Saturday, October 6, 2018


we worked on getting Karen’s doors winterized. We moved slow because we only got one door done. We had a nice day. We started a puzzle and played games. Rachel I am glad you got casey his fire thing. That sounds like a fun day. I think that is good to have two hours for church. We are going to visit grandma tomorrow. Love mom


They changed church to be two hours now, I was right.  I was convinced that they were going to change it.  Good job getting Alexa, you guys will love it.  We had a really nice day.  We slept in and were just lazy all morning which was really nice.  We decided to go to Lava so we left around 3 and we had a lot of fun.  We got Casey a chiminea and then we went swimming.  The kids had a lot of fun and it was nice to swim.  We had a late dinner at the pizza place and then went and got ice cream then headed home.  Love you guys and hope that you have a good Sunday.


Friday, October 5, 2018

Safe and sound in kamas

It was quiet today at work I even got some stuff done. Love the rug that is cute and I love the Calderons you made Robin. You are so nice to make everyone one. We tried a new restaurant and we need to go there. It is decorated with motorcycles and cars. It had really good food. Have a nice Saturday love mim


Today was a nice day.  Isaac had the day off for parent teacher conferences.   We went and worked out this morning then left early to go to the conference.  Isaac is reading at a 5th grade level and is really good at spelling and vocabulary.  He has a hard time with his math timings and didn't do great on his last math test.  We are just going to do the homework, we did that last week and that has helped.  After lunch we walked to the park and it was a lot of fun.  It was a pretty day.  I had a ton of flats on my bike so Casey fixed them when he got home.  To celebrate Isaac doing well in school we got him noodles and company.  No one else wanted it so we got costa vida.  It tasted good and was a good way to let him know he is doing well.  Love you guys and have a good Saturday.


I finally finished Ruth's rug

A tree fell over on the canal and it was hallow inside, it looked cool.

They were all waiting for me like Isaac does

Scrub a dub

Today was good because it was friday. I'm excited to have a few days off. I started scrubbing my bathrooms. I think I'm going to start tackling my craft room. It will be good to through stuff. Hope everyone has a good Saturday


Thursday, October 4, 2018


Mom, that sounds fun to take Oct 30 and 31 off.  That will be a lot of fun.  I think we were going to get shirts at the hobby lobby.  Thanks for getting the overalls.  I am not sure about this weekend.  I am still up in the air about what to do.  We may still go to Lava and get Casey's present.  Today was good.  Oliver had school and we ran errands while he was gone.  It was raining all day and Oliver's umbrella is broken so after we picked him up we went and got new umbrellas and he loves it.  He was so cute to put the umbrella over whoever was walking with him.  Isaac had a early out today for parent teacher conference and that is nice to have him home.  Imogen came over and played until it was time to go to swimming lessons.  The boys are doing well at swimming.  I had book group tonight and we met at Kneaders.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  We all read different Agatha Christie books.  Everyone have a good Friday and don't work too hard.



There was a pretty rainbow tonight.  We get a lot of them from our apartment.  I took trax home but they had a transformer blow up the same time Rachel did and they have to take a bus from downtown to 13th so I got off a Smiths.  It was nice to walk around.  Work was good.  It was nice to just be able to get some things done.  We at headed up to Kamas tomorrow after work.  Rachel if you want you can come join us.  I wasn't sure what you had decided to do.  I did make a major decision.  I am going to take off the 30 and 31 of October.  We have Josh on the 29th and I thought I would just go to Logan and hang out with the kids.  Is that OK?  Does that sound fun.  I did order the overalls tonight but I still need to order the sweater.  I spaced that until I placed the order.  I am going to do that as soon as I am done blogging.  Everyone have a wonder weekend.  Robin, I am glad you had a better day.  LOVE MOM


Yeah tomorrow is Friday. I am so ready for the weekend.  Work was good. It is just the usual where I'm at. Thanks for coming up tomorrow mom and dad. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye


Today was better. Work was not dumb lol. I had these little cauldrons so I'm making everyone a witch cauldron at work because the girls I work with were really sweet yesterday after the whole situation. I'm still working on them so I will post pictures tomorrow. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I paid my last rent at my place I'm getting excited to move. I'm ready to rock and roll. Hope everyone had a good day


