Open enrollment starts Monday, so we had an insurance meeting today. It was as exciting as you would expect an insurance meeting to be. But they did it at lunch so I got free pizza. Work was good. I am still staying busy so that is nice. It makes the day go pretty quick. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

I'm Back

I am sorry I didn't blog.  I don't know how to do that on my phone.  I need to learn.  Robin way to go with MVP.  That is really cool.   You deserve it.  I bet we can find a vacuum for that price.  We had a really nice time in Logan.  The time always goes way to fast.  I volunteered at Isaac's school and then had lunch.  It was really fun.  Ruthie woke up really early this morning and after she woke up from her nap she had a bad fever.  It doesn't seem to last long so hopefully she won't get too sick.  We brought the jeep home with us tonight and it ran really good.  Thanks Casey for all your hard work.  Well it will be weird to get back to work.  It feels like Friday to me for some reason.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We had staff meeting and we have been doing a employee appreciation thing every month. 2 people are picked. I was one of them. I won 50.00 dollars and a parking spot for 2 months. I'm going to save the money for black Friday. Then I was tired tonight so I just relaxed. I want to start going to the gym but I figured what's one more day. Lol I'm terrible. Have a good night


Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Well I didn't really do anything halloweenie today. I just went to work. Work went good. I am glad that everyone had a fun day. I hope that the kids get feeling better soon.  Have a great day everyone. Bye

Happy Halloween

Mom's phone was having problems today but I think they got it worked out.  We had a fun and busy day.  The kids are sick but the did everything and we're really good.  In the morning we went to Isaac's school and watched the parade or costumes.  Isaac said everyone likes his costume.  We did downtown trick or treating and Oliver did a couple and then was done.  Ruthie ate everything she got.  Oliver had fun at school and I helped with Isaac's party and it went well.  We trick or treaters at Lee's and there were a done of people.  Mom made delicious chilie for dinner and then we went to Randy's and did more trick or treating.  It was a successful day thanks to Mom and Dad.



Today was good. Halloween is officially over. I won the cutest costume and received 5 whole dollars to Jamba juice. When o got home I was so tired so I just relaxed all night. I was lazy. Hope Logan was fun.


Monday, October 30, 2017


Congratulations Robin.  That has to feel good being done with both of those.  Mom and dad made it safe and there was much anticipation of there arrival.  We are ready for Halloween.  Everyone have a great day tomorrow.  I made trick of treat bags that are really simple but cute.


Break free

Robin, I am glad that your ties are cut. I hope you enjoy your free time now you are not working two jobs. My day was good. Work is good it is busy, but not crazy. I hope mom and dad made it to Logan safe and sound. Have a great Halloween tomorrow everyone. Bye

What does it take to become a zombie?


How do you tell if a vampire has a cold?

 By the coffin.


Today was super busy at work. I haven't been that busy in a while. Then I worked my last day at lagoon. It was bitter sweet. Then I had two more days of my heart monitor but my skin couldn't take anymore so I figured go full freedom so I gave back the monitor. It was just sweet no bitter ha ha. Tomorrow I am big bird hope everyone has a happy Halloween.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

River raid

Well i got the atari hooked up. I played some river raid. I am not as good as I once was at it. I also got my laundry done today. I hope Oliver feels better soon. I also hope mom and dad have a fun trip to Logan. Have a great week everyone. Bye


I like the make up you did Robin, good job.  I had a early meeting this morning.  Oliver had a fever before I left so he laid down with Casey and rested.  Casey and the little kids stayed home from church and me and Isaac went.  It was nice to spend some time with him.  I had to sing in sacrament meeting and that went ok.  This afternoon I finished the pillow case for Ruth and she liked it.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom, we are excited to have you.  Halloween will be really fun. 


Just a little longer

I was just wishing the weekend was a little longer.  I am liking this.  Robin, I am so glad your heart monitor is about done.  You were brave to do it all month.  It will take a month for your skin to recover.  I love your makeup you did today.  Karen, I hope you won Mario Brothers.  That is a fun game.  Rachel, I am sorry that Oliver is sick.  Poor little guy.  I felt bad for him.  I will be up there tomorrow to hold him for a while.  We went out to Grandmas and took her to lunch.  We didn't stay so long today and it was nice to have a little bit of the afternoon.  Dad made bread and it tasted really good.  He put it in his bread machine.  Well we are going to Logan after work tomorrow and not coming home until Wednesday.  LOVE MOM

It's beginning to look alot like monday

Today was good. Nothing to exciting. I worked at lagoon. I was lazy for the rest of the day. I only have 2 more days of my heart monitor and I'm extremely excited to send it back. My skin is raw. This week is going to be busy that is for sure. But it is what it is. At least Megan is gone lol. Well have a good night



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...