It was a nice quiet day. Karen didn't feel very good this morning so I worked and she slept. She wanted burchetta for lunch so we ordered pick up at red rock. It took forever. We took it back and it was really good. We both took naps afterwards. We did go for a walk after dinner. It was pleasant. Love the new flower beds Rachel. That is fun. I am going to go get tested tomorrow. Love mom
Saturday, May 1, 2021
I hope you are doing ok Karen. We are worried about you. We had a fun day. I walked this morning and it was warm. Then at Isaac's soccer game it was cold. Poor Isaac was goalie for the first half of the game. He has never been goalie before and the other team scored 4 goals. We picked up apple fritters afterwards because it was rough. Oliver's coach was sick so Casey said he would coach. Then she ended up coming but she had lost her voice. She ended up coaching and Casey was grateful. On the way home there was a sign about a green canyon green house sale. We impulsively decided to go. We had to drop Isaac off first because he was done. We ended up getting a bunch of annuals. That lead us to dig up the front flower bed. Then we got a couple perennials in the end. I love it so much. We had a fun time doing it also. The kids had the sprinklers going in the backyard and played in them all day. Me and Isaac worked on Legos. I did Oliver and Isaac did his. I got Oliver's done and Isaac is really close. They are a lot of work. The kids were at Andy's and Sheds house and I went over and talk for a while. They are so nice to the kids. Love you guys and I hope everyone is doing ok.
Friday, April 30, 2021
I am glad you went to Kamas Mom. I hope you are doing ok Karen. We are all here for you and love you. I hope that the medicine helps. We had another good and busy day. I walked and went to exercise class. We did yoga and it is hard but feels good. Me and Ruth went and decorates the primary room. She was singing all these songs in the microphone. It was so cute. We had to run to the bank and get my contacts. I took her to chick fil for helping so much. After school we rode of to Stephanie's house so the dogs and kids could play. It was fun and good to catch up. We are doing to do it again next Friday. Andy next door brought us a microscope and showed us how to us it. It was nice of him. Sher wants to plant a new tree so Casey went over and they talked about what trees are good. We also mowed the lawn. It looks better. Love you guys.
So work started same old same old and then Karen called and intermountain and said she qualifies for an IV treatment with monoclonal antibodies. We researched it and she decided to try it. I was nervous about the side effects so I can up and took her to Heber city. Dad stayed home. I am staying the night. They are suppose to keep it just to mild symptoms. I guess time will tell. Everyone have a nice weekend. The weather is amazing. We even walked around the block at sunset. It was nice. Love mom
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Can't you work from home Karen? Do you have enough vacation? Enjoy the downtime, you won't get any this summer with school. I am sorry. Today was busy. We helped in Isaac's class and I like that. We worked at preschool and that was fun. The kids are cute. Andy next door opened the gate and we visited for a while. They are good neighbors. We went to Walmart to pick up some pictures I printed for primary. The kids also wanted bike locks so we got those. We have been talking to Oliver about things we can do if he gets smiling faces at school. Last night we decided on little Caesars. He got all smiling faces today and was so excited so we picked up little caesars for a snack. It is nice to know he can pay attention if he puts his mind to it. I am thinking of making a treasure chest that he can pick something if he does well. Isaac and Ruth had soccer games and they both did really well. Isaac was playing so much better. Afterwards we went to Isaac favorite Mexican place. He gets so excited about food. Love you guys and have a good Friday.
Well it feels like Friday to me. Tomorrow might be long. I am so glad jeramy is fine. That is good. Karen I am glad you are feeling better. I am not far if you need anything. I called to get a test and Sunday is when I get it. They said I could go to work and outside as long as I wear a mask if I don't have any symptoms so I think we are good. I did order pizza to be delivered. It tasted so good. I might have ordered to much. Pizza is in my future for awhile. I did order mini cinnabuns with it and dad ate them all. He might have a tummy ache tonight everyone have a nice Friday. Enjoy the sunshine. Live mom
Well it was a pretty quiet day for me. I have to stay home for 10 days. So since school is over and I don't have my work computer it might get boring. I am feeling better than yesterday though so that is good. I also haven't run a fever today so I think I am getting better. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
I walked this morning and went to exercise class. I like it when we do high. The boys rode their bikes to school and they were so excited. They did really well and stuck together. I have to decorate the primary room so I worked on getting pictures for that. We met Casey for lunch which was fun. I had an appointment for the DMV to get my license renewed. It went really fast. We had time to go to desert book for pictures. We did the die after school. We waited for the boys but they weren't interested. They turned out really nice. Mom ordered the kids squirt guns and they came today. Thanks Mom. Oliver had a soccer game and the weather was really nice. Oliver wanted to play at the park so we stayed afterwards and they played. After dinner we rode bikes around the block. I ran with Tony. The neighbors mowed their lawn so now we have too. Irrigation water is on also and the kids are so excited to get the sprinklers out. Love you guys.
