My day was good. I got my laundry done. Which was good because I was on my last pair of socks. I am glad that your car is okay mom. I just worked on my physics lab. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Nice day
We had a nice day also. I cleaned my bathroom. It really needed it and then we wanted to plant dad's opium weed so we went to see how to fix that planter on our patio. We got stuff and another smaller planter. We watched the ten commandments and then we were going to meet karen for dinner and I was starting to back out and the lady across backed out and we bumped. We think she was at fault and I am sure she thinks we are. It upset me so we didn't meet karen for dinner. Sorry about that. There isn't any damage to my car but she has a dent. Her car is a lot fancier. Robin I hope your party was ok. Rachel that bathroom is perfect. Love mom
Today was good. We walked this morning and it was a nice morning. I had a baptism this morning. I had to fill the font and I didn't come early enough. But it was fine and they did the baptism in one go. Their was a Easter egg hunt at the park at the same time so Casey took the little kids. Isaac stayed up too late playing games so he slept in. We are going to be gone on Easter so we dyed eggs this afternoon. It was fun. Then we went to Lowes and got stuff to finish up the bathroom and Casey got most everything done. Isaac wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse but we talked him into buying steaks at the store. It tasted good. We are watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. We are hiking at robbers roust and they his out there so we thought it would be fun to watch.
Friday, March 26, 2021
I made it
I got to go into work late so I slept in. It was so nice. It was quiet at work. I came home and dad said let's go to dinner. We went to the pie and they were slow but man they had good pizza. We went to buy ice cream afterwards. We watch a documentary on moses. It was good. Have a nice weekend. I love those kits. They will be fun to make. Karen good luck with school. Robin have fun at the birthday party. Love mom
Today was nice day. I walked this morning and I had been raining so the air was fresh. Their were a ton of worms on the path which is gross. Isaac felt better today and went to school. He got a award for reading and gets to go to a dragon master party next week. We went to exercise class this morning and did yoga. Ruth played with my yoga mat all day and wants one for herself. She had Violet come over and play this afternoon. They were so cute together and they had a fun time. After school Oliver went to a friend's house and Isaac walked home with his friend so we didn't pick them up. We were going to go climbing tonight but the kids were tied so we just played in the backyard and watched a movie. I didn't take any pictures today. I did order a two quilt kits the other day. I have attached a pictures. I am excited. Love you guys.
I am so glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. It was a pretty quiet day so I got to work on a project that keeps getting pushed down on the priority list. I still didn't finish it but I did get closer. Then I came home and still school stuff. I only have to finish a lab tomorrow. I am going to try and get and extra lab done tomorrow so I can be one ahead but I will have to see how far I get. I hope that everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Long day
I went into work early and was going to leave early but they changed my meeting to 330. I ended up working 9 hours. I am going in late tomorrow. I was going to leave early but everyone has big plans this weekend and I didn't so I took the afternoon. I get to sleep in. Robin jenkins love s you home. He looks so comfy. Rachel that would be fun to work a little extra. The kids are fun. I love that dress on Ruth. I hope isaac feels better. Karen good luck with school. Not much else going on with us. I hope it doesn't snow too much. I am glad I am going in late. Should be melted by then. I made Caseys roast sandwiches tonight for dinner. They tastes so good. I love crock pots. I think I need to also need to learn inst pots. A lot of people at work use them. Love mom
Isaac wasn't feeling good again this morning so he stayed home from school. I worked today but he was ok home, he slept all morning and then played his roller coaster game. We did his homework when I got home. I walked this morning and the weather wasn't rainy until this afternoon which was nice. Ruth had a playdate with her friend after we worked. I picked up a pizza for Oliver and Isaac for an after school snack. Casey ordered a new backpacking tent and it came today. They set it up downstairs to see how it would work. I think in April and May I am going to start working on Tuesday mornings also. It will be good. Love you guys and have a good Friday.
My day was good. It was cold and windy here all day. It started snowing this evening as well. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day bye
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Hump Day
I went into work today and got a lot done on contracts. I was down to 14 emails when I left. That doesn't happen very often to me. I was so excited. I have to go into work early tomorrow and do screenings. I like that because I just visit. Robin congratulations on 3rd trimester. I am getting way excited. Karen I am glad you remembered your allergy shot. It is hard to go back weekly. Rachel, I am glad that Isaac is feeling better. He was so cute on the phone. I got our stimulus check today on direct deposit. Go figure that one out. I was super excited about that one. Well have a nice rest of the week, it is suppose to be nasty the next two days. Figures because I have to drive into work. LOVE YA MOM
Isaac didn't feel good this morning so he stayed home. He was tired so he slept all morning. I walked this morning and then went to exercise class. I worked on programming which was good. After lunch I met my primary secretary and we put together conference packets. It took almost three hours. I picked up Oliver in the middle and dropped Ruth off. I felt bad leaving everyone. We just played this afternoon. We had steaks for dinner from Mom and Isaac was worried that she wouldn't get any. It was cute. Ruth has been into pranks lately. They got out the confetti eggs this morning. Last night Ruth was pretending to sleep so we were thinking of pranks. I thought of putting her in our bed and then she wouldn't know where she was. It backfired and she feel asleep in our bed and we had to carry her out. Love you guys.
