Friday, August 23, 2013
I really have a plan now
I think I have the for sure plan now. Me and Robin are coming to Logan and spending the night. I think we are leaving around 9 and will be up there before lunch. Dad is going to stay down here and work. We ordered pizza for dinner and it tasted so good. I love Pizza Hut pizza. Not much else to report. LOVE MOM
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I have a plan
Robin I am going up on Saturday also so you can drive with me. I wanted to spend the night if that is alright. I am winging it also, I am not sure if dad is coming or not. We can decide last minute. My day was long also. I just felt stressed all day and couldn't quite figure out why. Weird I know. We did go get our hair cut this evening. That was nice. Mine really needed it. I also got some spray in conditioner. I really like that stuff. Karen drive safe up to Logan tomorrow and good luck with your class. It will be fun to play this weekend. LOVE MOM
almost friday
Well my day was good. Nothing too crazy. The day seemed to drag though. So I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I did get my dishes done and I am working on getting my laundry done. I am all set to come up tomorrow, Rachel. It will be fun to hang out. Well have a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
so close
sorry I didn't blog last night. it was walters moms birthday so we went out for dinner and had cake at their house. I went to quilts ect and got a halloween quilting kit for her. it was a fun store, it was hard to pick one thing. today was good. work was really busy once it hit 3. tomorrow I am going in at 6. I am not sure if walter is 100% sure if he can come up yet or not. I guess there is some things he has to do for next week so we are going to play it by ear. sorry I will know more maybe tomorrow. if not I am still planning on coming up saturday morning. I will keep you posted. have a great night
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Today was good. The cucumbers are pilling up again so I am going to try to make pickles. I cut them up during Isaac's nap and after I blog are going to make them. I hope that it turns out. Today Isaac wanted to go somewhere so we went to Shopko and I got some candy and a car prize for him to use the potty. he loved the candy and sat on the potty a lot. He wants to car but gets upset when he can't have it yet. I think that tomorrow I am going to trow him in underwear in the morning and start working on it. I had him sit on the potty tonight before the bath and he held it until he got in the bath tub. He cracks me up. This evening we went to Ryan's park and it is a really nice park. We had a fun time and we haven't have much success at parks lately. I think that we will go there a lot. It was really nice. Well I am off to can, everyone have a good night.
We did it
Well we made it half way. That is always nice. Dad has had a bad headache for a couple of days so we had to go pick up some meds at the pharmacy and decided to stop by the instacare. We got him some nasonex spray for his allergies and the doctor said that clariton isn't very good and to try Zrytec or Allegra instead. So I am going to have him try those. I thought you would be interested in that. I got a lot done today and am hoping to do that much tomorrow also. It won't get me all caught back up but closer. Karen I think I would rather leave on Saturday morning but we can ponder that decision. Have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM
Well the week is half over. Hallelujah! I am ready for a weekend. My day was good. I did have any meetings today so that was nice. I am excited to come up to Logan. There is a 3d printing class I get to go to on Friday and it gets over at three in scl. So I don't have to drive down after work. So maybe we can leave slc early. Well have a good one bye
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
so sleepy
today was good but I was so tired. I am going to head for bed. I'm glad everyone is doing well. I came home and watched sister wives it has me hooked. so much drama. anyway have a great wensday
I need a screwdriver to fix my binky
Isaac was chewing on his binky a lot yesterday. This morning he went to the garage and said that he needed a screw driver to fix his binky. It cracked me up. Casey ordered him a new one last night. We are horrible to keep letting him use it but he likes it. This morning I was trying to clean up the house and we just had too many tomatoes. I had made salsa Sunday but we still had a lot. So I made spaghetti sauce in the crock pot and used up most of them. It felt really good to use them all and it turned out good. It made a lot so I just froze it. It will be nice to have. While I was working on cutting everything up Casey and Isaac went grocery shopping and got ice cream. Casey made everyone lunch which was really good. He does a good job. Isaac was pretty tired today and wasn't excited to have people over but he hung in there. Everyone left when Case went to work. Richard had a flat tire and they needed to get that fixed. It was nice to have everyone over and visit. Richard was excited to see his Grandpa's old truck and took it for a drive and worked on the engine for a while. He is really handy. I had scouts tonight and that went well. It was really windy though, we never did get any rain to speak of. After scouts Isaac was tired so we watched Madagascar 3, thanks Mom. Come up this weekend and we will have a fun time. I am excited to see everyone. That would be fun to have Robin and Walter come up also. Yea for a fun weekend. Good luck with work Mom. I hope that it slows down for you.
