Friday, January 24, 2025


 My classes were hard today for whatever reason.   Some bright points were we played blooket with Ruth's class and she won and was so happy.  We played a ton this evening and she loves it.  Ruth snuck me a uncrustable sandwich from lunch and was so cute about it.  After school we went and got Isaac some new shoes.  We went to Costco and had the tasted and bought all the samples.  The boys made cookies which was nice.  Casey went cross country skiing tonight.

Love Rachel 


 I took dad to work this morning so i could check on kay. She was so much better. She had showered and dressed. I got zuppa for lunch and they didn't give me my sandwich. For rude. I picked up dad and we solved the mystery from the puzzle. It was fun. I saved it in case rachel wanted to do it with the kids. They are coming from 730 to 1130 for the fridge. We took all the freezer stuff downstairs and Karen washed it all up. We are ready to go. Have a fun weekend love mom


Last night I woke up at 2 I was so hot. So I cooled down but it took me a bit to go back to sleep. Then at 3 Luna came in our bed she was scared. She kept kicking and hitting me. So I made her go back to her bed..she was scared so I had to wait till she fell asleep again..I was so tired this morning. Luckily soda.helped to get me back in my feet. After work we just took it slow because we were all tired. Me and Luna made cupcakes and we watched movies once they were properly sprinkled.


Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me, Ruth and Oliver played some bloopers when we got home which was fun.  Isaac finally finished his Lego car.  It was quite a involved project.  I worked on projects and talked with Dad.  Isaac was sweet and made lentil soup for dinner.  I went to exercise class and it was high.  I love it so much and had so much fun.

Love Rachel 


 I worked in the guest bedroom. I just need to tape the ceiling and I am ready to paint. I am excited. I took all the carpet and the nails board out as well. Robin I hope you get some rest. You have had a couple really busy weeks. Rachel I hope your day went well. It is suppose to snow.on Saturday so that will be nice to ski on Sunday. Love mom


 My day was good but busy as usual. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. My new fridge comes on Saturday so I am excited for that. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Last night everyone kinda slept through the night. So that was a win. But I was still tired this morning. I had a bazillion meetings today. Then it was nice to come home after work since I didn't have class. Luna is questioning everything we do and gets into everything. She is wild. I had a 20 minute "conversation" on how I didn't run the a red light it was green. Luna swore it was red and wouldn't let it go. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 I went grocery shopping this morning while dad worked with rachel. I came home and. Checked on kay. Jen and rylee went over this afternoon and made sure she ate and refilled her water. I am going to go over on Friday with Jen and do showers and lunch. Dad had a doctors appt in ogden this afternoon. It went well. We came home and just vegged. Rachel I have never heard of daily use contacts. I am curious how they will work. Robin I am sorry Luna had a bad night. I hope she isn't getting sick. Just think no late night school tomorrow. Did your work say congratulations. Have a nice Thursday. I am going to.qork in the spare room and try to get it all taped up to paint. Love mom


 I am glad you checked on Kay.  I hope she feels better soon.  Today was good.  I took the kids to school and then worked with Dad which was awesome.  I programmed until I had to go to the eye doctor.  Isaac was sweet and walked to pick up Ruth and Casey picked up Oliver from orchestra.  The eye doctor was good.  He said it is cheaper to use daily contacts so I am going to get samples of those and try them.  Activity days was tonight and Ruth went swimming at Smithfield.  Oliver and Casey played chair soccer.  I worked on programming while they were gone.  I went to exercise class and Casey went cross country skiing.

