Friday, February 10, 2012

Another one

I am glad that everyone had a good time moving and got everything done so fast. That is exciting. I am glad that you are so close now Karen, it will be fun. I had a good day. I met up with Casey for a quick lunch. Then I picked up Jenn and we went and signed up for the next mystery quilt. It starts next week. It should be fun, it is a spring theme. She is going to Hawaii for a week so she will miss two pick ups but I am going to get it for her. I finished the binding on the sea urchin quilt so it is done, yea. Here is a picture of the finial product.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well my interview went well I don't know if I got it but hopefully. Not much else happening. tomorrow I am going to heber to help karen move. have a great one


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Good job on packing. You guys are good. You should play in the morning, that would be fun. Good luck tomorrow Robin on your interview, you will be great. Today was good, it was snowy/rainy. I had to deliver invitations today so before it snowed me and Isaac walked around a bit. It was nice. It is so nice having Casey home. I think that his job sounds interesting and he is liking it so far. Well I finally finished the binding on my Halloween quilt. Here is a picture. Thanks again Karen for the pattern, you are super sweet. I will make you a table runner.


All packed up and ready to go

Robin is on her way home to SLC for her interview tomorrow. Good luck Robin. With her help we were able to pack up the whole apartment. It went really well. The couple did rent her apartment so she is ready to leave St. George. I had a nice day. It was a lot of work but it was nice to laugh and talk while working. Tomorrow Karen is getting the Uhaul in the morning and then the loading begins. The ward is coming at 6:30 tomorrow night. She gets the Uhaul until sunday. Wish us luck. LOVE MOM

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The last day

Today was a good day. This weather is crazy, I love it because me and Isaac are able to go outside a lot. We enjoy that. Jenn came over and we sewed together, it was fun. We are going to do the mystery quilt again. We are going to sign up for it on Friday and then it starts next week I think. I worked on my yellow and brown quilt. I have 6 rows done, it looks really good. I am excited. I will put pictures on when I am done. When Casey got off work we went to Lowe's and got him a new dremel(?). He fixed the pipe tonight so no more leaks. It was really nice to have him home. Isaac follows him around wherever he goes. Well I hope that the drive went alright. Good luck packing. I hope that you had a good day at work Karen.


Monday, February 6, 2012


well today was pretty chill like most days. I went to the gym and I am way out of shape. I hope your last day of work goes well karen. That time sucks for casey but its nice hes done by 4. well not to much else going on have a good one


For the last time

Well tomorrow will be a turning point for you Karen. Wow. Me and Robin will leave after work. WE are driving my car and the boxes are in there ready to go. That is early for Casey. Is he going to be able to do 7? I bet he felt like his day was barely starting when he was done. That will be nice to be done so early in the day. He will have lots of time. He is going to have to adjust to 7. I bet Isaac loved having him home. My day was good and nothing to exciting. I am glad that tomorrow is my friday. I could get use to that.



Wow Karen, it is an ending of a era. I am going to miss St George. We will have to go down there sometimes just because. I am so excited to have you closer. I think that you are doing so good. I hope that moving goes smoothly for you. Casey's new schedule is 7 to 3:30 so we will be able to be down there pretty early to help. It was so nice to have Casey home tonight. I think that it is going to be pretty great. He just had orientation today so he said that is was boring. 7 is really early but I think that it will work out alright, I am excited. I made dinner tonight and that was fun. Well I hope that everyone had a good day, stay safe. Drive safely to St George tomorrow.


One more

Well tomorrow is my last day at RAM. Then I just have to finish packing and move. Easy right? Thanks in advance to Robin and mom for coming and helping me. I appreciate it. I hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Thanks for the nice weekend and for watching Isaac so much. It was really nice. I am glad that he is walking so good. Karen, I have some videos I will put them on for you. Well Casey starts his new job tomorrow. I am so excited to have him home more. It will be so nice. Thanks again for letting me sew all weekend, it was fun.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...