Thursday, August 30, 2018


It's amazing how fast a day goes when. You dont work. I slept in and then got my application for my new apt. I went to shopko and had my eyes checked out. I bought a year worth of contacts. Then I took a nap. It was marines b-day from  work so we went to el chihuahua for dinner. It was fun it was a few people from work and some of her family. The guy I went on a date with a few months ago (earring guy) asked me to go on a hike and figured why not so tomorrow I am going on a hike and out for lunch. Hope everyone drives safe see you soon


I am ready to rumble

My day was good.  I did feel 100 percent today but I survived.  There was a football game tonight at the U so I told dad not to come get because he would be in traffic for the rest of his life.  I took trax home and I have to say it was one of the most crowded trains I have been on.  We came home and vegged.  I did get my stuffing done.  I am ready to play for sure.  Drive safe.  Robin, I hope you had a good day.  LOVE MOM


Casey had the day off.  This morning he helped his Dad bring Kelly's car to our house.  They have someone coming to get it any minute which will be good.  Randy is over here to help me because Casey is on his way home.  This morning we had Oliver's preschool open house.  It was good to talk with everyone and Oliver was so cute playing with the kids.  Ruthie got a princess picture and they were cute with her.  Randy and Casey were here when we got home and Oliver wanted to go to Randy's house so he took him for the afternoon.  Leona's ring was finished so I took her to pick it up.  It looked so pretty and shiny.  She was really happy about it and was telling me when Cal bought it for her.  We picked up some bread while we were out also.  Then it was time to get Isaac.  Randy and Terry brought Oliver home and brought pizza and breadsticks with them.  It tasted good and was fun.  After lunch Casey went up to Idaho to cut a tree with his Mom.  He said that they got a good one and he is on his way home.  We are coming down tomorrow and should be their by dinner.  The party is canceled on Saturday so we are free.  Love you guys.



Well my day was busy, but on the good side it made the day fly by. Then i mowed my lawn after work. I saw a mouse and a dead bird, so that was fun....not. So I put fresh mouse posion out. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am readey to play. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Today was good. It was my friday. It was so busy at work. I'm sure Tuesday will suck but sometimes it worth it. :) I'm getting my eyes checked tomorrow to get more contacts so it will be a chill day.


Fall leaves

I thought it was way to early but the leaves are starting to change in the canyons.  It was pretty.  Work was good.  We met Karen for dinner and then went grocery shopping.  We are ready for the weekend.  Rachel, that is fun that Casey has the rest of the week off.  He is going to love that.  He hasn't had much time off.  Robin I am jealous that you have the rest of the week off also.  Rachel that is neat your are exercising.  That is hard work.  I am glad that Isaac's teacher is nice and not going to load on homework.  It just gets too much for them.  Everyone enjoy the last days of August.  I can't believe it is going to be September.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I walked to work again this morning. It is chilly in the mornings. Then work was good. Then after work I met mom and dad for dinner in Park City. Then we went grocery shopping to get food for this weekend. It was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I worked out this morning and she works us so hard.  It feels good and I think I am getting stronger.   When we got home I couldn't figure why people were watering their lawn and it took me a minute to realize it was watering day so I was a little late turning everything on. Oliver has been really wanting to go to McDonald's for lunch so we went today and got some nuggets.  Afterwards we went to the park on the island and we had a lot of fun.  We played hide and seek with a bunch on kids and then Oliver waded in the water and got rocks out for Ruth to throw.  It was back to school night tonight and Randy and Terry came down to watch the kids which was really nice.  Casey had scouts so he met me their.  I rode my bike down and we rode bikes home together which was fun.  Isaac's teachers seems really nice.  He doesn't have homework just reading.  She is going to send a math homework page down if the kids want to do it they can or they can not.  She isn't going to track anything.  He can read any books he wants to also which is nice.  They aren't doing the math timing sheets, she had a computer program that is kind of like a game that the kids do at their own pace.  They don't have parent volunteer stuff so I think I will just go and eat lunch with him once a week.  Casey has the next two days off.  He is going to cut down trees and cut up Kelly's old car.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Clip board of fun

