We got up and met Robin and Luna at the zoo. It was colder than I thought it would be but we had a good time. They has trick or treating. We went to the spaghetti factory for lunch. They gave us a free kids meal at the zoo. We came home and i fell sound asleep. The tooth is hitting me a little harder than i want it to. Rachel that looks like a fun day. That quilt is beautiful. You are so gifted. Your kitchen is just amazing. Way to go on designing that. Good luck finding caves tomorrow. We are going to make Halloween gift bags together and just go slow. I can't believe it is Halloween. Thanks Robin for going to the zoo with us. Love mom
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Today was good. I went to exercise class this morning. They had a Halloween event with short classes. It was fun. The drill team had fund raiser and they teach the girls a Halloween dance. It was this morning and Ruth had a fun time. She always gets so nervous in front of everyone. She didn't want to wear her costume so she wore her Halloween outfit. I had a primary music training training this morning so I dropped Ruth off and went to that. It was interesting and he had some good ideas. She was definitely a amazing teacher. I left a little early so I could watch Ruth's dance. I finished quilting my quilt. Now I can work on the quilt class stuff and get that ready. I am excited for the class. Randy and Teri came over and they finished the backsplash. We just need to grout it now. Me and Isaac made vegetable and bean soup which turned out good. Tomorrow we are going to go hiking and try to find some caves.
Love Rachel
Friday, October 27, 2023
I was glad it was Friday. Work was slow but I made it out. We did made it to winco. Rachel what a fun time. Your car looks fun and the kids are darling. I love ruths hair. Well have a fun weekend. Love mom
Today was good. I have classes all day on Friday and they went pretty well. The kindergarten and 1st grade are the hardest because they don't know how to use the keyboard. It was crazy hair day at school and Ruth's hair was a spider and Oliver wanted three spikes. They looked cute. It was nice to have an early out today. We decorated fish for our van for the truck or treat. The boys even helped. The trunk or treat was fun and the kids looked great in their costumes. We had a fun time. It was cold so we came home and turned on the fireplace and Casey made popcorn.
Love Rachel
Thursday, October 26, 2023
My day was good. Just more of the usual. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am glad that everyone had a great day. Bye
That sounds fun to spend the day with Luna. It was cold and even snowed a bit. Work went ok. I had six classes today. Some do better than others. The little kids have the hardest time even using the keyboard. I picked up Oliver from after school and we had an early dinner. We took the kids to piano lessons and I got gas. Then we ran to the Halloween store to get Isaac a Harry Potter costume. He got a Slytherin sweater and tie. He looked so cut in it. He had a teen Harry Potter library activity. He had a fun time. Some of his friends were their and he was happy. I dropped him off and went to exercise class. They did a black night and I didn't know and wore all dark colors which isn't great for that but it was fun anyway.
Love Rachel
Nice day
I really had a nice day. We went to check ups and I had a tetanus shot and pneumonia shot. So far it isn't bad. We needed blood work but it was getting late do we will do that later. We went to Lunas day care, they weren't very organized but I didn't care. We just took Luna and played. We went to McDonald's and Cabellas. I wanted to get an xray of my tooth. I was worried about the cheek pain. They adjusted my bite and then took as xray. One of my two remaining molars was all decayed out so he just pulled it. I think dad owes me a big surprise. We took Luna to.walmart and looked at all the toys and played with computers. We adopted at the park and she went down the slide and it was all wet. She said she was cold and headed to the car. We took her home and changed her clothes. Jeramy and Robin came home and we went to.pizza. it tasted so good. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Love mom
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
My day was just the usual. I got up and went to work. I helped troubleshoot a calibration test most of the day. After work I went and got a kfc bucket of chicken for dinner. It tasted really good. I am glad you had a good first day Rachel. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye
Work went better today. I left at 130 and took dad to get a steroid shot in his thumb. The guy said a lot of times the tendon gets loose and the thumb wiggles around. Aka dislocated. He wasn't as sure about the shot working but we are giving it a try. He was ready to go home afterwards. I went to Jordan landinging. I had 40 dollars from my live well stuff and I bought a new pillow for our bed. I met kay and Julie it was fun. I came home and dad and Karen were just eating dinner. We have physicals in the morning and then driving to.lehi for grandparents read day. We are going to take Luna and play in the afternoon. I am going to get a quick xray of.my tooth. Make sure it is ok. Rachel rest quilt is gorgeous. I hope my turbs out nice also. Love mom
Today was another busy day but it went well. Work was good. I got my classes all set up in the different programs. My classes went ok. The 6th graders intimidated me but I will do better next time. I met with the other computer specialist for some more training. It was good to go over things. We are done meeting now but I can ask her questions when I need to. Oliver had a Halloween party at his primary teachers house. He looked so cute in his costume. Ruth tried hers on and she was really cute. Isaac decorated pumpkins with the young men's and he had a good time. Casey took Tony on a run. I took Ruth out with her coupon book and we went to shivers. They had Halloween flavors and it was fun. I forgot to post a picture but Monday I finished quilting a quilt. I still need to bind it but it turned out really well. I love my long arm machine.
