Saturday, November 6, 2010


Well I am disappointed in everyones blogging ability yesterday. I was the only dedicated one. My day has gone good. I went to the bank, got the program copied, and went grocery shopping. I am doing laundry right now. I am going to make beef stew tomorrow. It sounded good. hope that the move went well. Did it take long to move everything? Well I hope that things went well. Love ya all. BYE

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well I hope that everything is working out well in SLC. Work was good today. i did have to go to a 2 our meeting but other than that it was good. I am glad that you got a free good free lunch Robin. I like it when they give good free lunches. Sometimes it is just pizza. I am excited to come up next weekend. It should be a fun time. I need to do laundry and go grocery shopping tomorrow. I would put it off but I am almost out of socks, so can't put it off for too much longer. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today I worked for one of my friends doing makeup. It was a good day and they had a lunch catered it was super delicious. I love good food. I am doing the same thing tomorrow as well. I think I will be finished earlier the anticipated I should be home by 4. but other then that same ole same ole.


Is it friday yet?

Well we had the group interview for my job today. All they kept saying is their isn't a Carole there. That is gettin really old. I haven't had one minute to prepare for leaving. I am running all the time. It is making me crazy. As if I don't feel guilty enough for leaving them. There I said my peace. It is just getting so hard. They are 2nd interviewing tomorrow and if they don't like anyone they are going to reopen the job. I wonder how much they can do in less than 5 days. I am excited to move this weekend. Robin your makeup is in dad's bag. I hope you got them. It is a black box. I just need about 40 more hours until next friday to get everything ready for my departure. Rachel, Kay called grandma today and said she has a like new baby crib mattress if you want it. I thought you might be interested. Let me know and I'll give her a call. I still need to get all the insurance moved around for the cars and the apartment but I do have cable and lights. That is a good thing. Well I will stop venting and go play farmville maybe that will help me relax.



I had a good day, I was kind of tired at work but it went pretty fast. Casey had to work tonight. I made Mom's chili for dinner and was really good, thanks Mom. I bought some rolls at the store to go with it. I am going to have it for lunch tomorrow, I am excited. I think tonight I am going to get some sewing done and relax.

Pretty day

Well it is pretty outside here today. To bad I was inside for most of it. My day went good though. Work was the same old same old. Nothing too exciting to report. Good luck with the move tomorrow and Saturday. I am excited to see everyone next weekend. Have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well on friday I work till about 5 hopefully I will get done a little early but I don't think I will. But I will be open the rest of the night. OH and also Rachel I had a gig planed and they moved it to the 13 eeeeekkkkkk. Its suppose to be a day thing but I'm not sure what is going on. Its outside though so pray for rain :) but other then that hopefully my schedule won't be a pain in the butt for everyone. Today was my last day of lagoon till next season. so now I am on job search. I just need a day off to do that..... have a great night


The night is young

I had a good day, I worked a little later to make up some time from yesterday. I finished shredding all the papers at home, I feel safer shredding things than just throwing them away. We finished the Doll House season 1 and I am with Robin, I didn't like the last episode, it didn't make sense and was dumb. I did like the rest of the series though. Is season 2 weird? I don't know where what they would start with. Me and Casey and free this weekend to help you move. It will be fun. Everyone have a good night.


I think I saw something

Rachel you made it to 32 weeks. Congratulations!!!. Karen I am glad you are liking the Kindle. I am thinking I might jump on board with one. It would be nice to not have to try to turn pages on cheap paper. Not much else going on with me. I am got your makeup today Robin. I am going to send it down with dad tomorrow. We get the apartment on Friday so if you aren't busy there will be a lot to do. I know your schedule was pretty booked up. Well have a great Thursday. Dad walked and picked me up from work today and it said it would be the last time he did that. WOW that kind of hit home



