Saturday, July 9, 2016


Today was good. The new girl at scheels needed next Saturday off so she wanted this Saturdays shift so I ended up with the day off. But now I work next week. It was nice to have a day off. I slept in and did photoshop. I finished my composite tutorial. It.was a huge file so I just cropped it down to the interesting side. Have a good sunday


Saturday is a special day

We had a nice day.  We slept in and played with Karen for a while and then just vegged.  We went to Sprouts and they had artichokes and so we had those for dinner.  Robin I hope all is going well.  Rachel, how was the shower?  I hope it was nice.  Not much else going on with us.  I did get laundry done tonight.  I was completely out of socks.  LOVE MOM

Yeah for Saturday

Well my day has been good. I was out of heartburn medication so I ran down to SLC to go to Costco. Mom and dad came with and we hung out for a while. It was fun. Then I came home and was lazy for the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, July 8, 2016

Yeah for the weekend

I am so glad for the weekend.  I am going to sleep in.  I started reading my second book and time just goes so quickly.  Rachel that is fun that you made reservations.  That is good.  Karen don't worry about the party.  I am so glad you had a good time.  Robin, I hope you get some time of this weekend to rest.  Not much else going on with us.  Singapore Technology is in town and dad went to meetings and lunch with them today.  He said it went really well.  Have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. We had the company picnic today. Sorry I forgot to tell you about it mom. I told Melody I would stay and help clean up so I didn't get out of there until 9. It was fun though. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

It just got real

I bought the hotels and lego land tickets today, YEA.  It will be a fun trip.  I did Sam's town on Friday night and Mesquite on Monday.  Their was a code in a lego movie and I got 30% off the lego land tickets which was nice.  Last night the boys were playing around and Oliver wanted to sleep in Isaac's bed.  Isaac was happy about that so they did it.  But around 3 Oliver started crying and had a hard time going back to sleep.  Ruthie hasn't been sleeping good either so it was a long night.  Today was good.  Isaac's friend came over and played and they had a fun time.  He was a cute boy.  This evening we went on a walk and Oliver and Isaac rode their bikes.  It was nice.  Tomorrow I am going to a baby shower in Pocatello for Kimi wish me luck.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Getting closer

It is getting closer to the weekend.  That is nice.  Rachel Casey can have the jeep as long as he needs it.  We owe you for the alignment.  Thanks so much for doing that.  Work was good and then me and dad met Kay, Julie, Austin and Jeff for dinner.  It was nice.  Julie has a really nice car.  I am happy for her.  Not much else to report.  Robin, I loved that picture also.  Dad wants to get it printed.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Once Ruthie fell asleep last night she had a good night.  She was grumpy today and didn't nap well.  We had a pretty good day.  We went and got Kimi a baby shower gift, I had a hard time finding things on her list so I ended up getting a baby carrier.  The boys were so good at Walmart, it was the first time we have gone that they haven't had a meltdown of some sort.  After work Casey took the jeep in to get the AC fixed but it was working so they said to come back when it wasn't.  Would it be alright if he drove it for a week to see if it stops again.  Then he took it and got it aligned.  We picked it up and then spend the evening picking peas and shelling them.  It was really nice to sit outside and work on it.  The kids ate a ton of them which was good.  Tiffany sent a cute bear rug that the kids really like.  I also got my backpack today, it is a knock off from china but I think it will be great.


Wasted time

Today was ok. We had a meeting and it went so long. I felt like I could have gotten alot of work done if we didn't talk about getting work done. Then I worked at scheels so it's slow. I feel tired. Have a good one



Well just one more work until the weekend. Robin that picture is cool, good job. I am way impressed. My day was good. I was busy all day, but I did get a lot done. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What a world

Awesome picture Robin, you are getting good.  Ruthie did not sleep at all last night, I think it was because of the shots, poor thing.  She is having the hardest time going to bed tonight also so it may be another long one.  The boys seemed tired today also so we just took it easy this morning.  This afternoon they had a fun musician come to the library that we went to.  We bought his CD and Isaac had a really fun time.  Casey made muffins and cupcakes with Isaac and they turned out really good.  The part came for the Jeep and he fixed it after dinner.  The boys all went on a ride to see how it drove.  I made a bib last night for Ruth, she never has enough and they looked easy.  I have a ton of white flannel so I used that and my batting scraps, it turned out really good.  I am going to make some more.  Well thanks for everything and have a good day tomorrow.  I forgot some pictures from yesterday also.