Love Rachel
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Sorry it is late. We went to a chamber music concert. It was amazing and so fun. We did leave at intermission just because it is late. Isaac was starving so we got a snack afterwards. My first day went pretty well I think. I had most the day for prep and then had three classes at the end. It was nice to see Oliver and Ruth at school. I am going to be able to eat lunch with Ruth which will be fun. Ruth had tumbling after school and Isaac had a meeting at the library to plan an escape room. I was driving home from picking Oliver up and we saw Isaac fall on his bike. It was lucky that we were able to help him and drive him home. He wasn't hurt badly just some scratches. Casey took the kids to the pumpkin walk for activity days. Then they met me at the concert. It was a busy day.
Love Rachel
My day was good. Work is still busy so that is nice. Nothing too wild and crazy. Going on with me. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
So work wasn't great. Same old same old. I came home and made ham fried rice and put in worchestershire sauce instead of teriyaki sauce. That was not edible. So we had popcorn. I did remake ham fried rice later just because I needed to do something right. We have lunches tomorrow. Dad is getting a steroid shot in his thumb tomorrow. Hope it goes OK. It is suppose to get really cold. Bundle up. Rachel I am glad your first day went well. That is good. Love mom.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Work was better today. There were people back and it was nice to hear voices. We went to rc willeys and they closed my account and it was interest on my 8 dollars they can't get rid of. She said I would get a call and an email tomorrow telling me it was all fixed. I told her I had heard that before and no one called or wrote. We had McDonald's on the way home. Rachel good luck tomorrow. That is cute Ruth is do excited. Robin I am excited to go to grandparents day on Thursday. Love mom
My day was good. It seemed extra early this morning because it is getting so dark in the mornings. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. Nothing too wild and crazy happening here either. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
I didn't have to.work today which was nice. I got up at the same time and lifted weights and took a shower. I took the kids to school and Casey rode his bike to work. I folded laundry this morning. I got some new shoes and went grocery shopping. I met Casey for lunch which was fun, we haven't done that in forever. Isaac had violin lessons. After dinner we went to the villas and delivered flyers. Isaac was the only young men so we stayed all all helped. It was fun. I went to exercise class afterwards. I hope it goes well tomorrow. Ruth is so excited she might burst.
Love Rachel
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Thanks so much
What a fun time I had. Thanks so much for the pictures. That murder mystery was a really fun idea. I need to get into gear for the mystery quilt. I haven't even bought my fabric yet. I just took it easy today. I had a hard time sleeping (coke at dinner time). Rachel recommended a book and I bought it but put it somewhere. I found it and read that last night. I am enjoying it. It was nice to just veg. We are going to Lehi on Thursday for grandparents day. Dad is getting a shot in his thumb on Wednesday so I am going to work from home I hope. We got a 40 dollar bill from rc Willey so after work tomorrow we are going there to fix that. In August they said we didn't owe anything. I have all the paperwork so hopefully they will be able to get it figured out. Have a nice day Rachel. Robin that is a fun idea about the movie for Thanksgiving. Let's do it. Love mom
We had a fun time yesterday, thank you. The kids were talking a lot today about the murder mystery and figuring it out. We went to church this morning and Casey changed the oil in the cars. Isaac had a meeting after church. Then we went hiking. Casey has had some Lyra maps that show where potential caves are. So he got the coordinates and we found three sites. None of them were caves, they were just big pits. We had a lot of fun though and the kids were so cute. We found some antlers and some jaw bones. It was a lot of fun and really pretty. I don't work tomorrow and am taking the kids to school. Casey has set.the bar high so hopefully I can meet their expectations.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...