Well the week is half over. I am sorry that you are tired Robin. Getting sleep after not getting enough is rough. I always think that I should have just kept missing sleep that way I would drop. I am tired today. I had trouble falling asleep last night. I just tossed and turned. It was annoying. Today I will sleep well though. I got a 25 dollar amazon gift card from my credit card so I got a new book for my kindle. I may buy another one also. Solidworks at work was driving me crazy today. It was running so slow. So I went and talked to the IT guy about and he said that he would fix it. I hope so because I am a person of little patience. Well have a great one bye

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

sleep is taunting

So now that I have had sleep I am so tired. I need to get back to zombie mode. I'm glad everyone is doing good. well I worked at lagoon today. just more clean up. Tomorrow is my last final day. I think the other two are going to get all the hours for the off season. well I am going to head for bed


8 more days

Boy that does sound like not very many more days I have to work. I have so much to do to get ready for some one to take over and there just isn't enough time. I hope I don't leave her in a mess. I keep worrying about that. I still have next week. They are going to do a group interview on Thursday. I have never heard of that. Weird. It is nice to have dad home. I have missed him. It is good to have him here. I am so looking forward to that being like that as the norm. Well I am glad the baby doctor went well and Karen got new lenses and Robin got rest. That is all wonderful news. Have a great hump day. I am busy doing laundry to get dad some clothes.



My doctors appointment went good. I only had to wait an hour and that was good. The baby is doing good. It was a really quick visit. I am going to start going in every two weeks now. I am glad that you got new lenses Karen, it is always fun to be able to see well. I don't have much else going on, me and Casey just watched Doll House tonight, it was a nice evening.



Well my new lens are in so I am going to go and pick them up tomorrow. Work was good today. I even had stuff left over to work on tomorrow. Yeah! I like being busy. I hope that you had a good lunch today mom. You probably won't have to pay for lunch all week. I am glad that dad had a good trip. I hope that he has a relaxing week to recover from it. I am glad that you had a good day sleeping Robin. I hope that you all have a great week. BYE

Monday, November 1, 2010

clean up

well yesterday I literally slept all day. I was really nice. then today I worked at lagoon we are in clean up mode now. then afterwards a girl I know was in a play "the little shop of horrors" so me and another girl from work went. it was fun they did a good job. well tomorrow I am planning to work at lagoon again. have a great one


Dad is safe and sound

Well dad made it home safe and sound. He is stiff and sore but had a good time over all. I will be glad when the change has been made it is hard to be half way there. Good luck with your doctor's appointment Rachel. LOVE MOM

Roast Beef

I had a good day, I had the leftover roast beef for breakfast and lunch, it taqsted really good. I have a docotors appointment tomorrow so I worked a little late to make up swome time. Then I paid rent and went grocery shopping. Casey friends called him and they went hiking tonight. Well have a good night.



Well today was good. I am glad that Monday is over though. Work was good I stayed busy for the most part. I the invite from Kay for Rachel's shower today in the mail. Well I don't have much to report so I will sign off. Have a good one.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

nice weekend

I always hate to see nice weekends come to an end. It was nice to have Rachel and Casey up. It was a nice drive to Clifton and grandma loves to go out there. I am excited for next weekend to move. It seems like a dream right now. Life does turn on a dime doesn't it. Well have a great Monday everyone. Robin I hope you got some rest. You really needed it. Or maybe just some fun goofing around. You have been working not stop. Well not much else going on here. Dad comes home tomorrow. He sounded really tired tonight but had such a nice day got to go down right on the track while the race was one today. He really liked that.



Robin I am glad that your Frightmare is over. I had a good day. It was really pretty outside today. I made roast beef and potatoes for dinner. It turned out really good. My phone is still awesome. I also got a nap today, that was the best part of the day of course. Well I hope that everyone else had a great day. Have a great week everyone.


Well I had a good weekend. Today we went up to Clifton and winterized the house. Then we went back to Logan and took a nap. I am glad that Halloween is over for your Robin, maybe you can get some sleep now. Karen i love your phone and I am excited that you got it. You are going to have a fun time with it. Well thanks for everything and everybody stay safe.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...