Well they brought the wrong window for the one in the garage, so they have to come back again. They did fix the dry wall in the green bedroom. I also had noticed that the sliding door had a gap when it was closed so they fixed that also. Other than that it was pretty quiet here. Tomorrow I take my last final and then I am done with the semester. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Hump day
It was a quiet day at work. I went in to do screenings and then stayed a little late to make up time from yesterday. I am not sure why I felt that need but I did. Dad mad omelet's for dinner and that tasted good. We have a lot of eggs from the neighbor. It was smoggy here today. Go figure that one out. I can't believe that Friday is the end of April. Time goes so fast. Karen, I am sorry you didn't get your windows fixed. Do we need to come up and take a turn next time? Robin, I hope you aren't getting sick. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
I am glad everyone had a better day. Rachel your bathroom is amazing. Ruth is beautiful. I am sorry your eyes got worst. We are going for glasses at the end of the month maybe we can get a bulk discount. I worked today and then went to the dentist. They are going to put two studs in on may 21. I am kind of nervous about that but i think it will be nicer. We had dinner with robin. It tasted good. We came home and just vegged. Karen and Jeramy I hope you get feeling better.
My day was good. I made it to work and through all my meetings. I think I am coming down with something also. I hope it is nothing major. I just feel kinda crappy. Oh well. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
Today was good. I walked this morning. The kids rooms were messy and I had them clean them before school. I worked this morning at preschool and that was fun. I had an eye doctor appointment. My eyes have gotten worse. I am going to try the new prescription. He said it might make seeing close up worse. I guess I am two or three years away from getting reading glasses just due to my age. We walked to pick up the boys. Ruth had a playdate with Emily. Isaac's soccer practice was cancelled due to bad weather which was nice. Oliver didn't get a frowny face so we build a robot. Someone gave Ruth a huge balloon at Lees. She loves it. I hope that Jeremy gets feeling better soon. I hope he doesn't have covid.
Monday, April 26, 2021
Wow Rachel sounds like a crazy day. They didn't come and finish my windows because of the weather. So now they are coming on Wednesday. Work was good. It was just the usual. Thanks again mom and dad for coming up. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Bye
Man it was Monday for sure. I am sorry for the bad day. Karen's window guys no showed so it was a quiet day for me. Karen however will have to take another day off for that. Rachel it wouldn't hurt to get oliver's eyes checked. Something isn't right. He is such a good boy. I am sorry about the melatonin. We came home and the weather wasn't too bad. Robin I hope your internet works. That is frustrating. I have a dentist appointment in lehi tomorrow at 330 to see if I can have studs. We are going to take the lewis bunch for dinner afterwards. I hope tomorrow goes better
It was cold and rainy today. I got up to walk and looked outside and decided to just see instead of walk. Exercise class was so hard and I felt out of shape. Ruth had dance class and is so excited for her recital. She tried on her outfits tonight and I think we are ready to go. Oliver got another frowny face at school and was upset. So we walked back in to talk with his teacher. It was a good conversation. She is wondering if he can't see so I am going to make an eye appointment for him. Isaac was mad that we had to go back in. He felt like it was unfair to Oliver. Ruth had a tantrum when we got home because she couldn't find her sticker book. It was a rough afternoon. Oliver's soccer practice was cancelled so we started his lego and Isaac worked on his. We went on a walk after dinner which was nice. It had stopped raining. Ruth put toothpaste all over the melition medicine and ruined. She said it was a prank. Wish us luck tomorrow. Love you guys.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
I sure had fun yesterday. Thanks. It took me awhile but I logged back on. We just took it easy today and then drove up to kamas. I am working up here tomorrow so karen doesn't have to take another day off for the windows. Good luck in the snow tomorrow. Rachel I am glad you feel better about primary. Love mom
Mom and dad made it up to Kamas. My day was good. I took my economics final this morning and got a b on it. Now I just have to wait for Thursday to take my physics final and then I am done. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
It was so good to see everyone yesterday. I should have taken more pictures at the shower. I am sorry I didn't. Today was good and I feel much better about primary. We got a lot of people called today. I called everyone and sent out their class list. I had a meeting this morning and then Casey brought the kids over to church. He had to go to work. We had a primary zoom meeting. My counselor forgot to ask her family so I had her speak. It went really smooth and it was really nice. I was so glad it went well and that it is over. We did the sand art and Isaac worked on his lego. Thanks for all the projects Mom. Also for the new clothes. I cleaned out Isaac's sock drawer and it is a lot nicer. Everyone else bikes to the park and I walked Tony. It was kind of sprinkling rain so no one was there and it was really nice. It was fun. Good luck tomorrow. It should be a good week.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...