Good day

Today was a good day.  Not much going on just work.  Rachel thanks for taking the Jeep to have them look at it.  Give them our phone number so dad can handle it.  He is good at that kind of thing.  Make sure you thank Casey for all the hard work he has done on the our cars.  We really do appreciate it.  Robin that is an amazing picture.  I love it.  Good work.  Karen I am so glad you found a friend in Kamas.  That is so nice.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  Do you know on Saturday it is suppose to be a high of 78.  That is going feel pretty nice.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We had a meeting about insurance for 2 hours so it was a long morning. The basics are don't get sick it's to expensive. I finally started to catch up on work so that was nice. I was going to meet up with walter but I was really tired and just wanted to veg on my couch. So I started playing with photoshop. I downloaded a new tutorial and part of the image has planets. I had a squirrel moment and did my own thing. I added oliver to the planets. Lol I am going to to the for real tutorial later but it was fun to play around



Well the week is half over. My day at work was busy. It wasn't any one big thing it was just a bunch of little things that kept popping up. My visiting teacher stopped by to drop off a thank you note for the gift I gave her. We hung out for a bit. Then she had to go to a HOA meeting. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

sound asleep

I was just watching TV last night and that was the last thing I remember.  I feel sound asleep.  It was nice.  I am sorry Robin that you lost 2 gowns.  That is bad.  You are in for a long week.  Rachel, I am so glad that Ruthie's appointment went well.  That is interesting about how she rates with the boys.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad it is a short week.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Where are they

Today was busy. Design orders gowns for the new season since they haven't been added to a production line, and they make it a mess. So my bosses want to take it over. Aka me. So I the factory listed they sent 3 gowns and design had 1. You would think the math is off. But design insists they are right and should have the 1 gown, but I can't figure out where the other two gowns are. So that happened the last 30 minutes of my shift so tomorrow I need to track down the missing gowns, should be exciting. :/. I worked at scheels tonight so it was a chill night.  I like Ruth's little jumper is cute. 


Back at it

I am glad that you guys had a fun 4th and thank you again Mom for the nice weekend kid free.  It was nice.  Good job on the photoshop Robin, you are getting good. The fireworks last night were keeping Isaac up so we ended up just going outside and watching them together.  It was nice and he had a blast.  Ruthie didn't like the sounds either and didn't sleep well all night, Oliver was so tired he just slept through it.  I was tired today and had a hard time getting back into the groove of real life.  Ruthie had a doctors appointment this morning and she is perfect.  She is 26" (50%) 17# 11 oz (75%).  I looked at the boys at the same time and Oliver was the same height and two pounds lighter.  Isaac was two inches taller and two pounds heavier.  Ruthie didn't feel good the rest of the day.  I held her for a while and Casey gave her some medicine and she did better after that.  Here are some pictures from yesterday.  The last one was from today.  I think that Ruthie should wear that cute outfit for our pictures.  I love it.



Well it seemed like Monday today. Although I did have all my Tuesday meetings, so I am going to be confused about what day of the week it is. Other than that my day has been good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 4, 2016


Today was good. I met up with Karen for lunch and did the painting pottery. It was fun. I am going to pick them up this saturday. Then I finished my Photoshop tutorials. I also took some pictures off facebook from other photographers to practice photoshop. I was going to go to bed early but they have been doing fireworks for hours at my apartment so I guess I am up for a bit. Well have a good work day. I don't want to go back.

Not ready

I am so not ready to go back to the real world tomorrow.  We had such a fun weekend.  We took the boys home today and they were so good.  We colored the bathwater bright blue today and made under water hot wheel tracks.  It was way cool.  I am so glad that you played today Karen and Robin.  Fujis is way good.  Good luck everyone getting back into the real world.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I decided that I didn't want to cook lunch so I called Robin and she agreed to meet me for lunch. So we went to Fuji's. It tasted really good. Then we went to a ceramic painting place and did that. It was fun. Then I came home and had dinner and made blueberry muffins. I hope everyone has a great work week. At least it is a short one. Bye


I thought I would add pictures from yesterday

Sunday, July 3, 2016


Thanks for the fun time yesterday, I really had a good day.  Thanks for taking the boys Mom, you are wonderful.  It was a nice day but quiet.  I went to church and that was nice.  We went out for lunch and then Casey and Ruth took a nap.  I took some 6 month pictures of Ruthie that turned out cute.  Thanks again guys.


Liberty Park

We had a really nice day with the boys.  We went to Liberty Park and we had a really nice day. 
We were going to stay longer but it started to get really windy and thunder.  It rained on the way home.  I hope everyone had a good day.  Have a Happy Fourth LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...