Saturday, May 13, 2023


 I am glad everyone had a good day.  Your house is looking nice Karen.  It was Smithfield health days today so they didn't have any exercise classes this morning.  I was going to walk but it was windy and I was a baby about it.  Calleen and Allen came to visit.  Casey had a bike he wanted to give them.  We worked on getting the garden ready.  The tiller wasn't working and Casey wasn't able to fix it.  It is dead.  Randy came by with Ivy and Lily.  They wanted to take the kids out to McDonald's.  While they were gone me and Casey went grocery shopping and looking at tiller.  Casey went down the street and got some cuttings from their trees to graft on his baby trees.  We are going to Randy's tomorrow for dinner but Isaac was planning on making mother's day dinner so he made it for me tonight.  He was really sweet and it was a really good dinner.  Casey found a tiller close so we went and looked at it and we bought it.  It is really nice.  It is thirty years old and awesome.  

Love Rachel


 We had a good day. All the boxes from the kitchen and dining room are gone. Third bedroom needs unpacking but that isn't a rush. I mowed the lawn and found some dynamite sticks with poison in them to kill the voles. There are holes everywhere. It was fun. We made dinner and it was good. We did find lowes so we are safe. Karen decided where to hang here pictures and it feels so nice to have them up. The cable man is coming in the morning so that will be nice. Have a wonderful mother's day. Robin when kids are toilet training underwear become.hard to leave on. Love mom


 Well me, mom and dad spent the day unpacking and we went grocery shopping. It is looking nice. 


It was Jeramy sisters bday. So we went down to provo. Before we went down we stopped at Walmart and picked up Jeramys mom a mother's day gift. Luna fell asleep on the way Jeramy just dropped off his mom present. Then we went to lunch with his sister Lori and her husband. After lunch we came home. Jeramy was tired so he took a nap and me and Luna played. After dinner we went outside for a bit so Jeramy could plant more seeds in-between the rain storm. Luna came up to us with a diaper. Come to find out she took hers off and was running camando. She thought she was pretty funny. 

Friday, May 12, 2023


 I finally got up early and walked this morning.  It felt good once it got going.  Work was good.  I made two Easter baskets that were cute.  I left early to go to the dentist.  My gum has been sensitive and I thought my crown had broken or part of it came off.  It turns out everything is fine and he gave me some prescription toothpaste to help with the sensitivity.  I went to peprigde farm and picked up some fish crackers for Isaac.  Isaac had a concert tonight.  We dropped him off and went and played at the park till it was time for the concert.  Randy and Teri came to watch and it was good to see them.  Out of the three concerts the one with the kids from the north part of the valley was the best one.  They played really well.  We went out to El Toro for dinner after the concert.  That was fun.  Good luck unpacking.

Love Rachel


 It was the last day of caregiver celebration. Thank heavens. It made for a busy day. We came home and had a McDonald's and then came to Karen's house. We got a lot of boxes done. We went to get cable but it isn't wired the right way so they are coming on Sunday. We are sleeping here tonight. We are making some.progress. I hope Isaac's concert went well. Li e mom


Luna woke up tired and was a lot nicer today. I had to pick up my free monthly oils they give us. On the way an old guy in the parking lot tripped. A few people came over to help him up when he turned his head there was blood everywhere. I called the security team and they helped with his head gash. They called the ambulance for him since he needed stitches. That was my big story. I picked up groceries and we played outside until bed time. 


Thursday, May 11, 2023


 Thanks for taking a sewing class.  I am excited and it will give us something to look forward to.  Work was good.  I made three really cute spring pillows and they were all approved.  Oliver met his friend this morning and they rode bikes to school together.  Isaac had his last orchestra practice and it is emotional that he is almost done with elementary school.  Oliver and and Ruth had piano lessons and they picked a song to perform at their recital this summer.  Ruth had tumbling.  The classes this summer are in the morning so we might take the summer off and start again in the fall.  I met Casey at Lees after I dropped Ruth off and we went grocery shopping together.  It was fun.  Thanks again for taking a class.

Love Rachel 


 I am sorry I didn't blog last night. I was sitting on the couch and fell sound asleep. I am with Luna. I think i am on the edge also. Work has been crazy and I am ready for caregiver week to be over. I helped hand out sodas this afternoon. I made hamburger pie for dinner. We decided to take the night off and Karen fell sound asleep. We did go to the mall last night to get t mobile internet but it isn't in west valley. I think we are going with Comcast. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Hope it goes well. I think we are going to the house and unpack tomorrow night and spend the night give us a chance to see what works and doesn't work. We have decided to move on the 27th. Gives me Monday to unpack. I have found a home for my table and chairs and ottoman. Making progress. Love you all mom


Luna woke up tired. so she was a bit on edge. Work was work. Then after dinner we tried to work outside but Luna was not having it. She wanted to pick another strawberry to eat but there are not any that are ready. She had an hour fit. She forgot why she was crying and was just crying to cry. We finally got her to calm down. But she seems like she could blow at anytime again.


Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Casey flew to California and back today.  He got car sick on the way home.  Randy took the kids to school this morning.  Work was good.  I made a lace egg that took so long to make and I kept having problems.  It turned out really pretty in the end.  Oliver had a friend come over and play after school.  I was going to go to the store but couldn't go.  I hosted book group tonight so I just made a box of brownies for a treat because I had that in the cupboard.  I went to activity days for Casey since he hadn't made it back yet.  We made mother's day cards.  Nancy makes the cutest things.  Isaac rode his bike to young men's.  Book group was good.  We read cloud cuckoo land.  I really liked it.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Sorry I didn't blog last night. Karen gave us a twin bed from Luna during the move. Jeramy Started to put it together at 7 then we had to go to Costco to get medicine. It was a bit of a circus. Luna didn't go down till 10. Then she woke up at 5. I finally got her to sleep down stairs on the couch but it was 6:30. So we only got and extra 30 minutes of sleep. Tonight we burned the stump. The lawn mower keeps running into the brick we have around it. So we are hoping we can fill up the hole with dirt soon. I also forgot we had our first red strawberry. I had Luna pick it and she ate it. She was cute.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 Today busy for me as well.  It was the owner of our company's birthday, Kim and they threw her a surprise party.  They had macaroons and they were really good.  After school Isaac had orchestra practice and I hurried and put away laundry.  We gave Isaac something to eat and we headed off for his concert practice.  After we dropped him off me and the little kids got a sandwich and then went to the park to play.  It was fun.  The concert was so good tonight.  It was better than Fridays.  We went to Kari Ann's in the way home.  Casey is going to California tomorrow for a meeting and then coming back by dinner.  Good luck unpacking.  That is the worst.

Love Rachel


 Work was crazy. Itas someone's new day and his boss in Disneyland and he had no office or computer. I got that fixed up and then served for 3 hours at employee appreciation week st taco Tuesday. I did sour cream. I know wild. Came back and help the new guy get his parking pass. I made Ramon noodle casserole and then we went and unpacked for awhile. Karen has a bed with sheets and silverware in her kitchen. We are going to go get t mobile internet tomorrow. Robin I am sorry about your taxes. Dad will call tom tomorrow. Rachel I hope your day went well  love mom

Monday, May 8, 2023


 Work was crazy this morning. It was so disorganized. I had 5000 steps by 10. We did get free lunch from a big celebration that they had food left over. I left at 200 and drove out to help dad move boxes. Jeramy and Robin put the table together. That felt so nice. We all left around 730. We were tired. Tomorrow we are going down after dinner and unpack. That way it will be just puttering. Rachel I still can't get over Oliver is old enough to mow the lawn. It is so nice to have help. Tell Isaac good luck at his concert. We saw a dead mouse and a live at Karen's house we might be setting a lot of traps. Love you all mom


 Good job on moving guys.  I wish we lived closer so we could have helped.  I am glad you are in your new house.  Today was ok.  Work we had training most of the day.  It is stressful and I keep feeling like I am messing everything up.  We also had a potluck because two people graduated from college.  I made a seven layer dip and I thought it tasted good.  Oliver has been wanting to mow the lawn so after dinner he did it and Casey edged it.  I was weeding the front flower bed and Isaac ask how he could help.  I thought that was so sweet.  We weeded and it looks a lot better.  Everything looks nice with the grass mown also.  I wasn't watching the time and missed exercise class so I went to the later one. It was high which is fun.  Isaac has another concert tomorrow so it will be a busy day.

Love Rachel


 Yeah, I have a house again. After work I went to my new place and Robin and dad had moved all the boxes on. Jeremy showed up and him and Robin got all my furniture in. It is starting to look good. Still lots of boxes to unpack though. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


I took today off work. I woke up and took Luna to daycare. I had dentist appointment for a cleaning. They found a chipped filling. They had time to fix it so they numbed my face and fixed the filling. Then Jeramy has been wanting me to go get checked. I've had a cold non stop for 2 months it feels like. And I get these weird pains in my ear sometimes. He said everything looked ok and gave me. A nose spray to help with the ears and clear out my sinuses. I picked up Luna after and drove down to Karen's new place. We moved stuff from the garage to the house. Then we came home. 


Sunday, May 7, 2023


 We got up and went to Kamas. We cleaned and took what was left. It was a a little nostalgic. I had a few tears. we took the freezer food to Robin's house. Thanks for storing that. We went to lunch at via 313. I love their cheese bread and pizza. It tasted good. We came home and took naps. It felt so nice. We just vegged the rest of the night. Dad has a root canal in the morning. I am going to work and when Karen gets her house I am going to leave and help get things set up. Exciting. It is caregiver week and I am on the committee should be a busy week. Have a great week. Thanks again for yesterday. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...