My day was good. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. I have 2 more to go until I can go back to monthly. Work is moving along. I am glad that the week is half over. I got my lectures for lean manufacturing watched. I hope everyone had a great day bye
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
I got a lot done today at work so that was good. It was still hard to get motivated. I am not good with daylight savings. I am always tired. We did go to the gym tonight and I started reading the book that Rachel bought me. I am really enjoying it. Thanks Rachel. Robin, I am sorry you are tired. Being pregnant is hard. Just think however 27 weeks. Not many more left. I am getting excited for your baby shower. I am going to buy some invites this weekend. Karen I am glad that school is going well. Rachel, I love that Ruth is experimenting with makeup. That is fun. That craft turned out cute. Dad did call Tom to see if our taxes were done and they aren't done yet. Just thought you would like the update. LOVE MOM
Today was good and nothing too exciting happened. I walked this morning and it was cold. We didn't have anything going on this morning so I let Ruth sleep in. I programed while she was at school. Ruth had a playdate after we picked the boys up. She had a fun time and was so excited. Me and the boys worked on homework. Oliver got smilies at school so we took him out for ice cream. Ruth has makeup on in the picture her cheeks aren't that red really. Love you guys.
It seemed like a long day today. I had meetings all morning, then at 11 I had the other window place come and look at my windows. They are going to email me the quote hopefully tomorrow. So I ate lunch after they left and hurried back to work. That may be why it seemed like a long day because I took lunch an hour early. Oh well. Then after work I came home and did my lab report and watched my physics lecture on adding resistors in series, calculating voltage drop across the resistors and calculate power dissipated. Exciting I know. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, March 22, 2021
I got up early since I didn't work last night. That was hard. I did get payroll all done so that was good. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner and they tasted really good. I did scan a couple of pictures. My phone is acting weird so that wasn't very good. Robin, I love your weather forecasts and temps. That is funny. Rachel good luck on your quilts. Those little ones are hard. Karen good luck with your windows tomorrow. I hope they show up. I am working from home tomorrow also. I get two days home and 3 in the office. Everyone have a nice Tuesday. It was really cold today. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I walked and went to exercise class. I ran errands while Ruth was at school. Ruth had dance class and she remembered some of her dance moves. The boys had a good day at school and Oliver got all smiling faces. We went climbing after dinner and it was fun. I am working on making me and Karen a wall hanging of a cottage but some of the directions are wrong. It is slow going.
Things are going good here. I am so ready for spring also. Work was good. I contacted a company to get another quote for new windows so I got on their website and filled in repair/replace windows and wrote a note that I am looking to replace the windows in my house. They then wrote back that they send all tinting work to this other company and gave me a number. So I told them that I wasn't looking to tint anything. SO then they wanted me to send photos of all my windows. So I contacted another company and they are coming out tomorrow to look at my windows and tell me how much. Other than that it had been a Monday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Big Purchase
So I got my scanner/printer and it is fun. I think I have all grandma's pictures in Logan. I thought they were in my shed but I couldn't find them. It is fun. We had a nice day. Karen left and we took naps. I tried to do payroll tonight but the program was done so I will just get up early tomorrow and do it. Here is my first picture. It is one of my favorites. I will continue my endeavors to get pictures on line. Everyone have a nice Monday. It snowed off and on all day here. It was crazy weather. LOVE MOM
I am glad you guys had a fun day. I am glad you got a printer Mom, that is exciting. We had a good day. I walked this morning. We went to church this morning and Casey worked. Ruth wore her new dress and looked so pretty. We had a late lunch of beef fajitas, thanks Mom. We went hiking to try out the new backpacks. It was had stopped snowing so we thought it would be good. Their was still some snow on the ground and it was muddy in parts. It started to snow after a while and the little kids were sad so Casey took the kids and hiked down the the road. Me and Tony went back and got the van and picked them up. I had great time and it felt good to be out hiking. We went home and everyone changed into dry clothes. Then we went to Randy's for Max's birthday. It was a nice evening and it was good to visit. We are loving the bathroom so much. I can't believe how well it turned out. Love you guys.
My day was good. I got up and went down to SLC and met up with mom and dad. We got then a new printer at Costco. We also went to winco and then I took them out to lunch to celebrate one year left of school. Then I came home. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...