Work was busy for me as well and I had to stay late to take minutes for a meeting.  I can leave early on Friday now.  I got us tickets for the race way on Saturday.  We are set to watch races.  Dad said there are three of them so it should be a fun night.  Has any one see if they are having Chaz's party.  I will call Jeff and check on that one.  The doors open at 4:00 and the final race is at 8.  I thought I would make lunch for us at my house on Saturday.  Do you want to go to the zoo in the morning?  Just a thought.  See how the kids are feeling.  Sunday we will be at Karen's we can either go see the sheep herding or hike mirror lake.  On Monday there is a hike that Karen said is fun in Midway.  I believe it is Cascade Falls.  I thought that would be nice.  So many choices.  Everyone have a great hump day.  It is Robin's and Casey's Friday.  That doesn't seem very fair but I am trying to deal with it.  We are going to meet Karen in Park city tomorrow to get food.  If anyone has good suggestions let us know.  LOVE MOM


My day was good even though I had meetings most of the day. Since they are working on the parking lot I decided to walk this morning. It was chilly so I had to wear a jacket. The after work I came home and mowed my front lawn and weed wacked. It looks nice. I still need to mow the back, but I will do that another day. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye


Good planning Mom, this weekend will be a lot of fun.  Isaac a flat tire this morning so he rode his old bike to school.  He had a really had time riding home yesterday and I thought he was just tired but it turns out his back wheel wasn't on so I felt bad about not checking it yesterday.  So I fixed his bike and then we walked it down and traded out his bike.  It was a really pleasant day and was nice to go on a walk.  We just stayed at home and played the rest of the day.  Isaac didn't feel great this evening so we just took it easy.  I think he caught the cold.  Love you guys and have a great day tomorrow.



Today was busy at work but I made it out alive. Nothing to crazy on my end. I hope everyone had a good day.


Monday, August 27, 2018


Work was busy today and I was tired when I was done but I did work 1/2 hour over so I can leave early on Friday a little bit.  I looked at the race cars and there are tickets for Saturday at 4:00.  I think I am going to get us tickets if that is OK.  I am meeting Karen on Wednesday to go food shopping so I was wondering where we should stay.  Should we stay in Kamas and drive down to SLC or should we start at my place and then move up to Kamas?  I am really good either way.  Oliver looked liked he felt better.  Poor Ruth that is hard when you fall asleep and wake up mad.  Been there done that.  It is hard to calm down.  I am excited for this weekend.  We could also go to Thanksgiving point instead of seeing racing cars.  I was worried about the noise level just a little bit.  So many choices.  LOVE MOM


I thought the race cars sounded fun also but I didn't know if that was too expensive.  I like Thanksgiving point also, we haven't been in a while.  We had a busy day.  It was raining this morning but it cleared up by the time to go to school so the kids rode bikes.  I worked out and that felt good, it is good to.  I took a quick shower and then we went to the bank and then picked up Leona.  We took her to a jewlers to fix her wedding ring and then we took her grocery shopping.  Me and Oliver made cupcakes this afternoon and he loved it.  After school Imogen came over and played until dinner.  Casey mowed the lawn and edged it with the weed eater.  The yard is looking really good.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night so at 5 she had a melt down and fell asleep in front of her door.  She woke up really grouchy and it took her a while to calm down.  It was nice to have a cooler day, I like it.


Oliver slide his stuffed animal down the slide and Ruth caught it

Oliver's stuffed animal was hurt so Ruth got her doctor kit and put a band-aid on him.


It was hard getting up this morning. It was the perfect temperature for being snug in bed. But I was tough and got up. Work went good. Tomorrow I have a bunch of meetings to go to so it might be a long day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was alright I had the hardest time staying focused. I am taking Thursday and friday off so I'm ready to be not working. I saw at rocky mountain raceway they are having a car race. Or Thanksgiving pointe sounds fun. Hope everyone had a good night


Sunday, August 26, 2018


Today was good. I met up with mom and dad for lunch. I just chilled the rest of the day. I did laundry and dishes so I guess that was good. Have a good night



We had a quiet day.  We slept in and when we got up dad wanted to out for lunch so we called Robin and hooked up at the mall and walked around for a little while and then came home and just vegged the rest of the day.  I did have a boxed brownie mix left that I was going to make when the kids were here so I did make that.  I am so looking forward to labor day weekend.  Not much else going on with us.  Work should be good this week.  Hopefully a little quieter.  Enjoy the last week of August  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It has been super windy here today. I did get my laundry done so that is good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good.  We got up and went to church, we did skip sacrament meeting.  Sunbeams went well and the kids were good.  I got a substitute lined up for next weekend so we are ready to come down.  After church we just played outside.  Imogen came over after lunch and they played marble run for a long time then played outside.  When Casey got back from work he fixed all their bikes.  Their are a ton of thorns on the way home from school and they had flat tires.  After dinner we made grape juice again, it was fun.  I hope that you guys have a good day tomorrow. Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...