Thursday, March 14, 2013


I don't think I am with karen I am on level 65 and I am stuck there. but I think its just pure skill I got that far :) anyway today was good I decided to bite the bullet on IMDB and bought the pro package, I now have a picture. I worked on a t.v thing for a friend and he added me on a few episodes so I thought I would add a picture and get it set up professionaly. that was my big thing for today. It was so nice to have warm weather. I definaly had spring fever. I almost drove to st. george to go hiking. maybe one weekend we can take a short trip to zions. I'm excited for this weekend. it will be fun. not to much else have a great night robin

How did you do it

Robin how did you catch up with Karen on Candy Crush.  I can't seem to pass any levels and you are all the way up there.  Did you buy things?  LOVE MOM

Quiet day

I had a quiet day also.  That was good.  I went and gave Julie her taxes and saw Kyle for awhile.  I kind of have a headache tonight so I came back home and just worked on my puzzle.  I am all packed and ready to go tomorrow.  I will come and pick you up Robin it will for sure be around 5:30 or so.  I will call you and firm up a time.  I hope you and Isaac get feeling better.  I am super excited for a new bag. I really need one of those.  Thanks Rachel.  Have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

Slow Down

We had a slower day today.  Isaac didn't go to sleep until late last night and he has a bit of a cold so he was tired today.  We were supposed to go over the nursery leaders house today to play but she wasn't feeling good so we are going to reschedule.  We went grocery shopping and it was good to get some new food in the house.  I also got some sand for his sand table.  Isaac loves playing in it, it is fun not to have to sweep the kitchen floor, he can just go outside and dig.  I finished the bags today and that felt good, they are cute.  I also finished a block I started on Tuesday.  It was pretty exciting.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


Almost Friday

Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Yea! I am excited to play this weekend. I am even more excited to get rid of the bushes. Work was kind of quiet today because they had visitors come and the people that I normally do most of my stuff for were all tied up with that. It should pick up again tomorrow. I did walk again today. I am liking that. As long as it isn't too cold. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ready for Bed

Karen I am glad that you walked to work, that is exciting.  I love that you live so close.  Robin I glad that you got some rest.  You need to take it easy.  That is so sad people get hit by the trax, I am glad that you were able to help that guy and both got home alright.  That is a long detour though Mom.  We had a busy day.  I had enrichment this evening and I needed to make black beans.  I had to thirteen times the recipe and  there were a lot of onions to cut up.  It turned out really good though, I thought it tasted good and I got compliments on it.  We had cafe rio salads and it tasted really good.  Enrichment was nice, it seemed long but the food was good and there were good speakers.  Isaac and Casey had a nice evening together also.  They went out for ice cream.  We are loving this weather.  I took out some of Isaacs toys to the backyard and we spent all afternoon out there.  I was nice.  I am tired now though.  I am ready for bed.  I am making us all jelly roll bags.  I have two done and two more half way done.  I will bring them this weekend.  I just thought it would be fun to have a new summer bag.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac climbing a tree

Never a dull moment

Dad made it to China.  He is in his hotel safe and sound.  He got stuck in Japan for a long time but he said he was doing good.  I had an interesting commute home.  We were heading home and they got on the loud speaker and said that trax was closed after 3900 South and we would all have to get off.  I thought that will be interesting, I have wanted to try the bus there.  When I hear the voice of the little handicapped guy that rides on my bus.  He was just panicked that he couldn't find his way home.  So I talked with him and he recognized me from the bus so we found our way back to his bus.  It took an hour but we did it.  He calmed right down as soon as he was on the right bus.  I guess there was someone that got killed on a bike.  That is the third time someone has gotten killed by trax since I started riding.  I went to Walmart when I got home and got my Tupperware to put my sweaters in.  My closet has a little more room in it now.  I guess we will have to go shopping for a new spring shirt.  I miss new shirt Friday.  I just love this spring weather.  I love summer time.  LOVE MOM

i wish i did

I wish i went on a walk it was really pretty today. I worked today and then came home, I had a little energy but everytime I sat down my body was content. SO I didn't do much today. I kept thinking of fun things to do but I just rested in stead. but I think this weekend will be fun. It will be fun to do some yard work :) Robin

Good weather

Rachel I will keep praying that the good weather continues. Because if it snows again Isaac might do crazy. Robin you are awesome and I hope that you get a huge raise. I would love it if you came up Friday with mom. We were going to finish painting the blue room. And hopefully start cutting down the bushes. I was good this morning and walked to work. I wasn't sure how long it would take me so I left early and got to work early. Oh well. At a nice leisurely pace it takes 8 minutes. It is just so pretty outside I thought I would walk and enjoy it. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quiet Night

I had a quiet night.  I did work a little late because I went in late.  Dad had to leave around 8 so I just stayed with him until he left.  He will get into China around 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday.  I am going to have to look up the time difference.  I got a puzzle and put that together. I am glad the doctor went well Robin.  It will still take a couple of weeks to be all healed up but you are doing good.  Did he take the steri strips off?  I forgot to ask.  Rachel the pictures are so cute.  You are going to be living outside for sure.  He will sleep better getting all that energy out of him.  I am glad you got to ride your bikes.  You and Casey love doing that.  Robin I would love for you to come to Kamas with me on Friday.  I will come and pick you up.  Karen wants to meet in Park City at Walmarts so we can go up that way.  I have to work all day so it will be later before we make it up there.  Have a nice Wednesday.  Pray for dad that he makes it safe and sound and all goes well.


