Saturday, May 12, 2018


Well last night I went back on the dating sites. This morning a guy was writting me who seemed nice. He was free tonight so he took me to a place called spitz. It's alright the food was really seasoned. Then he said there was a comedian playing at wise guys by gateway. On the way he needed gas so we pulled over and he also filled my car up as well. I thought it was nice. The comedian had a huge line and we didn't have tickets yet so we just walked around gateway for a bit. Nothing else to exciting I'm glad everyone had a fun weekend. Happy mother's day tomorrow mom. Love you


Two toilets

One of the toilets went in really good and karen decided to do
One in her bathroom. They are nice and sit up a little higher. I worked in the yard in the morning while they did the toilet. It started to get dark and lightening and thunder so I came in and just as I got inside there was pea size hail.  I am so glad that you went canoeing.  that is nice they fit on the trailer .  That will be so much easier. Robin I hope all is going well. We decided to spend one more night. We won two levels on bomber man. That never happens. Have a nice mother’s day. Love mom


It was really nice to have a day off today.  It was really raining this morning so we just went slow and it felt nice.  Casey went and bought stuff to finish the door and the outside so we can work on that this week.  We went canoeing in the afternoon and it was a lot of fun.  We brought both canoes and it was nice, the boys were in one and the girls in the other.  The only problem was it was windy and I was having a hard time paddling against the wind.  Casey and Isaac had to come and help us at the end.  It was really pretty and we had a fun time.  Casey modified the trailer so we can keep the canoes on them and just take it with us, it will be better than lifting them up on the cars.  I hope that your repairs in Kamas went well.  Happy Mother's day tomorrow Mom, love you.


Friday, May 11, 2018


We made it to kamas safe and sound. Karen made enchiladas and they were good. We went to the movies and the avengers are ok. There is going to be part 2. Robin I love your wallet. I hope
They liked it. We got Karen’s new toilet and will
Install it tomorrow. It rained here also. I hope it is better weather tomorrow.  Those are cute bunnies. Love mom


I love your wallet Robin, you are on fire.  I am still quilting my postage stamp quilt but I think I am almost done.  The kids woke up last night and after I got them back to sleep I slept in Oliver's room and it was really nice to get some sleep.  It really rained today and we just took it easy in the morning.  After lunch we ran some errands and then picked up Isaac.  Oliver has been making presents for everyone and he wanted to make a stuffed animal.  I saw on pintrest some sock bunnies that you are no sew and we made those.  The kids were apprehensive at first but they really liked them.  Oliver is sleeping with his.  We used the fabric markers Mom bought to decorate them.  After dinner we rented Indian Jones and watched it.  The kids liked it and it was fun to watch.  Good luck at Karen's tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather clears so we can canoe.


Thursday, May 10, 2018


Today was good I got my federal return so that made my day better. Work was chill i am really enjoying the no stress days. At girl at work wanted vinyl for her girls helmet so I cut out their names. I also finished the wallet. I guess her favorite color is purple and she loves unicorns. I thought of ruthie being a unicorn lol hopefully she likes it. Have a good Friday


Eye doctor

My day was good. I took the day off. So thue morning I went grocery shopping and did laundry. Then I went to the eye doctor. He said my eyes looked good. No problems. I did pick out a new pair of glasses so that will be fun. Thanks for coming up tomorrow mom and dad, it will be fun. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Good day

I was kind of dizzy today so I just sat at my desk and entered data.  It was nice to just listen to music and do data entry.  Not much else going on with us.  The traffic is a lot better.  They got so many complaints that they opened the road back up.  They closed the whole road and there was nothing even happening.  Weird.  I went and saw Chaz at the hospital today.  He has had seizures so they have data on what is going on.  I don't think there is a lot they can do with his type of seizures.  It is where it affects speech and memory.  I will let you know what they decide.  I think he will go home tomorrow.  We are going to Karen's house tomorrow and helping with yard (dependent on rain) and maybe replace her toilet.  I think we are going to go see the Avengers as well.  Have a nice Friday.  It is dress down day for employee appreciation.  I think I am just going to wear regular clothes.  LOVE MOM


Oliver and Ruthie didn't sleep last night.  Oliver had a bad cough and I don't know what Ruthie was doing so we were tired today.  I babysat this morning and that went well, the kids were good.  I kept Oliver home from school because he seemed like he needed a day off.  I had quilt group today so I missed that and we just had an afternoon off.  The boys had swimming lessons and Ruth fell asleep while we were watching them.  I had Casey come and pick her up but she woke up in the car so we all went to Noodles and Company for dinner.  We got the rest of the grape trellises down and the girls next door came over to play.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Today was good.  They had a teacher appreciation party at school and I was volunteering so Randy watched the little kids and they had a fun time.  They went to the park.  School was fun.  I read with the kids and then had lunch with Isaac.  They had the party after lunch.  We had the kids made a card, and plant flowers for their teacher.  They played two games in the rotation also and then we had them clean the classroom.  The kids loved doing things for her and it was a really fun time.  Casey had scouts this evening and the girls came over to play for a while.  When Casey came home Isaac wanted to clean his bike so they did that, it was cute.  Love you guys and I am glad that you are taking some time off Karen, you could make your rug.


