Saturday, January 16, 2010
background check
Well today I went into slc, it was fun. I meet up with rachel for lunch and got some food for casey. then we went to gateway and got some cloths for my dillards job. all I own are jeans I needed nice cloths. Dillards called me and said that I had made it to the final round and I had to come in to fill out papers for my background check. wha hoo more paper work. don't be jealous. well have a great one
Home Again
We got back for SLC. Robin went with me and it was nice to have company. Dad stayed home and rested. One of the people from our ward brought dinner for him. I thought that was nice. Grandma loved her fish. When I called her to tell her I made it home she was thinking of a name for him. I thought that was cute. Way to go Robin and Gary on that one. We went and saw Grandma and Grandpa Bodily also. Ihaven't seen them for awhile. Not too much else going on here. It is nice to be back home.
Fun Day
I am having a fun weekend. I made it down saftely on Friday. Me and Casey went out to the Spagattie Factory and then we went and bought him some shoes. They are realyl cute. Today me and Robin went shoping at the Gateway and it was really fun. We got some cute clothes. I haven't played Mario Brothers latley because I started playing Zelda. I am on the big catle at the end of world 8. I am glad that you are on World 8 with me Karen. Well not much else is going on. I am going back to Clifton tomorrow to go to church.
Are you sure?
Well I got my oil changed this morning for the first time in my new car. Then I went to the bank and went grocery shopping. I also have made it to level 8 on Mario. i have reached the half way point but haven't made it to the final level yet. I hope that you all had a good time in SLC. It was really cloudy here today, but no rain. I tried a new recipe for dinner and i made this chick stuff and it turned out good. Well have a good night. BYE
Friday, January 15, 2010
no more questions
So today dillards called me early and asked me to come in for an interview. So I went in and then they had me go through another interview. So many questions, I am so glad that is over with. It sounded like I will get a job though. I guess I have to start out in fragrance and then move to cosmetics. lame. o well I guess its a job. but they said that I don't start till the 8th of February. So there giving me plenty of time to adjust. other then that I think i might go into slc tomorrow, and i'm sleepy so I'm going to hit the road jack :) have a great saturday
Friday Night
We went to firehouse tonight for dinner because I missed Linda Allred bringing us dinner. We went to borders to get dad a book to read and then went and bought Grandma Gumm a Beta Fish. Robin thought that might be fun for her. I will keep you updated on how that goes. Linda did bring dinner over later. Not too much else going on here. I am going to bountiful tomorrow to help grandma and grandpa and I think Robin is going with me. Dad is going to stay home and rest and read. LOVE MOM
Robin that is great, good luck with your interview. I am sure that you will do awesome. Rachel I am glad that you got some goat time in. I still haven't passed all of Mario yet. I need to devote some more time to it. Well finally made it to the weekend. I have to go tomorrow morning and get my oil changed in my car. I have an appointment at 10. I would rather get it done at jiffy lube but to keep the warranty I have to do it at the car place. Oh well. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Love ya bye
Thursday, January 14, 2010
bad week to stay off soda
Well mom and dad came home today. Dad is looking really good. i'm glad that he didn't have to go into surgery this time. Well I was really tired today, around dinner I had a coke and I felt so much better. Going cold turkey is a bad idea. anyway today I got a call from dillards for an interview but I missed the call so hopefully tomorrow I can call back and they will still be interested. well I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing good. Only one more day till the weekend. yeah. well have a great friday TGIF
Good Day
Today was good. I am glad that Dad was able to go home. It is always more comfortable being at home. I feel like you can get more rest and get better faster. When I got home I was able to spend some time with the goats. It was realyl nice. They were glad to see me adn spend some time with me. It was fun. I got to talk with Casey for a while and now I am sewing. It is nice. I have two more blocks to do in bag 1. I am excited to be making soem process. I am glad that Dad is doing so good. It is realy good that he is alright. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.