Big Busy Day
Work is crazy busy, I need about 8 more hours in my day right now but you know what I am just going to do the best I can and that has to be good enough. I guess I should care more but I don't. That is bad I know. I hope you had a fun day with Richard and Jessica Rachel. Karen you are going to have to go to Park City until they get that road done. What are they doing to it? Making it four lanes? That would be nice. Dad worked late and has a bad headache. It was a quiet night. I wish it would rain here and cool things down. It sure has been a hot summer. LOVE MOM
Well it is stormy here tonight. It has been raining off and on. I went to walmart today after work and all I have to say is that I am going to park city from now on. They still have a pilot car going thru the pass. It was so annoying. Work was good though. Rachel I am good either way. I can come up or you can come down which ever way you want. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow.
Monday, August 19, 2013
today was good. work was work nothing to amazing. then me and walter went out with mom and dad for dinner. it was delicious. Its ok about the resume. there is loads of time. Walter said he should be able to come up on saturday to and hang out for the day. we will probably be not stay the night and drive home after dinner. well not to much else with me
That sounds fun to have you guys come up this weekend. I can come down also if it is easier for everyone. Let me know. I have a meeting Sunday but I don't think that it will be too big of deal to skip it. I am sorry about your long meeting Karen, that is a long one. Mom I am sorry about the roast but I am glad that you had a good time. You will have to meet again for the resume. We had a good day today. We went up to Clifton and it was good to see everyone. I really like Jessica and Richard. Isaac took a little while to warm up but he did really good overall. It was a hot one today. They are coming to Logan tomorrow so we are going to do something with them in the morning. That should be good. I have pack meeting tomorrow night so that is nice I don't have to prepare anything. Well I am going to relax, I am tired. I hope that everyone has a good night and day tomorrow.
brain pills
Dad got these pills that are suppose to help with memory and I think they aren't working. I went to work without putting the roast on for dinner tonight. I am such an air head. We did go out to dinner with Walter and Robin and that was fun but we didn't do resumes and I felt bad about that one. I am on for Logan this weekend. Dad may or may not be going to China. Not much else going on with me. Dad was suppose to work late but he went back to work and they didn't need him. I hope you had fun in Idaho Rachel. I am glad you got to go see Richard. I am sorry your one hour meeting turned into 4. That will make you get behind when you are in meetings that long. Have a great Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Well things are good here. It was kind of a long day. I got dragged into an hour meeting that lasted four. We even had to take a break for lunch. But I made it thru. Rachel if you don't have anything planned this weekend, I was thinking of coming up and hanging out. If that is okay? Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Home again
Me and Karen were so tired this morning we just decided to do naps. So I came home and slept 3 hours. I felt a lot better. It really rained in Kamas last night and we had to move everything in the building during the rain storm. Everything seemed to work out. It was a busy night but I had a great time. Thanks for inviting me Karen. I did leave your fruit cups in the trunk of my car. Darn it. Karen said she is missing Isaac so we are going to come up next weekend. At least that is our beginning plans. Would that be OK Rachel. It will be Saturday and then we will come home on Sunday. We went to the party and it was fun. They did a really good job. There was soup and dips. It was really good. Hayden was darling. We went to Café Rio afterwards to get desert and we visited with Robin and Walter it was a nice evening. I did have to stop on the way home to get stuff for dinner tomorrow. Not much else to report. Thanks for such a fun weekend. I had such a great time. The pictures of Isaac are darling. He is just such a cute boy. It is hard to be back to the real world. I had such a fun time playing all weekend. LOVE MOM
Sunday Sunday
I am sorry that your dance was rained out Karen. I am glad that it worked out in the end. Yesterday Isaac feed Edward the fish half the bottle of food so we had to clean out his tank before he over ate. He seems to be alright today. Today was kind of boring without anyone here to entertain us. We didn't go to church since it was stake conference. I had a meeting at 4 that we went to that went good. I am glad that I went. I am sorry we missed the Birthday party. I hope that it was fun. Casey came home around 6 and we went to the park and played, it was a nice evening. We had a good time. Tomorrow we are off to Idaho to visit Casey's brother. We are playing the lottery on the way up so with us luck. I finally finished my Easter table runner. I haven't done much hand sewing lately but last week I worked on it and finished it up. I just need to quilt it now.
Well things are good here in Kamas. It is looking really stormy here right now. I got a nap today and it was really nice. I had a fun time with mom visiting. It rained a lot on the kingdom ball. So we had to move everything inside. It was a little cramped but we did it. It did stop the last hour or so. That was nice cause they still could do the dancing outside. Well I hope everyone had fun at the party. Have a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...