Saturday, April 16, 2016

sick boys

Isaac and Oliver were sick so we went to Logan to help out.  They were feeling a lot better when we got there so we went to lunch and Walmart.  When we left they were both coughing and Oliver was fevering.  They have a long night ahead of them. Robin I hope all is well.  You need to blog and let us know you are OK.  I worry :) Karen I am glad you had a nice day.  I think that is neat they remembered us at the restaurant.  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I went to home depot because the hand sprayer on my tub wouldn't turn off. Then I went grocery shopping. When i got home i put the new sprayer in. It has a little leak so i still have a little trouble shooting to do. It was super wind and cold here all day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, April 15, 2016


It snow off and on here all day as well. The power even flickered off for a few minutes this evening. Just long enough that I had to reset all my clocks. Work was good. It did seem a little long because yesterday seemed like Friday, but I made it thru. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Snowy day

It was a blizzard when we went to work today and snowed off and on all day.  I am excited to play also tomorrow.  Rachel just give me a call and we will leave when you do.  Karen is going to stay in Kamas and I think that Robin is helping Walter with the last of his move.  We can come any time.  I was so glad it was Friday.  I am ready for the weekend.  It was a lot quieter today and I am getting things done.  That felt nice.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was cold and windy.  It hailed a bit in the afternoon.   Isaac has a bit of a cough so we just stayed inside and played today.  The boys did go out a bit when Casey got home but it was wet and cold.  For dinner we went to Cafe Rio and it tasted really good, the boys eat really well their also.  Nothing else too exciting going on.  I am excited to play tomorrow.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

better day

It was a better day today.  I think that things are going to start calming down a little bit.  At least I hope.  One more week and the new girl will start in administration and that will help me a lot.  I met up with Kay and Jeff tonight for dinner.  Julie was sick.  She went to insta care and has a sinus infection and urinary infection.  It was nice to walk around the mall for awhile.  Man did it rain here also.  I am glad you had fun a lunch today Robin.  You work for a good bunch of people.  Rachel I am sorry you were tired.  I just hate that feeling.  It is suppose to be nasty again tomorrow also.  I am game for anything for this weekend.  I am glad that Walter is liking his place.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

Quilt Group

I was dragging today and was tired.  It rained and snowed all day also so we were stuck inside.  At school Isaac had beach day and he wore his Hawaiian shirt and brought a beach towel to sit on.  It seemed like he had a fun time.  I had quilt group this afternoon and I was worried that the kids wouldn't be good but they were wonderful their and I had a really nice time.   It is so fun to look at everyone's quilts and talk about them.  This evening we just watched movies and were lazy.  It was nice.  Do you guys want to meet in Ogden this weekend or  SLC or Logan?  Does anything sound fun?  The weather should be good.  Love you guys.


The boys were being old men.


Well today seemed like Friday to me. That is so going to make tomorrow a long day. It snowed here today. We got about 2 inches before the sun went down. Hopefully it will stick with rain from now on. I am jealous you got fugis for lunch Robin. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye


Today was good my work took us to fujis for lunch it tasted so good. My boss mis spelled it and said figi. I would have preferred figi but fugi's was still good. I am so glad tomorrow's friday. Walter is liking his place. We haven't moved his boxed stuff from his parents so we.are planning on doing that saturday. I have started to wear contacts again. I thought I would wear them on the days I don't work at scheels. Walter came over tonight and we had pizza. Hope everyone is doing well


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Man that was a quick mail.  I can't believe they got them already.  Karen that is so sweet of you.  I love the picture of Ruth laughing.  She is so dang cute.  You sure have cute kids Rachel.  I think that is so weird Karen that you didn't get any rain.  It just poured here this evening.  I love the rain.  It makes everything so clean.  Not much going on with me.  Work was crazy and I am glad I am home.  WE are almost done with our puzzle.  It has been a fun one to do.  All that is left is red and green might take us a while to finish it up.  Have a great Thursday.  It is suppose to rain until SAturday.  Robin you have never said how Walter is liking his apartment.  I hope he is doing well.  LOVE MOM


Rachel i am glad that the kids got the cards. I am surprised that they are there already. I out them in the mailbox last night after work, so they got there super fast. My day was good. We only got about 4 drops of rain here today. Maybe we will get more tonight and tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.  Bye


Karen is super sweet and sent the kids Walmart gift cards int he mail, thank you so much Karen, they loved them.  Isaac bought a lego, of course, and Oliver wanted a ball so he was able to get two balls.  Oliver had a breakdown when checking out so it was stressful but we survived.  It rained most of the day here and everything looks really green, it is pretty.  I have only seen two birds on Isaac's bird feeder.  I am worried all the cats are keeping the birds away or maybe when the birds start coming it will be a blood bath with all the cats eating the birds, who knows, random thoughts sorry.  Isaac had school today and it was cowboy day so he wore his cowboy shirt.  He changed into a racing shirt when he got home though.  Casey's car was having trouble and he worked on it this evening.  Not much else going on.  Thanks again Karen, you are so sweet.