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Back to the real world

I had the last class today and I met with my advisor and he helped me with my graphs.  I feel so much better.  I think I have a real good project.  It got over around 1:30 so I decided not to go back to work and me and dad went to the bank and then to lunch.  It was a nice afternoon.  Robin, I am so sorry that you got your head bit off.  That is so inappropriate.  You can teach you team.  You are not behind in your work and part of your job is to lead the team.  Amy is losing it.   I am not looking forward to going back to work.  I am far behind.  I haven't even set my office back up yet.  I will get it all done I am sure.  Have a nice Thursday.  Rachel, I am so glad that you are OK.  I am glad that Isaac's hearing is good.  That makes me feel better.  I didn't want to miss something if it was wrong.  Thanks for taking him in.  He is a cute boy. We are going to Kamas this weekend and help Karen winterize her house.  LOVE MOM


Karen, I am excited for your pump.  Good job.  Robin, I am sorry about work.  You don't need to put up with that.  I would start looking Good job on your class Mom, you are awesome.  I saw the good cop, it looks like a good show.  I follow him on Instagram and he has been promoting it a lot.  I haven't watched a ton of it but it seems cute.  This storm came in last night and it blew the willow tree into the transformer and it was sparking, it was pretty crazy.  It made the whole city of North Logan loss power.  Casey said that they came around midnight and cut the tree back and got the power back on.  The kids were so excited/scared that they had a late night.  It was pretty exciting.  Today was good.  I worked out this morning which is fun.  Oliver had school and they had puppies their that were cute.  I checked Isaac out of school early and we got his hearing checked.  His ears look good and he has perfect hearing.  We are just going to watch him for 6 months and if he still has problems look at him again.  Casey took Leona to Pocatello this afternoon for a check up with the VA.  They told her that she looks healthier than some 40 year old she sees.  His car wouldn't start after he dropped her off so we drove down and gave him a jump.  Then we went and got him a new battery and picked up some pie.  Oliver has been talking about apple pie for weeks so we got some but he didn't even try it.  Love you guys.  I hope that tomorrow is better Robin.


Round and round

Today was a long day. The new girls wanted to see a new report so I told them I would show them. Aimee came in and ripped my head off in front of everyone. She said me training was detaining me from working and it's not worth my time. I was pretty pissed off. So I'm sure im going to have a whole week of talks about it. But I'm over it so who cares. The girls I work with were on the same boat as me so it's nice to have friends on the dark side lol. Silver lining. I was tired after work so I took a nap. So I probably won't sleep tonight. I hope you have power rachel that is so scary to have the tree fall over. I'm glad everyone is safe.


Yeah, the week is half over. My day was good.  Work is still going good. Nothing too exciting to report. It did finally rain here last night around 1030. So far today there has been no rain. Rachel I hope that you have power tonight. So I  saw a show on netflixs called the good cop and it stars Josh Gorban. So tonight I googled it and it is the singer guy Rachel loves. So you guys will have to watch and see what you think. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sound asleep

Man I was watching TV and the next thing I knew dad said come to bed.  I fell sound asleep.  Today is my last class. I will just present my project next time.  Pretty exciting.  I am nervous but not as much as I once was.  I am mostly just ready to be done.  I did make a graph last night but my dates won't sort so I am hoping they can help me with that tonight.  I am very disappointed in the rain. I was hoping for a down pour also.  So far there have just been a few drops.  Everyone have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Congrats on the pump Karen that is exciting. Nothing to exciting on my end. It was a chill day. I was going to start packing but I figured it could wait till the weekend. No rush lol procrastinators dream



I finally got an appointment to get my pump. I get it on the 10th. So yeah a week to go. My day was good. It hasn't rain yet today. I was expecting it to rain all day. Oh well there is always tomorrow.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 1, 2018