Dad hasn't wanted his cell phone back yet. I think he is still trying to figure out what happened to him. It takes a couple days to figure that one. We have been having a quiet night. It feels so nice to be home again. I am glad you had a good time today Karen. It snowed here this morning but was all melted before noon. It still is in an inversion. I love Fridays. LOVE MOM
I am glad that you guys got sprung from the hospital. It must be nice to be back home. I am glad that the new meds are making dad feeling better. Have you given him back his cell phone yet? Or is his still restricted? My day was good. Work stayed pretty steady so it went by quick. It was really nice outside here today. I didn't even have to wear a jacket at lunch. It was cold this morning but it did warm up nice. Have a great Friday one and all. BYE
home again home again
We made it home from the hospital. Boy that was an adventure. One I think that I wouldn't have minded missing. Dad is doing really good and looks good. He looks better now that he has for the last month or so. That is a good sign. He goes and gets another EKG on Tuesday just to monitor things and that is good. I think R and R is order for the rest of the week. I am going to work tomorrow but other than that we are doing quiet for awhile. Thanks guys for all your help and support. We have the most amazing children. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2 days
So they put dad on new medicine and they need to monitor it for 3 days to make sure everything doesn't go hey wire. He is doing good though, they don't have him hooked on any iv's or gizmos just the heart reader. Mom is doing good just crammed on a small chair. Rachel stayed over at the house with me tonight. We went to texas road house it was fun. I'm glad that karen is doing well. I will try to call when I get more info. Things don't change as much as they did yesterday. I think we are starting go slow down. :) anyway have a great night
What a night yesterday. I am glad that dad is going better. I hope that the new meds they put him on work. My day has been good. It was really nice weather down here today. You could almost go with out a jacket. Well I hope that mom is holding up okay. Thanks for making sure she got food Robin. That is really nice of you to do that. Well I hope that everyone has a good night. Love ya guys. BYE
Monday, January 11, 2010
we got the beat
Well today was full of surprises. I went to slc today to apply for jobs but it was a wash i didn't feel like I accomplished everything. but I will try again tomorrow maybe. I haven't heard form the other jobs so I will keep putting in more applications. Then Later today dad went to the hospital his heart was beating irregular and went to insta care to get it looked at. So they later rushed him over to the er. to regulate his heart. After a long while they got him back to beating normal-ish so he is able to stay in logan tonight instead of going to ogden. They moved him to ICU and is doing well he looks like he has more color in his face. They are now letting him eat and drink till midnight now so he was happy. I got mom subway so she ate that while they were moving dad around. I don't know whats going to happen tomorrow but he could go to ogden, stay in logan, or be able to come home. those are the options so far. well I will call more when I know more tomorrow. Love you
Hi there
Well Monday is over Yeah! It was nice here today. It is finally starting to warm up a bit. It was 55 outside today and it sucked that I was stuck inside. I hope that dad is feeling better. I hope that you enjoying working a normal schedule tomorrow mom. Robin have you heard anything back from the jobs you applied for? Do you pass the final level on Mario Rachel? I am still on level 7. I need to focus and get Mario passed. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Love ya BYE
Sunday, January 10, 2010
sunday for today
Well I went to my friends church today it was nice it started at 12:30. It was a huge ward. crazy. well rachel and casey came out for sunday dinner. it was fun. well nothing else to exciting with me everyone else about hit the rest of it have a good monday ohhh another week.....
sleeping sickness
I think I might have a sleeping sickness. Sorry I feel asleep. I just can't sit down anymore. It was nice to have Casey and Rachel over for dinner. I made turkey soup and it tasted really good. Jay's cat scratched her leg and it is really infected. I took her over for IV therapy after church. They wanted to put her on another antibiotic so me and dad went and got that for her. Dad is going to take her to the ER tomorrow for her treatment. She is really getting forgetful. I have to go to work early tomorrow so I can put the office back together after the sealant was put on the floor. I hope it helps keep it cleaner. It should be a quieter week. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have him look at my finger. When I fell on the ice last week I think I hurt it again. Dumb thing. Well have a great week LOVE MOM
I am on the last level
I am on the last end guy on world 8. I can't figure out how to beat him but I am going to work on that after blogging. We had a good Sunday. We don't have church until 11:30 so we were able to sleep in and that was nice. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner and the soup was really good. Casey is packing and getting ready to go back down. It was nice to have him home for the day.
Well I made to church on time at the bright and early time of 9. I do like that schedule better but it is still hard to get moving in the mornings. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. I have been having a good one. i have been really lazy today, I like having days like that. I am getting close to having my afghan done. It has been a good day to work on it. Is was really chilly here this morning. There was frost on the ground and everything. Well have a good night. BYE
I fell asleep last night downstairs and never got around to blogging. Sorry about that one. It does feel nice to get some sleep however. It really is helping. I am going to make turkey soup for dinner tonight also. I have been on a soup kick lately. It is all that sounds good. We had a fun time yesterday in SLC. We had lunch with dad's work and then went to spagetti factory after grandma and grandpas. I have to take Jay to the hospital at 2:00 for some IV therapy. Her cat scratched her and it is infected. She is all worried they will make her give her cat up. I feel bad for her. Well I am off to church. It starts at 11:00
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...