Saturday, June 11, 2022


 Luna is cute and I can't believe she is almost one.  I am sorry you had to work Mom.  Today was good.  I ran some errands this morning.  We left for Clifton with Mandy and Charlotte.  Callen made hamburgers for lunch.  She has baby kittens and the little kids loved them.  They held them all day and wanted to be with them.  It is founders day for Clifton so we walked over to the fair.  The had bounce houses.  We didn't know you needed a band so the played for a while until we found out.  They had a airplane drop candy for the kids. They did a it a couple times but our kids didn't get alot.  So Mandy came back before us and dropped candy on the driveway.  The kids thought that was awesome.  Callen made hotdogs for dinner.  Then we made a bonfire and watched the fireworks.  It was a lot of fun.  The kids were wild and funny.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I got up at 430 and worked for a bit and then Karen came down and we shopped for awhile and then went to spaghetti factory for lunch. It tasted so good. Then we went and saw the Jurassic movie. I really liked it. I had to get back to work to hand out treats. Robin I love your bees. I found cup cake holders that are bees. It sure was hot. Have a nice Sunday. Love mom


Today was chill. I took the little ones on a walk in the morning before it got too hot. Then Luna took a 3 hour nap. So I glowforged and silhouette some things. I need to paint the bees still for Luna's birthday. Then me and Jeramy went to Walmart to get Luna some birthday presents. I was so worried we wouldn't get anything fun. But we found something's I think she will like. We found this cart that she loved pushing. So we let her push it around Walmart then we are just going to have it as one of her gifts. 

Friday, June 10, 2022


 We had a really fun time with Mom and Dad.  Thanks for having us.  The aquarium was really fun this morning.  We hurried back for Ruth to go to a birthday party.  She had a fun time.  Isaac is going to water a ladies flowers for a week so we went over there so she could show him what to do. She paid him $50 and he said he would do a good job.  I had physical therapy also.   Mandy and Charlotte made it up and we went to dinner with everyone.  Then we went and hung out at Randy's.  It was good to see them.  They are a lot of fun.  Tomorrow we are going to Clifton to see Colleen.  With the girls coming early we can definitely make it to Luna's party.  

Love Rachel


Luna's two front teeth are popping through. She has been really cuddly so I don't think she feels super great. We went to Costco to pick up Jeramys pills and Luna wanted to push the cart. I forgot her shoes but she was loving it. She draws so much attention, and she eats it all up.


 It is hard to keep track of what day it is when you are playing. Rachel and the kids spent the night. I had such a fun time. We went to Layton mall to that interactive aquarium. We hadn't been then since before covid. We had such a good time. It was fun to feed the animals. It was a fun time having them down. We didn't finish our Harry Potter wands but we will do that next time. Give me a dad a chance to figure out what to do. I am working a little tomorrow. I will be so glad when caregiver celebration is over. Karen is coming down and we are gonna ng to see the Jurassic world movie. The reviews said it is amazing. Hope Charlotte and Mandy made it safe. Love you all 


 My day has been good. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. It was warmer today so I had to turn on my cooler when I got home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, June 9, 2022


 It felt like Saturday to me. Lagoon wasn't very crowded and we had a really good time. It was really fun. We came home around 7. Robin that is so funny about PJs. She is so dang cute. Karen I hope your arm doesn't get too sore. Rachel and kids are spending the night and they are leaving after lunch because they have a birthday party at 2. Have a nice Friday. Stay cool


I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Nothing too wild today. Just work and chasing Luna around. She stole her PJs and thought she was funny so she ran around for a half hour dodging getting her PJs on. I finally wrangled her into them. The she was so tired from running around she fell right asleep



 Robin, that is such a cute picture with the spaghetti. My day was good. I got up early and got my allergy shot. My arms are now itchy and tender. Work was good. Just the usual there. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


 Work has been so busy. I left and went to the zoo. They we working on the elephant place so they had switched the rhinos and elephants. I took tomorrow off to go to lagoon. I love those pictures of Luna. Spaghetti pictures are the best. They get it everywhere. Karen good luck with your allergy shot. I am glad this is the last weekly shot. Love mom 


 That is fun you got free stuff.  You are nice to give them away.  We made it to Salt Lake.  It is so nice of Mom and Dad to have us.  Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We ran ladders and it was so fun.  I forget how much fun running is.  We drove down and meet Mom and Dad at the zoo.  Their wasn't anyone there and was fun to walk around.  We came back and Dad had printed wands for us to make.  The kids were wild but it was fun and they are turning out really good.  We are going to Lagoon tomorrow which will be fun.

Love Rachel


 This morning I took my car in to get my oil changed. Then I walked to work. They finished my car around 9 so I walked back and picked it up. Work was good just the usual. Tomorrow I am going to get my allergy shot. After this I am back to monthly. It will be nice not have to go weekly anymore. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


At work they gave us a cooler bag and a beach towel and 20 pounds of product. There were a lot of duplicated items. The girls at the daycare didn't get one because technically it's a company they contract out. So I gave them a bag full of stuff. I had like 6 lavenders so I kept 2. I still came home with quite a bit of items. Then I took Jenkins and Luna on a walk. They changed Jeramy from hourly to salary. We had spaghetti tonight and Luna inhaled it. It was so funny. She was so cute

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Long day

 It was busy at work. It is caregiver appreciation week and it wasn't very organized. I worked 12 hours today. I am excited for Rachel's gang to come down. Drive safe. Karen I hope your allergies are ok. Poor kid. Robin Luna is so cute. She is growing up way to fast. Love mom


 Today was good.  I walked this morning.  We just took it easy when the kids got up.  Ruth had a tumbling class and she loved that.  Me and the boys went grocery shopping and got stuff for lunches.  They were cute to take shopping.  Isaac was supposed to have a violin lessons but his teacher was sick so she cancelled.  We went to the library and got some books and read a while.  Then we went to the store to get birthday presents for Ruth's friends.  We came home and played outside.  Andy let us borrow some old DVDs which was nice of him.  Isaac made tofu slices for dinner and they were good. We are heading down to SLC tomorrow.  

Love Rachel


Nothing too exciting for me. We went on a walk and went to lafountain for dinner. I got a chicken and cheese quesadilla and Luna ate quite a bit of it. I was surprised. Then by the time we got home it was bed time. We are wild


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...