Super Star

Good job Robin on your day off, you were busy.  I hope that your doctor calls tomorrow Karen, I am excited for you.  Today was good and pretty normal. I worked out this morning and then Oliver had school.  He was super star and had a fun day.  Casey came home for lunch and Oliver wanted to make grape juice so they did that and they had a fun time.  We went grocery shopping this afternoon.  Isaac ordered some healing stones and they came today.  He was so excited about it.  His friend told him not to use to many at once because they are so powerful.  I made lasagna for dinner and it tasted good.  The girls next door were over and ate it but my kids didn't eat any of it.  The kids played together until it was dark which is pretty early now.  Isaac was telling Imogen that our house was decorated really good outside but not inside so I pulled out my Halloween quilts and I think it makes it look better.  Love you guys.


Nice day

I had a nice day.  The class didn't seems as stressful today.  They talked about CI and I knew everyone speaking and I knew what they were talking about.  It was fun to hear their whole talk.  I only ever get to see parts of it.  I went grocery shopping after dinner and that felt nice.  I needed to get stuff for lunches.  We did go to Barnes and Noble after dinner to try and find dad a book but they didn't have one.  I did get a choose your own adventure for Isaac.  I thought that might be fun for him.  Tomorrow for class I am going to American Fork on a tour and having lunch down there.  I am hoping that will be fun.  Karen, I am sorry you didn't get a call today.  I really think you will get one today.  Robin you were brave to change things.  That is always stressful.  Karen is right just keep vinegar in there and the stains will all disappear.  I love vinegar.  Rachel, I hope you had a good day.  I am glad that Oliver was a super star.  Love you guys be careful in the rain.  LOVE MOM


I made it thru Monday. It did rain here for a bit this afternoon. Hopefully we get more tomorrow.  I didn't get a call from my doctor today like i hoped, so hopefully tomorrow they call. Robin vinegar works really good on that stuff. You just have to deal with the smell. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Big busy day

I took today off and that was nice. I called to get my electricity and gas moved over for my move date. I also called century link but they are the devil and I hate them. So I have to re call them again once my blood pressure calms down. I might just go into the store and talk to someone face to face. Then they can at least see my eye rolls. I also brought my machine in to change the blades. They were going to charge me 160 dollars plus parts. And I said well of it's not under warranty I will just order the parts and change the blades out. Then they were helpful and it will now be 5.00 and be done tomorrow :/. I also bought boxes and cleared out my second bathroom. My toilet is severely stained from not being used for 3 years. So I read some cleaning tips and I will work on that this week. Hope the rain isn't to bad for everyone. Love you


Sunday, September 30, 2018

All Set Up

I am typing on my new computer.  It is really nice and I love it.  Everything comes up and works.  I sure had a fun time as well.  Thanks!  I love the house.  I am so glad you took Isaac to Noodles and Company.  He needed that.  We went and saw Margaret today and went to Chili's.  It made dad sick.  We went to Walmart afterwards and looked at kids clothes.  It was fun.  We came home and I took a nap but I did finish fixing the data so I am ready for tomorrow.  Everyone have a great 1st of October.  I have class the next 3 days and then next month we give our presentations.  I hope I can give a good one.  Be safe.  LOVE MOM


Thank you guys again for coming up yesterday.  It was a great day and you guys are amazing.  Ruthie looked so cute in her new dress this morning, I didn't get a great picture though.  Thank you, dresses are a lot of fun.  We went to church this morning and then just played at home the rest of the day while Casey worked.  Oliver and Ruth love their new toys and we played with them a lot.  We picked Casey up for dinner and went to Noodles and Co.  Isaac loved it, thank you.  Then we went to Lowes to look at how much a new floor will be.  It was a pretty evening and we just played outside the rest of the night.  I didn't blog Friday but Isaac had the day off of school so we went to the jump zone and got pizza for lunch we had a fun day.  I have attached pictures from Friday onward.  Love you guys.


I made the weave panel into a pillow and Isaac claimed it for his room since it matches his rug.


I had a fun weekend . thanks everyone for the fun time. I was just lazy today. I slept in and took a nap it was nice. It was windy and cliudy here today. It even rained a about a minute. I realized that I didn't take any pictures, so sad I don't have any of the boo mansion to post. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...