Saturday, December 17, 2016


We took the kids to see Santa this morning.  I took a couple of pictures before that didn't turn out great and then with Santa Ruthie was happy.  Casey even sat with her and she wasn't having it.  I printed out some pictures for Isaac's super star and I printed the family picture out also.  It turned out so cute, I printed one for you also Mom.  Imogene and Neve came and to play for a while after lunch and then we went up to visit Randy.  After dinner Casey took the kids to the jump zone and I sewed, it was so nice.  We are excited for you guys to come up tomorrow.  We bought some Salmon for dinner.


Nice day

WE had a nice day.  Karen came down and we played for awhile and then I did laundry also and washed all my sheets.  They really needed that.  I took a nap and just puttered around the house.  It needed that also.  We are excited to go to Logan tomorrow.  WE are ready to go.  We will come back on Monday.  Robin I am glad you don't have to work a lot in January.  You will need it to catch back up.  They are really working you right now.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.  Rachel, I loved the Santa picture.  Ruthie was one unhappy baby.  She looks so much like you.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good.  I did have to shovel a little bit this morning.  Then I meet up with mom and dad. We went to Costco and got some stuff. Then we had tasty turkeys for lunch. They tasted really good. Then I came home and did laundry. It is nice to have that done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog last night. I forgot. I had to work at scheels and they stay open till 10 now. So I was tired when I got home. I also worked at scheels today and I work tomorrow so it just a dud week. I'm sorry you missed the forgotten carols karen. But I'm glad you are safe. Hope everyone is staying warm


Friday, December 16, 2016


I am glad that you and dad had fun at the show. It really snowed here. When I got back from Park City I shoveled about 2 inches and then i just shoveled 4 more. Other than being snowed in my day was good. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Just one more week until Christmas.  Bye

Bad timing

Well we started to travel right as the worst part of the storm came in.  Karen made it to Park City but it was horrible so she turned around.  Me and dad used the tickets to the Forgotten Carol and it was really nice.  Dad really like it also.  Karen I hope you got to watch your Resident Evil movies.  Thanks again Karen.  Rachel that was really sweet of Isaac's teacher.  I am excited to be part of the super star.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was good, it was raining most of the day.  It was sad to see the snow go.  Isaac had a good day at school and I took Oliver and Ruthie to story time.  They read books about cookies and then she had them decorate cookies.  It was fun and the kids were good.  We just stayed home they rest of the day.  They weather is crappy and I miss going outside.  Isaac's teacher forgot to send his super star book home so she dropped it off tonight which was nice.  She talked with Isaac for a while which was really nice of her also.  He is really excited and knew exactly what he wanted in his book.  I hope that you guys had a fun time tonight.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

So excited

I am pretty excited for the weekend.  Tomorrow I get to go with Karen to see the Forgotten Carols and then on Sunday I get to go play in Logan.  Drive safe Karen.  Robin do you work on Saturday?  We are going to play if you want to hook up.  I meet Kay and Julie for dinner tonight.  It was nice to visit.  I was raining here also and is really windy.  It is suppose to stay warm for the storm so I am hoping it isn't too bad.  Rachel that is such a cute picture of Oliver.  You don't get many with him smiling.  His eyes are beautiful.  I can't believe how curly Ruthie's hair is getting.  Your hair was like that.  That is fun you got a gift card.  Those are always fun.  Be safe in the storm.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night, I am not sure why.  I love the double stroller, it has been really nice to get everyone going to school, thanks Mom.  We just stayed home and played today.  Ruthie and Oliver both took a nap which was nice.  Me and Isaac made some rice kirspy treats, I have been meaning to make them forever, they tasted good.  We got a gift card in the mail to Walmart from some one anonymous, probably the church, which was really nice of them.  I took it and went grocery shopping and Casey watched the kids.  It was crazy busy, I am used to shopping in the morning when no one is out.  Well everyone enjoy your day tomorrow and don't work too hard.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. It is raining here. I am hoping it will stay with rain and not snow. My day was good. Work went by pretty quick so that was nice. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

So close

Today was good. We had inventory at work. I didn't really do anything magical but it did take all day. I am tired. I had to work at scheels so nothing super exciting. Hope everyone has a good day. Tomorrow is friday!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


I am glad that the week is half over. It did anow here this morning, but then it changed to rain this afternoon. I did have 3 meetings today. Which was quite a few because usually I don't have any. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.  Bye

Hump Day

We made it through half of the week.  I went in early to help set up a meeting and left a little late.  I made up my time for being late on Monday.  I am glad you had a nice day Rachel.  The fun park will be a good place to run and run.  Robin, I am glad things went better today.  I had a nice day at work also.  Karen I hope all your meetings went well.  I am going to go to bed early tonight also.  I went to Joann's to get a PJ pattern but it was sold out. I think I am going to try and make them after Christmas.  It is getting to close to the big day.  I am just going to buy some.  I need to start wrapping presents.  I am so bad at that.  Have a nice Thursday.  It is suppose to be really warm tomorrow.  Dad called Grandma today and she was sore.  He said she didn't talk very long.  Jani stayed home from work to take care of her.  LOVE MOM


I have been compiling my pictures for 2015 to make a book with the coupons Robin gave me.  I finished it and made the book, they were having 50% also so I was thought I could get it for free but they only let you use one promo code at a time.  So I could only use one $20 off at a time and they don't work with the 50% off.  It is lame but I am still going to order it after payday.  My sewing machine is amazing.  I had some time last night and a burned through putting together a quilt for Mom.  It was so fun.  Today was good.  Isaac had a fun day at school.  I took Oliver and Ruthie to the fun park for story time and Oliver didn't cry which was amazing.  We went back after Ruthie's nap with Isaac and they had fun running around.  We built the star wars lego when Ruthie was napping and he put it on his shelf with his other star wars legos, so he was happy.  It was snowing a lot this afternoon but it didn't look like much accumulated, an inch or two.  Hopefully we get a lot tonight.



