Saturday, September 17, 2016


Thanks again for the fun time.  We need to do that again.  Here are my pictures, you got some really good ones Karen, thanks.


Fun times

The hot air balloons were really something to see.  It was cold at first but so neat to see them take of and then they landed.  We played the rest of the day.  After Rachel and family left we went to choke cherry days.  It was fun and Karen bought us some choke cherry jam.  I hope it tastes good.  Oliver was so cute Robin.  A door shut and it scared him and he asked what that was and I said I didn't know.  He just looked at me and said "It is probably just Aunt Robin."  That made my day.  I hope frightmares went well.  First night is always a little crazy.  I sure love the make up.  Karen your beef jerky is amazing.  Hickory flavor is my favorite so far.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  We are going to get grandma for lunch.  Rachel, you left two of Ruthie's binkies at Karen's house.  I took them home with me.  I hope she isn't without binkies tonight. Isaac has decided to live at Aunt Karen's house.  He never sees the real world there.  We are always playing and doing fun things.  He was so cute.  Ruthie is really getting around.  She can scoot anywhere she wants to.   LOVE MOM

Hot air balloons

Thursday, September 15, 2016


This weekend I am working. I need to be at lagoon at 12:45. But I'm not sure when I will be done. This is our first week. Today was tech day so the ran the shows for us to see. I am glad tomorrow is friday. It's also the first real day of frightmares so that will be good. Sorry I don't have a good schedule for the weekends. If I get done early I will give you a call and see where everyone is at. Have a good one


ready to play

My day at work was really quiet also.  I got a lot done.  It wasn't that cold here today but it does feel really nice and fall like.  I still have my airconditioner on. We went to Walmart after dinner and got some treats for the kids and I made indoor smores.  I was on a roll.  I am excited to hook up tomorrow.  Robin what are your plans for the weekend.  I wondered if the meds were helping at all.   You know if I had that cool of a shirt from the airshow, I would want to show it off also.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

To Cool for a Jacket

Today was another busy day.  It was cold this morning also for us.  Isaac didn't want to wear a jacket because then no one would be able to see his cool shirt.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and watched Neave.  Imogean wanted to play after she got home from school so the both stayed until dinner.  After dinner Casey borrowed the neighbors trailer and worked on taking the grass to the dump.  I took the kids to shopko.  My crockpot broke and we needed a new one.  Isaac needed some pencils for homework and I didn't have a pencil sharpener so we got that also.  Thanks again for having us up tomorrow Karen.  We are supper excited.  Thanks so much, I owe you.


Oliver loves salsa and taquitos


Well it was chilly in my house today. It was 62 when I got up and it was still 62 when I got home from work. So I turned on my heat for a bit to warm my place up. Work was a little quiet at work today. 2 people in my office took the day off to go golfing at a charity golf tournament.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Have a great one bye.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Way to go

Rachel, I am so glad the fun park worked out.  That will be good for Oliver and Ruthie.  I can't believe she is scooting all over.  She is growing up way to fast.  Robin congratulations on the diet.  I think that is a good thing.  I am excited to learn new things.  I hope it is making you feel better.  That is what I am worried about the most.  Karen good luck going to the store tomorrow.  I looked up the hot air balloons and everything is free.  Robin do you work on Friday night and Saturday morning.  We are going to Kamas after work on Friday and then getting up to go see the hot air balloons.  Work was work but I am making some progress on getting things done, so that is nice.  It was such a pretty day today.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, it feels like everyday is just packed full with things to do.  We dropped Isaac off at school and then we went to the fun park story time thanks to Mom.  It was fun.  They had activities for the kids for an hour and half and then they could play in the soft play.  I met a Mom their that was nice and we hung out most of the time.  After school we had Henry come over and play.  Him and Isaac have a fun time together.  Then we did Isaac's homework and headed back to the fun park to play on the slide again and go bowling.  It was a nice time, thanks again Mom and Dad.  The boys have been tired in the morning so we got them to sleep early which is good.  Ruthie is scooting like a champ.  I was making beds and her and Oliver went down the hall and into the bathroom.  When I read to them at night she scoots over to the books and pulls them all off.  She is funny.