Love Rachel 


Today was busy since I had Tuesday off I was playing catch up. After work Luna was edgy and had a hard night. We think she isn't feeling great. But she had tons of energy at school. She had a hard going to sleep time. But hopefully she sleeps well all night and feels better tomorrow. I'm sorry Kay isn't doing well. It's hard.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 Congrats Robin. I knew you would do awesome. My day was good. At work i had to take the fire inspector around because our sprinkler system inspection was out of date. There are a few things that need updating but I have got it all arranged to fix so we should be good. Then I had a meeting to go to. Then I just worked on emails and random tasks til lunch. We had a meeting at lunch so turkey bought us food. It wasn't anything too exciting. Then I had a meeting in the afternoon and in between I worked on some iso stuff. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 It was a quiet day. I did laundry and just cleaned up a bit. I called kay and she still sounded sick. She she needed diet coke. I thought that was odd so I called Jen. She said on Thursday she said she would shower. She hadn't showered in weeks. So we both went out there tonight just to do a well check.  She looked rough. We cleaned and made her take a shower. I got her some diet coke and some smart water. She was drinking a little water. Jen was doing some laundry and I left. She was looking so much better when I left. I am worried about her. Robin I am so glad that test is.over. you did such an amazing job. Congratulations. Rachel I hope the kids did ok going back to school. I was worried. We are going to ogden tomorrow for dads doctor appt. Love mom


 Congratulations Robin, I am happy it is over and you did so well.  You are amazing.  I just had prep today and the lessons coming up are pretty fun so it should go well.  Isaac stomach hurt this morning so he stayed home.  So I cancelled his violin lessons and he didn't go to young men's.  That gave me more time to program.  Dad helped me a ton.  Then I took Ruth to tumbling and I went to exercise class.  I was able to program a bit more while the kids took baths and I got what I was working on working which made me feel better.

Love Rachel 


I took my test today and passed. I was excited. It feels like a thousand pounds of stress is gone. After I painted my bathroom and it was nice to have done. Luna liked it at first then was sad it wasn't pink. But she said she will love with it. Karen was sweet and got us a gift card to Texas Roadhouse. So we went there to eat. It tasted good 


Monday, January 20, 2025


 I had a good day. Casey took dad to work so.i just vegged for awhile and then met up with Rachel's crew in brigham city. Those springs are huge. It was so nice and warm. It was a good place. The days always go so fast. I came home and just vegged. I have a quiet day tomorrow. Good luck Robin on your test. I will pray for you. I am glad you had fun. Love mom


 We also had the day off and had a fun day.  I sadly didn't take any pictures.  Casey stayed in salt lake and taught a caving class in Utah valley.  We slept in and then meet Mom in Brigham City.  We at lunch at a amazing thia restaurant.  They had really good curry.  Then we went to Crystal Hot springs.  We were worried about the cold and wind but we had a fun time.  It was crazy busy there but the pools were pretty big.  It was super cold in our feet getting in so Mom got some sandals which helped.  The pools felt so good.  I love hot pools in winter.  They have slides and I went it once.  It was fun but cold.  The kids did it a million times.  When we were done we had dinner in Brigham City and then came home.

Love Rachel 


Today was nice I had the day off for MLK day. It also was inauguration day for trump. I took Luna to the Jurassic jungle at Thanksgiving point. It was fun. But they have a 5 story twirling slide and I went down with Luna. It made me really dizzy and we ran through the whole thing a few times. I was exhausted. But it was fun. They also had a snake slide Luna was afraid of but she faced her fears and went down a couple of times. I think I need to pay Rachel's kids to go and play with Luna
 I'm out of shape. :) then we went and got icecream and then walked the dinosaur museum. After Luna took a nap and I studied. She didn't want to sleep in her bed so she napped by me. I have my test tomorrow so I'm trying to remember everything. Then we just had a normal night


Sunday, January 19, 2025


 We had a really nice weekend. Paint night was.really fun. Having Luna is always a joy. She got up early and went played til everyone woke up. I didn't have a unicorn book last night so we went to target to get a book. We also bought balloons. They are good to play with. We took her home and had lunch at via 313. They have really good pizza. We came home and took a nap. Dad and Casey worked all day. Casey is still at work. Love mom


Thanks again for watching Luna. We got a bit done in the shed but we still have forever to go. I am also trying to fit in studying for my test on Tuesday. Saturday the junk car place picked up the Saturn . not much else exciting going on our end.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...