Isaac has been making poses up


Today was good my boss had a friend that was holding an event and giving out free tacos for lunch so we went. They were really good. And they had kneaders dessert. It was fun. Tomorrow my work us taking us to fujis for lunch so that will take up most of our day. I am glad we are closer to the end of the week. Not to much else with me. Have a good night


Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I love water guns.  They are fun to play with.  That was a good idea.  Work was good today, I think it is slowing down a bit.  That is good.  I needed that.  We are doing a puzzle and that I think they are fun to do.  This one is pretty.  Not much else is going on with us.  I would love to go on a hike or something like that.  That would be a lot of fun.  LOVE MOM

Water guns

Mom, we are game for this weekend.  Does anything sound fun?  It is supposed to be a pretty day on Saturday, maybe a small hike or something.  Today was good.  This morning we went on a walk and it was nice.  Isaac reminds me of myself, he runs as far as he can ahead of us and then sits down and waits for us to catch up, I love it.  We played in the backyard and then had lunch.  Jenn came over to sew and it went a lot better today.  Oliver napped and Isaac was sweet to play a video game.  Ruth fell asleep half way through which was nice.  When Casey got home Isaac wanted a water gun with his allowance.  So Casey stayed with Oliver, who was asleep, and the rest of us went to Walmart and got them and some Popsicle.  We had a lot of fun with the guns.  Isaac was the good guy and I was the bad guy and we played for a long time.  It was nice to use squirt guns because you didn't get super wet.  Oliver liked to squirt people but not getting shot.  Casey had scouts this evening and we cleaned up the basement.  I pulled out some of Ruthie toys and she really liked them.  It was fun.  Well have a good night and don't work too hard.



Well my day was good. Although we had a material vendor come by and I had to sit thru an hour and a half presentation. Other than that nothing new and exciting to report. I hope everyone is doing good. Bye

Monday, April 11, 2016

Good day

My day was a normal day.  Work came home.  I did make a corned beef over the weekend so we had that for dinner.  It was yummy.  It was a pretty day today.  It is suppose to get nasty by the end of the week.  Robin, I hope you felt rested.  Did you get Walter all put together?  Does anyone have a great idea for the weekend?  I might need to play.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  Randy took Isaac to school this morning which was nice.  I had some errands to do me, Oliver and Ruth went to Shopko and got more filling for the bean bag chairs (they were really deflated) and then Joanns to get more thread.  The lady at Shopko said I was  a good Mom since Ruth and Oliver were so calm and cute.  Randy picked Isaac up and then stayed and played in the backyard with us for a while.  We all went to McDonald's for lunch and Ruth lost it.  She was tired and couldn't fall asleep.  One old lady thought she was in pain since she was crying and I was like she is just a baby and tired, so they thought I was the worst Mom in the world.  It is funny how I got both ends of the spectrum today.  So I left and Randy took the boys to his house.  I finished up laundry and when Casey came home we went up their and had dinner.   I didn't take one picture today, I am off my game.  Everyone have a good night.



Today was good. It was a strange monday. Just odd things would happen with reports. I am working scheels tonight so nothing to crazy. Well I hope everyone had a good weekend. Sorry I don't have alot to report. Have a good night



Well morning seemed to come extra early this morning, but I was tough and got up. Work was good. Then i went to Walmart after work and pick up my prescription.  I hope everyone had a great day.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cute Cute

Thanks for posting the pictures Rachel.  They are just darling.  We took Grandma out to lunch and then went to Walmart.  They had some really cute summer PJ's for the kids so I got them.  That was fun.  I came home and crashed.  I took a 2 hour nap.  It felt so nice.  I could not go to sleep last night.  I cleaned the second bedroom up.  I am glad everyone had a great weekend.  Spring has come.  LOVE MOM


Sorry I didn't blog last night, I was feeling lazy.  That is fun that you guys all saw each other yesterday that is fun.  I am glad that you made a impulse buy Karen, that sounds fun.  We have had a good weekend.  We did a lot of jobs around the house.  Casey painted the front door and trim, then today he put the sealant around the frame and the door went weird and he fixed it.  We hung up the hammock outside and Isaac has had fun with that.  Isaac was feeding the birds gum so we got a bird feeder and bird seed and Isaac is really really excited about that.  We haven't seen any birds eating yet  but hopefully they find it soon.  We went for walks and the boys are getting a lot stronger and can run the whole way, it is fun.  Here are a million pictures, thanks for everything.



Well i have had a quiet day. I did get my guns cleaned this morning. Other than that i just had a lazy day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...