Today was better. My boss says it's a crazy week because it's a full moon. But I think she's was crazy with out the moon. But that's just me. Tomorrow is inventory at I have to go in early. I have to be in the warehouse all day so that will be productive. But they are buying lunch so there is a bonus. I didn't have to work tonight. A girl at work wanted me to embroider some pillows for her friends christmas. By the time I was done in was worn out. I might go to bed early. Hope everyone had a good day. I hope grandma is doing ok. Let me know if you need anything


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Big busy day

Robin, I am sorry you had a bad day.  Just do what you boss says and forget the rest. She is the one that gives you raises.   It isn't worth the battle at all.  My day was so busy.  I took traxs in and was late, I thought I had left really early.  Go figure.  We had a party at lunch and I won this T shirt.  I am giving it to Casey for part of his PJ's.  It is funny.  Isaac called me and wants to go see the star wars movie so on Sunday we are going to go see that.  Jani called and said that grandma fell.  They took her to the ER and she is OK.  I don't have much more information than that.  Poor thing.  Dad went to the dentist and they were able to just fill his tooth so that was nice no crown.  He does have one more tooth left and that will need a crown.  We will do that after Christmas.  I did work late because I had to make up hours.  I will be so glad when it is light again.  Just one more week and the days start getting longer.  That will help all of us.  Have a nice Hump Day.  Next week is a short week.  That will be nice. Rachel, I really love those stockings.  They are darling.   LOVE MOM


I am sorry Robin, I hope that things settle down soon.  Today was good but I am missing going outside a lot.  The kids have a ton of energy and we need to get out.  I just need to brave the cold.  We went grocery shopping this morning and Oliver did really well.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and she liked my machine.  We didn't sew really just talked which was fun.  Casey worked late and I took the kids to the hobby lobby to run around.  I made stocking for neighbor gifts and today I got some candy and finished them up.  I think that they turned out really cute.  12 more days until Christmas, we can do it.



Robin, I am sorry that you are having drama at work. My work is good, no drama to report. It is supposed to snow tomorrow. Let's hope it is 1 inch and not 4. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Over its

Today was ok. Me and my boss kinda had a bit of a butt heads moment today. She is throwing this busy work on us for no reason. And when we try to talk it out she throws a tantrum. It was almost talking to a two year old. I was so mad. It's a.whole group thing but she thinks all of us are all lazy and trying to get out of work. When we are just trying to not waste everyone's time on projects that help no one. But its almost worth wasting my time to by pass the tantrums. Its going to be a long week for sure. I also had to work at scheels so nothing to exciting for me other than more work drama. Well have a good night


Monday, December 12, 2016


Today was good. Nothing to exciting. I didn't have to work tonight so that was nice. I just sewed for a bit. It was kinda nice to have a slow night. Thanks for the fun day yesterday  im glad Isaac had a good birthday. Well have a good one


Is it Friday Yet?

I was late for work today.  I even was late for a meeting.  Crazy.  We did get my car and that was nice.  It needs new tires but I am going to take it to Discount Tires and have them to it.  Work was crazy busy today.  We did go to Sprouts and get some bread for a party tomorrow and some breath mints  I know we lead an exciting life.  Dad put some more movies onto Vudoo.  He likes doing that.  I am glad the stroller worked out.  I love your sewing machine.  May you have many quilts made on it  :)  Robin, I hope your day went well also.  Dad has a dentist appointment tomorrow so he is going to stay home and then go to the dentist.  I am going to drive to trax and take trax.  Have a really nice day.  We can take the presents home on Monday.  LOVE MOM

Moving along

Rachel, I realized we didn't take the Santa stuff when we got halfway home. Mom said she can get it when she comes for Isaac's super star day. My Monday was good. It started out a little slow, but it picked up, so the day went by fast. Thanks again Robin for making those plates. The are so pretty. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Best day ever

Thanks again for the fun birthday party.  Isaac had the best day, we are so spoiled.  I like your decorations Karen, I am glad that you took pictures.  I forgot to send Christmas down with you.  Maybe Mom could take some down this weekend.  Today was amazing.  My sewing machine came this morning when we were getting ready for school.  It is amazing and everything I hoped for.  It is a pretty machine.  I haven't played with it a ton but I did a bit and it sews really nice.  I used the double stroller this morning and it was great, thanks Mom and Dad.  We also took it on a walk around the block and it was nice.  It was good they could play with each other instead of being separated, the liked it.  Casey worked late today and we just played at home, nothing too exciting.  I am going to sew now, it will be fun.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...