You are Awesome

Robin, I hope that you get a raise out of all of this.  That is good that they think that you are awesome because you are.  Karen we love the beautiful weather also.  Isaac is the energizer bunny, he runs and runs.  We went to story time this morning and then met Casey for lunch.  It was fun.  I sewed with Jenn and Isaac slept the whole time, it was so nice.  We went on a long walk and Casey got home when we did.  Isaac would not come in he wanted to ride in the bike trailer.  So I brought him in and he cried so we went on a bike ride and got dinner.  It was nice to ride around.  As soon as we took him out of the trailer at home he just ran down the street.  He has so much energy.  I am excited for this weekend also.  If Casey doesn't work we may not make it until Sunday.  I will let everyone know.  Everyone have a good night.  I had more pictures but my email is slow.  I will post them tomorrow.



Well today, the guy that was "demoted" to do grommets with me found another job and put in his two weeks notice. The project manager had a huge smile on his face. it was kinda funny. BUT my boss was now all worried I was going to quit so he cornered me, then he stop talking for a second and started to get teary eyed and basically in a whole awkward nutshell called me awesome. So now I don't think I will be able to quit ever. But he did drop that he is going to ask for a raise for me so cross your fingers..... but other then that situation work was good. I went to the doctors and he said I don't have to come back and that I am fine. so yeah. Then I came home and slept. I was so tired from losing an hour. I was going to cook some treats for work but thats not going to happen tonight. Well that is all on my side, I was thinking of going to kamas on friday with mom if that is ok. have a great night RObin


Well it was a beautiful day today. It was sunny and warm. It was spring. I hope that it lasts for a while. . I am ready for the weekend already though. I am excited to play. Work is going good. Just same old same old there. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, March 11, 2013

On an airplane

Dad leaves tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.  He will be back on Friday the 22nd.  That is a long trip.  His suitcase is stuffed full.  I am OK with not going to China.  It was just too much and I will be OK.  I am looking forward to the weekend also.  What is the plan?  Do we have one.  Sorry I didn't email you today Rachel.  My computer got upgraded and I have been having problems.  It took most of the day.  Hopefully we are making progress.  The tax dude called today at 7:30 this morning and we now have taxes done for the year.  That is nice to have that done.  Not too much else to report.  I will keep you posted on dad's progress.  I am glad you got to go for a walk.  That is nice to be able to outside again.  Robin was showing me the video tonight of Isaac saying the monster book.  It is so cute.  I am glad we get to play this weekend.  LOVE MOM


today was good. I got through work and class and picked up my taxes from mom and dad. not to much else happening. its been a long day though i am beat. Tomorrow I have a doctors check up appointment. hopefully it all goes well and I at least lose one pound. :) I'm excited for this weekend it will be fun Robin

Honey Chicken

Today was pretty good.  The weather was nice in the afternoon so we went on a long walk which was really nice.  Isaac didn't take a nap, I think that it had to do with the time change.  It was nice though this morning he slept until 8.  That was a nice change.  I made honey chicken for dinner and it was really good.  I attached a picture.  I am sorry about china Mom, maybe something will come up later.  Good luck with all your homework Robin, that is a lot of work.  We are excited to come up and visit you this weekend Karen, it will be really fun.



Well I still feel like I have lost an hour. It was dark again when I get up. I miss having light in the morning. Oh well it will be back soon. Work was good. Nothing exciting to report. I am sorry that you don't get to go to China also Mom. But I am excited for you to come and play this weekend. That will be fun. Well have a great one. BYE

Sunday, March 10, 2013

its over

I can't believe how fast time went today I did homework for almost all of it and I still feel like I didn't accomplish anything. I also did laundry. But that was basically my day, losing an hour is rough. I think that is good you let isaac play for a bit. its scary at first but he will figure out he's safe and it will get better. I'm sorry your not going to china mom. maybe next time. I got an email from pioneer, Les mis is starting to get rolling. It startes the end of april and goes till june 1st. with possible extension till the 15th. I tried to get the quilt show off so cross your fingers. if not I can still make it for an hour ;). OH and a cute thing there is a tarp over our swimming pool and the snow has melted making a mini pond and all the ducks are swimming around in it. I guess they are ready for summer. have a good monday robin

Left Alone

Today was pretty good.  At nursery today there were a ton of adults and Isaac was off playing with the kids so I decided to try to leave him.  He did alright for about a half a hour and then he lost it.  I came back but he didn't want to stay anymore.  I felt bad, I just wanted to try it.  Then after Isaac's nap we went over to Randy's house and hung out the rest of the day.  When Casey got back he came over for a while also.  It was a nice day.  I am glad that you did craft day Karen, that sounds fun.  I am sorry Robin your stitches came out.  You are so brave.  I am sorry about China Mom.  Maybe it will work out when you can spend more time with Dad.


No China

Well I am not going to China.  It has been a roller coaster ride but they decided not to send me.  We went out to Grandma Bodily house today and Deana was there and so was Dirk and Melody and Sharon and Briana and Matt and Melissa and Tyler and Jed and Teresa and Kelsey.  It was so nice to visit.  It was fun to see her baby. She is really cute.  So the St. Patrick's day party is back on.  I hope that is OK.  I think we are going to do it around noon time.  I guess that is all the excitement for one day.  I hope Casey made it home safe and sound.  I did iron all night.  I still have some to do but I got a lot done.  That was good.  Have a nice day light savings time.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...