Friday, December 6, 2013

Love it

Karen, you did a really good job of decorating.  It is beautiful.  I can hardly  wait to celebrate Christmas.  I got a call from Paul this afternoon and Kay is back in the hospital.  Her calcium levels are all messed up and she was having a really hard time.  She might go home tomorrow.  I drove trax after work and went and visited for awhile and then afterwards dad came and got me and we went shopping.  It was fun to walk around, I agree with Isaac.  It is suppose to be really stormy tomorrow.  Please drive careful and if it is too bad please wait and we can do something next weekend.  I am glad you used your Kohl's cash.  Dad has to pick up Grandma Bodily at the airport at 2:00.  Just call me in the morning Rachel and we can make plans.  It is suppose to warm up after this storm so that will be nice.  Not much else going on with me.  I am glad it is the weekend.  I am going to dethaw my car tomorrow morning.  I haven't cleaned the snow from last storm yet.  I really need to do that and warm it up.  Robin I hope you are surviving.  LOVE MOM


Karen, I have been meaning to ask about your tree.  Thank you for the pictures.  You did a really good job in that room.  It looks very Christmasy.   Good job.  We had a pretty good day today.  I had a free meal at Cafe Rio so me and Isaac went there for lunch.  It was nice to get out of the house and we had a good time.  I wanted to take Casey to Khols with our khols cash and get him some pants for Christmas but we weren't able to make it so after Isaac's nap we went.  There were having big sales again and it was really busy.  Casey's pants were only 10% off but a lot of the other clothes were 65% off.  It was fun to walk around.  Isaac just kept wanting to walk around so we did that for a while.  Tonight we just hung out in front of the Christmas tree and listened to Christmas music and Isaac danced.  It was a nice relaxing night.  Well we are headed down tomorrow when Casey gets up.  I will text you Mom when we leave.  Casey is going to ski with his friend on Sunday so we can all do something on Saturday.  I will see you then.



Well I got my Christmas decorations up in the second living room. I have attached pictures below. Work seemed slow today, but. I made it thru. Then after work I went to WalMart. Exciting I know. I am glad that tomorrow is Saturday. I hope that everyone had a good Friday. Bye.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Karen I am jealous that you won that much money.  You will have to impulse buy something this weekend.  You guys are all really busy.  That is a long day Mom.   I made Isaac that car caddy and he loves it.  It has a been a big hit today.  We didn't do much today.  Just hung out at home and looked at the Christmas tree.  Isaac didn't take a nap so he had a early night.  I am going to sew and go to bed early.  Everyone have a good night.  I am glad that Aunt Kay is alright.


Busy Day

Work was crazy busy today.  I ran all day but the meeting I helped arranged turned out good so that was nice.  I worked 9 1/2 hours today so I get to leave early tomorrow.  That will be nice.  I am tired.  I still have a bunch of stuff to do but I will get it done.  I am glad you are feeling better Robin.  I was worried about you.  Karen I hope you get some rest.  I am going to bed early for sure.  The play was really nice.  Have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM


I had fun last night at the show. I was wondering where santa was in the last scene now I know. That is funny. I am tired this morning though. My day was good. It was the monthly luncheon. I won 100 dollars, so yea for me. Other than that all I have to saw that tomorrow is Friday. Bye

Whats your favorite color

I'm glad you guys liked the show. Santa got stuck in the sleigh and missed the last scene. It was a bit crazy backstage when that happened lol. I am feeling better. Food is not an enemy anymore so that is lovely. Other then that just work and work. Hope you have a great one.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thanks Robin

Thanks Robin for getting us tickets to Elf.  Me and Dad and Karen got to go see it tonight. It was dress rehearsal so the tickets were free.   She texted me last night and said she was able to get tickets.  It was such a cute show.  I just loved the actor that played Buddy.  I am sorry you have been so sick.  That is tough to work 20 hours and throw up the whole time.  Rachel I am glad that Isaac loves his room.  It is just perfect for him. And I am glad he likes his advent calendar. They are a lot of fun.  I love your table runners.  The present one is my favorite.  It is darling.  You are so gifted.  I have to go to work early tomorrow.  There is a big meeting at 8 and I need to make sure everything goes good.  Kay had surgery today and they found a mass on her thyroid.  Paul said it was cancer.  I don't have any more information than that but I will go visit her tomorrow night and find out more.  Poor lady. They were suppose to just take out her para thyroid and they ended up taking everything.  She was in the hospital.  I am not sure how long she will have to stay.  Robin if you get a chance I would love to read the program for the play.  I love reading about the actors.  Have a great Thursday.  We need to keep an eye on the weather for Saturday.  It looks like it might snow.  I hope it isn't bad because I really want to go see the lights but we can always do it another time if the weather gets bad.  We have lots of time.  I wrapped some presents last night.  I need to go buy some birthday paper to wrap the rest of Isaac's presents.  LOVE MOM