Well the week is half over, yeah! My day was good. Noyhing too wild and crazy. It did rain off and on all day today. I love the rain. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.  Bye

Point system

Today was good. It was nice to have the cool weather. I tried my first veggie burger and I actually really liked it. It was a shocker even to me.i am so shocked by this point system for the weight watchers. I decided to go to cafe rio the other night. I decided to get the soup. The points excluded the frito chips. So if i wanted frito chips i had to add aditional points and it was just as much points as the soup.... it was crazy, I still got the chips with the soup. :) well I am working scheels tonight so not much else going on. Have a good night


Tuesday, September 13, 2016


I forgot to say that sounds great for Lagoon.  Thank you so much for doing that for us.  I was thinking this weekend we could spend the night at Karen's on Friday and go early on Saturday to see hot air balloons.  What do you guys think?  Today was pretty good.  I get so emotional about Isaac at school, it is hard to let him go.  While he was at school we ran errands and Ruthie fell asleep in the car.  She can stand up in her crib so this afternoon we lowered it so she doesn't fall out.  When Casey came home the little ones too a nap so he mowed the lawn and I made salsa and folded laundry.  Casey had scouts this evening and then a big storm blew in so we watched that for a while, it was pretty.


And so it begins

Today was good. Nothing to special. The next couple of days will be all work work work. So I am just relaxing tonight. I tried to sew and cut vinyl but all my machines were on hiatus. I think it was more my patience levels were low but still I'm blaming the machines. I can't believe it's only tuesday. I am ready for another vacation. Lol


Made it

Well I made it back to the real world today.  It was still the same.  I did get free lunch today for a thank you for helping so much.  I thought that was nice.  We met Karen for dinner because dad left his phone in her car yesterday.  I think he should do that more often.  It was nice to hook up and visit.  Tomorrow is Wednesday so that is good.  Hump day.  They are having a pot luck tomorrow so I am bringing some chips and dip.  It is suppose to be chilly tomorrow.  Bundle up.  LOVE MOM


Well it is raining here tonight. My day was good. Work moved along. Nothing too exciting. Then I met mom and dad in Park City. Dad's phone fell out of his pocket in my car yesterday, so we met up so I could return his phone. They also helped me replace my windshield wipers on my car. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 12, 2016

Happy Birthday

Robin, I think the 25th of September would be great.  Anytime is good with me.  Thanks so much.  I am really excited you are trying to eat healthier.  I hope it really helps.  Weight Watchers is a good.  You will have to teach us everything you learn.  We could all use better eating habits.  I had a fun Karen's birthday.  We went shooting and to Fuji's for lunch.  Then we drove up to Logan and played with the kids.  It was a lot of fun.  Sardine Canyon was beautiful with autumn leaves.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  It is going to be hard to get back to the real world.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Karen, thank you so much for spending it with us.  It was a really fun day.  Thank you.  Robin good job with weight watchers.  If you have any good suggestions let me know.


Happy birthday

Happy birthday karen, hope you have a great year. Today was good for a monday. We had breakfast made for us since we won the office Olympics. It was tasty. Then I had to get my parking badge an ID for lagoon. I got the days for family day. It's actually in september. Either the 23rd or 25. I thought if we chose the 25th. I could come up and decorate till about 11 and then meet everyone up at lagoon?? Thoughts?

Then I was thinking I am going to try to eat healthier. And since I am terrible I joined weight watchers. I am mostly doing it for healthier eating options since it comes with a cook book. I thought I would try it our and see if it helps. So I made lasagna tonight. Have a good night

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The weekend

Thanks for meeting up with us tomorrow Karen, we are super excited.  We had a good weekend.  Saturday we cleaned the house a bit and Casey cleaned all the windows inside and out.  I took the boys to get some honey and we went grocery shopping.  Casey took Isaac ice skating and they had a really fun time.  That evening Casey needed a cheap monitor to fix a computer so we went to the DI.  Oliver found this four wheeler he wouldn't let go so we bought it.  They also had sunglasses for .50 so they got some of those also.  It took forever.  Today everyone slept in and then we went to church.  Oliver lasted longer than usual which was good.  Randy needed a key for Kelly's car so Casey and Isaac ran up their and gave it too him and went on a walk.  I stayed and the little ones took a nap.  Oliver has been saying "I said no" and it has been so funny.  I couldn't figure out where he heard it until I said it this evening and realized it was from me.  Ruthie started shaking her head no today and it was so funny, I will have to get a video tomorrow.  Well we will see you guys for a birthday celebration tomorrow.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...