Thursday, November 2, 2017


I am glad that the Jeep drove ok, good job.  Karen that is crazy that Thanksgiving is coming so soon, I am excited.  Ruthie had a rough night so we just took it easy today and she was pretty sick this evening.  Oliver slept in till lunch time and then he went to school.  He was super star but I hadn't gotten the calendar yet so I missed it.  He had a fun time.  Isaac went to school and Oliver had the biggest tantrum when we were picking him up because he didn't want to hold my hand crossing the road.  When Casey got home I went to the store to get a filter for Ruthie's humidifier.  Then I had a young women's fireside.  It was pretty dumb but nice to get out a bit.  Ruthie had a fever when I got home and Isaac had a cough.  We gave him a shower to make lots a steam and that seemed to help.   Casey called in sick to work tomorrow so he could help with Ruth tonight.  Hopefully they will be doing better tomorrow.


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