The grass is starting to grow

Hump day

I was tired by the time work was done.  I think I walked over to the hospital 6 times today.  That is a lot of walking.  It was employee appreciation day today and I got blue tooth headset set.  I am excited to try them on the trax tomorrow.  I was going to go see Chaz at lunch but he wasn't doing very well.  He had two major seizures in the night and was wiped out.  I am hoping tomorrow I can go see him.  It was fun to talk with the kids tonight.  We did go to whole foods tonight and get probiotics.  It was fun to talk with the kids.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I had to do my internal audits today so that took up a chunk of my day, but i got them done. Tomorrow I have my eye doctor appointment so i decided to take the whole day off. Then today the sent out an email saying the water at work was going to be turned off Friday at noon until Saturday. So I am taking a half day off. It beats porta potties. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Slow it down

To day was chill it was nice to move slower at work. Marnie the girl at work messed up her knee and has been out of work for like a month and she broke now. It's her girlfriends b-day so I told her I would make her a wallet since mom bought me extra hardware. I started to cut it out tonight but my back started to hurt so I didn't get very far. I hope everyone had a good day and all the kids are mending from their accidents.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018


It was a pretty day here as well. I did clean my puzzel off my table and wiped it off. So i felt a little productive doing that. I also noticed that i have a birds nest on my porch light by my frint door, so I knocked that down. Other than that it was just the usual here. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Rubber Room

Rachel you might need to get a rubber room for everyone.  Summer has come.  It is hard when they get hurt.  It really does look like a bad scrape.  Not much going on with me.  We did go to Sams after dinner and get drugs.  I know we live on the wild side.  Chaz had sensors placed in his brain today to monitor his seizures.  I am going to go visit him at lunch tomorrow.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  Robin, it always amazes me how fast a house can clutter up.  Mine is there also.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


I babysat this morning and it went good, the kids had a fun time and it went fast.  Neve came over to play as well so their were a lot of kids.  Oliver scraped his knee on the trampoline and it was very traumatic.  He lost the ability to walk off and on the rest of the day.  Oliver was recovered enough to go to school and he had a fun time.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so she took a good nap and I was able to sew.  Isaac fell on his bike on the way home from school.  He was trying to lean and he fell.  He scraped his elbow and hurt his thumb.  He was upset so he walked the rest of the way home and I pushed the bikes home.  One of his friends stay with him which was nice of her.  The boys had swimming lessons this afternoon.  We weren't sure if Isaac could swim but he decided to try and he felt good during the lessons and had a good time.  We bought a pizza on the way home and had a picnic in the backyard for dinner.  Then we worked on the blackberries for a little bit and then I went to young women.  Hopefully we don't have any more accidents this week.


Pretty day

Today was so pretty I love summer. I worked late today to finish up some things. I was going to be productive but I was a lazy sloth. It was nice I will admit. I couldn't find my camera battery charger so I looked on Amazon and they had a charger with 2 extra batteries. So I bought it so I can have back up batteries. I'm thinking this weekend I might spring clean my place my place is starting to get cluttery. Have a good one


Monday, May 7, 2018


Well, I rode trax today and you should have seen the traffic at quitting time.  I made the right choice.  It was a parking lot.  Dad would never have been able to make it through.  Work was good.  It was quiet and I was tired but I just kept thinking what a fun time I had this weekend.  Robin, I love your pictures.  The monkey on is my favorite, I think.  Rachel, you are a work horse.  You guys are doing good.  I love your pictures also.  Karen, I am excited for this weekend.  I am working a little bit each day so I can leave a little early on Friday.  LOVE MOM

Turn it up

Today was chill. I didn't do much but that is ok with me. Lol. I came home ad decided to be lazy. I had to turn on my a.c. it was getting hot. I am a baby, but you have to use your resources. I'm glad you had a good anniversary rachel. I hope.your carpet is cute karen. I'm sure your strips will be awesome.



My day was good. It has been calming down a little bit at work so I am going to try and get caught up before it gets crazy again. I started to cut strips out for my rug. Hopefully the are straight enough. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Thanks for the pictures Robin.  Thanks for the fun weekend and taking such good care of the kids.  They had a fun time.  Today was good.  I didn't babysit this morning so we just took it easy.  Oliver was super star today and was happy about that.  Casey rode his bike to work so I brought him a sandwich for lunch which was fun.  Isaac said his hair was too long so I cut it shorter and he styled it the way he wanted which was cute.  After dinner the girls next door came over to play for a bit.  Casey was talking about using the new lawn mower to mow the raspberries down and I got excited so we took out the wooden borders then dug up a blackberry bush and worked on taking down the treeless.  I think it will look really nice and it will be good not to have so many berries.  Here are a million pictures, you guys are the best.


Oliver made this at school for Mother's day


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...