Saturday, November 11, 2023


 We got up early and went to have our blood drawn. They didn't have me and dad's orders so just Karen got hers done. We went to chick fil for breakfast. We went to Lehi to tend Luna we went to the jump zone and then came to Lehi for naps. I forgot we went to kohl's first and used our kohl's cash for bingo prizes. We scored. We went to Cabellas to look at the fish and get dad another pair of pants. We made it back home and just played. Luna is sound asleep. Ŕachel I hope your practice went well and the program is ĝood. It is always my favorite. Love m9m


The gang came and picked up Luna so we could put floor down in Jeramys sister house. We finished putting the floor in but need to finish the floorboards tomorrow. So they kept Luna overnight so we could finish. Thanks again for watching her. 


Friday, November 10, 2023


 Good job Karen on being healthy, you are doing great.  Today was good.  They had the veterans assembly and Casey met me their.  Ruth got her award and was really shy.  I saw a lady from my old work and it was good to talk with her.  Oliver said Ruth needed an snack for her award.  She choose old grisy mill.  We ate their and then I drove them out to see the new Smithfield temple.  It is huge and in the middle of nowhere.  We had a good time.  I had the boys take Tony on a walk.  Tomorrow we are practicing for the primary program.  I hope I don't mess up on the piano too much.

Love Rachel 


 Work was quiet and slow. I am starting to enjoy the moments. Two house down from us caught fire. It is scary. The front door is melted. It is so sad. Karen had the day off for a.docyors appointment and the started to fix the wall. It looks better but still needs mud and tape and paint. We will work on that Sunday. We are going to go tend Luna tomorrow. Jeramy and Robin are going to help put a.floor in for jeramys sister.  Rachel I hope all is going g well. Good luck with your primary presentation. Love mom


 My day was good. I took the day off because I had a doctor's appointment. The house two down from us had a fire so there were a ton of emergency vehicles out front this morning. My doctor's appointment was good. My A1C is 6.1 so that was awesome. Then I met dad at the spaghetti factory for lunch. Me and dad also up the drywall back up down stairs from where the electrian worked on it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


 Work was work. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Not much going on with us. I love talking with Luna. She loves to play and have us watch her. Rachel i am so glad you like your new job. I hope Ruth feels better. Love you all mom


 My day was good. I got to work on some design stuff at work so that was fun. After work I just came home and was lazy. Me and mom played bubble bobble and I got a lot of lives. I got up to E it was pretty cool. I had never got that many before. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Today was good. Work was busy but I made it out alive. I'm so excited tomorrow is Friday I feel like this has been the longest week. We went to Costco after dinner to get more diapers. Then Luna called Grandma and Karen and Luna was wild. She has so much energy.



 Today was good.  Teaching went well today.  Ruth had a headache this afternoon and I had a class.  So she called Casey and he took her home and gave her some medicine.  She felt better when I got home.  Thursday's are busy.  Isaac had chamber music practice at the same time I need to pick up Oliver.  Then I picked Isaac the same time piano lessons start.  I got everyone everyplace on time and it all worked out.  I finally made it to exercise class and it was so fun and felt so good.  I didn't know it but it was black light and I was dressed all in black so it was awkward.  Not everyone dressed in glowing colors so I wasn't the only one.  It was still fun.  Everyone have a good night.

Love Rachel 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 Today was good.  School went well and I think the lessons went well.  Casey volunteered in Oliver's class so he stopped to say hi.  I went grocery shopping after work and then picked up Oliver.  We didn't have anything going on the kids were bored.  I thought that was a nice change of pace.  Isaac had young men's and I went to book group.  We read the Maid and I liked it.  Everyone in my group liked it also.  Casey went running and dropped his phone and it broke so he had to get new one.  He got a moto.  

Love Rachel 


 Work was long. I don't have a lot to do and it is not normal for me. I came home and made can can casserole. It tasted good. Our visiting teacher and home teacher came over. They are a nice couple. We showed them downstairs and she was saying how her son loves Christmas. Rachel had a beautiful Christmas quilt she had given to me to share so I gave it to her. She was so touched. Robin I am glad you got to I am sorry we couldn't talk with Luna. Have a nice Thursday. It was cold today. I had to get gas and it was windy and cold. Bundle up. Love mom


Today was good. I helped in a photoshoot for work.there wasn't a lot to do so I just worked on my normal things mostly. But it was a nice change of pace. The bought abergiene and it's mostly salads. But mine was really good. I was impressed and I didn't think it was my kind of food. Lol after I picked up Luna and we had dinner. She took a bath and went to sleep. 


Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 Today was good.  I work on binding quilts this morning.  School went well and I am liking it.  Ruth had tumbling after school.  I dropped her off and then picked up me and Casey's hundred miler shirts and then i picked up Oliver.  We picked up Ruth and her and Oliver for their hair cut.  Oliver's hair was bothering him.  Isaac didn't want a trim.  Ron brought over some bean burritos for dinner which was really nice of him.  We met Casey up at USU and watched Wind sync.  They were so talented and it was a nice show.  We even stayed the whole time but the kids were tied by the end.  Ruth's teacher called and she is getting a award for being respectful at an assembly on Friday.  She is such a good kid.

Love Rachel


 Today was good. They interviewed for my job today. I just watched the front desk.  Karen took us to zakby for dinner to celebrate getting certified at work. I went and got my hair cut on the way home. It is short once more. We finished Wednesday. I really liked it. They are going to make another season I guess. Well tomorrow is hump day. I always feel if I can make Wednesday I can make the rest of the week. Robin do you need help tomorrow for you photo shoot? Rachel They Saud sardine canyon had s snow warning. It was a blizzard. Did you get snow? Love mom


I had so many meetings today.i didn't get much done. Tomorrow they are doing another photoshoot so I'm going to help with makeup.after dinner I picked up groceries. I think I did a good job Luna wanted to eat everything she saw. I was running low on her favorite foods. 


Monday, November 6, 2023


My sleep.schedule was so off. I couldn't sleep at all. I did go to work. I needed to get my sleep schedule back on track. Work was long but I made it through. I wanted to make stir fry so I stopped at reams on my way home. They didn't have packets of cut up veggies. I went to the freeze to get some and all the freezers were broken. I just bought some veggies and cut them up. It tasted really good. I was proud. I kept thinking Isaac would be so proud. We arecwatching Wednesday and it is good. I kept falling asleep. They fixed the wiring today so Karen's TV works and we can use the fireplace downstairs. Have fun at the chamber music. I love that doll house. They always have seams on the back. I love the welcome sign you made us robin. Love you all mom


 Today was good.  Isaac was tired and frantic this morning.  The time change is hard.  I don't work on Mondays and the day goes by really fast.  It is nice to have some time.  I had a district training meeting with all the computer specialist.  They meet once a month.  The training was really good and I learned a lot.  Casey took Isaac to his violin lessons which was nice.  The kids are behind on school so we worked on getting them caught up tonight.  Tomorrow we are going to another chamber music concert which will be fun.

Love Rachel 


Today was good. It was so dark on the way home. Luna helped me make pancakes tonight and they tasted good. We called Grandma and after that she started watching chicken littel. So Jeramy watched Luna when I ran and nailed the back on the doll house. There is a seam at the top so I will have to figure that out. 


Sunday, November 5, 2023


 Thanks again for the quilt class Karen.  It was a fun day.  Today was good.  We went to church and we practiced the primary program.  It is next week and I think we are ready.  We made lunch and then went hiking.  We were looking for more caves.  We found another pit.  We did find a cave in a place called middle sink.  It got darker earlier than we were planning because of daylight savings so we hiked out in the dark but we had headlamps.  It was a lot of fun.  Randy was worried about us so he came over to make sure we made it back ok.   Everyone have a good Monday.  I didn't get a picture of Karen's quilt, sorry.  Casey and Randy grouted the backsplash in the kitchen yesterday and it looks really nice 

Love Rachel 


 Well I went to bed early and woke up late. It was so nice. Good news we took my car to jiffy lube down the street and they registered it. Yeah. I thought i would have to go to Heber city. That was such a relief. I didn't have to have an imissions. Check that one off the list. In celebration Karen took us to the crab shack. It tasted so good. I also got a nap. Everyone have a great week. The electrician is coming to look at that outlet. Hopefully Karen will have tv in her living room again. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...