Christmas Time

You have had a rough week Robin.  I hope that you get feeling better soon.  That is tough being sick with so much to do.  We had a good day.  Still no snow.  I keep forgetting to say that every morning now Isaac gets up and turns on his light and just hangs out in his room for a while.  It is really cute.  I am not sure what he is doing but he likes his room.  Isaac took a early nap today, he has been tired and Casey took a nap also so I sewed.  I finished the present table runner, I just need to quilt it.  I started on the car caddy but I messed up so I wasn't able to finish it.  I think I will finished it up tonight, it is pretty fast.  Tonight I thought that it was the library Christmas party.  I misunderstood because it is next Wednesday so we just went to the mall.  It ended up being pretty fun.  Santa was walking to his break and he stopped and said hi to Isaac.  Isaac was nervous but he was better than he has been.  Me and Isaac also wrapped some presents, not his, and that made him excited to put them under the tree.  I need to sort through his stuff and see what is for his birthday, Santa and what to wrap.  He is liking the advent calendar, thanks Mom.  He remembers every morning to open them.  Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.



Sorry I am a bad blogger but Monday I got home at 2 and yesterday I woke up with the stomach bug. It wasn't bad enough to call in but it was a longgggg day. I am feeling better though living on smoothies till it calms down. Elf is fun its been super crazy but hopefully it will calm down. Well not to much else with me just work and snow. Have a good one


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Winter came

We got about 5 inches of snow also.  That is crazy Rachel that you didn't get any.  I am glad.  It was a normal day and I like those.  Nothing too exciting.  We did leave to go home a little early because of the slippery roads.  Robin I hope you are doing OK working two jobs.  Are you getting any help from you partner?  I am not real fond of Sebastian.  Isn't he the crab in the Little Mermaid?  I like Aaron.  That is my favorite so far.  LOVE MOM

No Snow

We haven't had any snow up here yet.  It was sprinkling when we were coming home from scouts so it might tonight.  Good job shoveling Karen, you are going to be in great shape this winter.  I thought of a name, Sebastian.  What do you think? I like it.  Today at story time everyone that was in play group came and it was really good to see everyone.  It has been a while.  They were talking about meeting again in January so that would be nice.  One lady's daughter is the same age as Isaac and she is going to put her in a joy school.  She was going to get the info this week and tell me about it next week so we could see if it would be nice for Isaac.  Jenn came over to sew and that was fun.  Isaac and Casey fell asleep while we sewed and I had to wake Isaac up to go to scouts.  I felt bad about that.  He did really well at scouts for being woken up and it went fast.  Well everyone stay safe in the snow and have a good night.



Well we got about 6 inches of snow today. It was a lot to shovel. I hope that it doesn't snow a lot night, but unfortunately I will probably need to shovel in the morning. Other than that things have been good today. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, December 2, 2013

New Sock Heaven

I like your lights Mom.  Good job, thanks for the picture.  I had a really nice Thanksgiving.  It was so nice to spend so much time together.  Today was pretty good.  We didn't do much, just cleaned up and did laundry.  Isaac was not a happy camper today.  He was tired.  I am hopping tomorrow he is feeling better.  I made little brother a dinosaur blanket that Mom had.  It turned out pretty cute.  I like it.  I found one more blanket that I am going to make and then I am done.  I attached some pictures from this weekend.  I didn't take a lot and the ones I did take weren't very good so I think I only have two good ones.  I am glad that we have a fun weekend planned.  It will be really nice.



I am with Karen.  I made it through Monday.  Robin they were advertising elf on the radio this evening and they said it was ending on the 24th.  I just thought you might like to know that.  I hope the rehearsals are going good.  It is suppose to snow tonight into Wednesday and then be freezing.  I am not ready for that one.  I went grocery shopping tonight and that felt nice.  I am ready for the week.  All my bread turned moldy.  Have a great week.  LOVE MOM

Made it

Well I made it thru Monday. It was raining a little bit after work. It is suppose to start snowing tonight. I am ready for it to be the weekend already. But alas it isn't. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ouside lights

We put our outside lights out tonight.  I thought I would post a picture of them. 


Well it was nap day for me also. I think that this week is going to seem long also. Thanks for the nice thanksgiving. Bye

Quiet day

I just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful weekend.  I really needed that.  I feel a lot more positive.  You guys are the best.  I just slept most of the day.  Every time I sat down, I was asleep.  I am not looking forward to next week.  It is going to seem really long but it won't be very many weeks and I will get a nice long vacation.  Robin I hope Elf was good.  Have a nice week.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...