Friday, May 17, 2024
Thursday, May 16, 2024
We had a nice day. I did laundry and cleaned up the room for Rachel and Casey to sleep in. We did move all the lawn furniture on the cement and it feels so nice. Better than the weeds. I am excited for this weekend. Karen bought a grill and a new pillow for the bench that was missing one. They had stitch plates and table cloth. Ruth will be so happy. Robin Luna is going to start living in princess dresses. That is so much fun. Rachel you are crazy busy. Isaac is so talented. What type of camp is that? I love that soccer picture of Ruth when she was little. Oliver getting so big. Love mom
Today was the last day of scheduled testing, the rest of the time is for makeup tests. Isaac had an audition to try out for the CMP summer camp. I thought he played the violin beautifully and I am proud of him. We made an involved dinner so everyone helped and that was nice. We made falafels. Casey finished staining the deck and he went running and I went to exercise class. Casey is going to Kansas on Sunday and Monday for work. Ruth has been taking AR quizzes like crazy and she got enough point to go to the end of year party and she is super excited.
Love Rachel
My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. We went to Walmart after work and got a charcoal grill. It will be fun to make burgers on Saturday. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Don't worry about dinner Friday Mom, thanks for thinking of us. I proctored tests all day. This is the last week and then week is all makeup time so it will be slower. I had a meeting before school and the kids are so nice to go early. Me and Ruth went grocery shopping and she is so fun to sho with. Andy is back and we visited with him. Ruth had tumbling and Isaac had young men's. I went to exercise class and it was a small class tonight. Casey made it back late last night and is on a run right now.
Love Rachel
We had a nice day. We weeded this morning and made the strawberry bed bigger. We also got a parsley plant. We met the gumm gang for lunch. We were going to famous Dave's and we waited 10 minutes and we were the only ones there. He came back and said they only had one waiter and he couldn t handle much. We walked over and had chili's instead. Everyone is doing good. Julie put in her papers she is just waiting for the stake president to call her. That is neat you got your tax return. I hope we get ours soon. Rachel I hope Casey made it home safe and sound. Rachel do want me to have dinner for your on Friday? I know it will be later but what ever you need let me know. Have a nice day love mom
My day was good. It was mostly just a repeat of yesterday. Work was good I am staying busy so that is nice. After work I came home and we watched death in paradise. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
My day was good. Just work and then home. We did go out to five guys which was fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
I did yard work this morning and it felt so good to be outside. The lawn was so long. I went grocery shopping this afternoon. Karen took us to 5 guys for dinner and they have good hamburgers. We are meeting the gumm gang for lunch tomorrow. We got a call this afternoon saying we owed 700 dollars for a steriod shot in November and they were sending us to collections. That was the first I had heard about it. I also had a bill for 300 dollars to another place. After calls we found out that select health had paid these bills and they hadn t been credited. I didn't owe anything. That will get your nerves going. Not sure why that happened but hopefully that is all straightened out. Rachel that is fun about the concert. He is doing so well. Robin glad work is calming down. Love mom
I worked yesterday with testing and the same today, more testing. We had a huge thunderstorm come through this afternoon. Casey is on him way home from California which will be nice. Isaac had a orchestra concert tonight and we stayed and watched the high school so he he could write a report on it. Our friends were their and she took took Ruth and Oliver home after the middle school concert and we drover her son back after the highschool concert. It worked out really nice. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Monday, May 13, 2024
It was a quiet day today. We took Karen's car in and got the oil changed and I worked on the sewing room. It is really taking shape. We walked around Walmart after work. Robin I am sorry. This is stressful. Did they lose a lot of kids in daycare? Rachel I hope you hade a quiet day off. Love mom
We wanted to ride bikes to school this morning but Oliver said it was going to rain and wouldn't do it. He ended up being right. It was pouring rain after school and we would have been in trouble if we rode our bikes. Crazy. Isaac had violin lessons and we rain to the store to get stuff for his science fair project. Casey went running and I went to exercise class. Casey is going to California tomorrow and has to get up at 4 am and will get home around midnight so it will be a long day for him.
Love Rachel
Sunday, May 12, 2024
I feel so blessed in my life to have my beautiful daughters in my life. You guys are my greatest joy. I am so proud of the women you are. Thank you. Have an amazing week. Robin if you need anything we aren't far. Love mom
Happy Mother's day Mom, thanks for all you do for us. I love you. Today was good. The kids were really sweet and excited for the presents they got me. We worked on staining the deck which is really needed. We went to church and the primary and youth sang a mother's day song and played the piano. It went really well and I didn't mess up. We went to Randy's house for dinner and we went to the park for a while. It was a beautiful evening. Casey ran home with Tony which was pretty awesome.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...