We had a good day and Oliver had a fun birthday. We went to exercise class this morning and we left early so we could take Oliver to lunch. He wanted to go to McDonald's with a playground. Casey met us there and the kids had a fun time. We brought cookies for Oliver's class and I helped in his class for a bit. We had time to eat lunch with Isaac also which was nice. Isaac rode his bike to school this morning so we rode to pick him up. Oliver rode his scooter and Ruth was in the bike trailer. It worked really well. I put a binding on my sampler quilt. I turned out ok. It was fun to quilt anyway. We went to Cherry Peak for Casey's work party. They had Firehouse pizza for dinner and the we went tubing. It was a lot of fun and we had a blast. We didn't stop at all and did it until they closed at 9. We had a really fun time. The kids were starving afterwards so we stopped and got a snack. The kids were all tired and fell asleep in the car on the way home. We are going to let the kids sleep in and then we will head down. Good job moving so much today.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Day 1
So we started the move. We made 2 trips with 4 cars so we got some of the fragile stuff down to the House. It is a really nice house. I love it. It is perfect. We played video games this evening and that was nice to just chill. We are starting bright and early tomorrow. Rachel, I hope you had fun sleigh riding. Drive safe tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Thursday, February 20, 2020
And I am off
So my weekend started this evening. We met up with Kay and Jeff for dinner. Julie was sick. We were going to Chin Waws but it was closed so we went to the Italian Village. It tasted good. We are going to hook up at 10 in the morning and do some moving. It should be a fun day. Rachel thanks for coming down on Saturday and helping. Robin, I can pay for Jenkins to go to Pet's mart and spend the day if you would like that. He might be happy there. Not much else to report on my end. Sean and Andrea's little boy Caleb broke his leg skiing. Poor thing. Have fun tomorrow sledding Rachel that will be fun to have a pull rope up the hill. Karen drive safe tomorrow. I am glad everything is going smoothly with your jeep repair. LOVE MOM
It was cold here also. I was freezing after my walk this morning and just laid in bed for a bit. We went and got some cookies for Oliver to take to school tomorrow for his birthday. Their were a ton a people at Shaffers so we were able to eat a snack there and had to go home. Oliver and Ruth had school and I helped in Isaac's class. He got a 100% on his spelling test and he has been taking AR tests. I was proud of him. I finished quilting my alphabet quilt. I will put on the binding and then show you guys a picture. My new machine is so fun. We walked home after school and that was nice. It is so pretty but cold. After dinner we went to the Stem activity at the University. There were a ton of people there. They had neat activities but were running out of thing fast. Oliver got the last airplane they had. Their was a neat station with a microscope. The had Isaac swab his mouth and we got to see it under the microscope. It was a fun night. Oliver was sad when we got home because he is going to miss being 5 and doesn't want to die. I think he was just over tired and he has a hard time with change. Ruthie wore her Grandpa loves me shirt and I took a video of her explaining what it says. Good luck moving tomorrow. We will be down on Saturday to help.
we are in
We got our keys today. We decided to move some clothes down when we picked up the keys. It was fun to walk around the house with out Relators around. Jenkins isn't loving the moving process but hopefully by Saturday he will calm down once we are at the house.
Well I got my car dropped off and picked up my rental. It went pretty quick and I made it to work by 9. It was so cold this morning. It was negative 5 when I left my house and negative 11 by the time I got to Park City. Other than that it was just the usual here. Work and then homework. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Hump day
It might be hard when I have to work a whole week next week. I hope I can do it. I am a slagger Rachel. I can't believe you got that many steps. That is so many. It was so pretty and cold today. I hope it warms up soon. Work has become so quiet. I love it. I am even getting caught up. Amazing. Dad said that Jared quit today. He said he won't work with out pay any longer. I was proud of him. He is going to be missed but someone needed to say no. That was my big news for the day. I am sorry you didn't get your keys today Robin. That sucks. I hope you get them tomorrow. LOVE MOM
It was cold here but it is pretty with the sun out we spent time outside. I ended up getting 21,00 steps so it was a busy day. I walked and went to exercise class. While Oliver was at school we went grocery shopping and then we helped in his class. Isaac went and played at a friend's house after school. We played playdough and I folded laundry. I got behind not doing it on Monday. Tomorrow night we are going to a Stem fair at the University. I should be fun. Love you guys.
no key
Today was busy but i made it out alive. We didn't get our key.today. they sent us some extra papers at 3 today to sign they said tomorrow we will most likely get the key. Then me and Jeramy clean out cars. I had papers in my trunk I wanted to.shred from last move. So we went to office Max and finally shredded our papers. Then we packed all night. It never ends, we have to much stuff.
My day has been good. It was cold again today though. Work is still staying busy so it is going by quick. After work I came home and did homework and laundry. I got half my assignment done and decided to called it a night. Right after I turned my computer off the power turn off for about 5 minutes. So it was good I had saved. Tomorrow morning I take my car into the shop and get the rental, so wish me luck. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Way to go!!
I am so happy for you Robin. That is so much fun. I am so happy for you. Rachel, that is fun you got to go to lunch. Ron is a good cook. Not much going on with me. I am doing good. Work is calmer and that feels so nice. I think maybe I am just calmer. We just vegged and watched a mini series from Turkey. It ended dumb. Everyone have a great hump day. It is weird because I didn't work Monday and am taking Friday off. LOVE MOM
That is exciting Robin, congratulations. I am glad that it all worked out. I am excited to see the house also. Today was good. I walked this morning and it is cold outside. I took the little kids to story time and that was fun. While the kids were at school me and Casey went to Ron's Mardi Gras lunch. It is really good food and it is fun to go to. I got a lot of fun mail today. I got my new headphones, my small purse and a photo album that I made. It is from 2016. It was fun to look at and the kids really liked it. After school the kids rode their bikes for a while and my visiting teachers came over. We had the roast for dinner and it tasted really good, thank Mom. Love you guys and have a good night.
We closed on the house.. It was really nice to have it completed. The bank gave us a gift basket and the real estate place gave us a 100 dollar gift card. We were going to chin wha after bit it was closed. So we went to smokewood instead it was fancy and tasted good. Tomorrow is my Friday. I'm so excited I need some time off work. It's been so stressful and I'm ready to disconnect for a while. Hopefully we get the keys tomorrow. All of our spy's in Lehi told us they took the for sale signs down on the house lol so all of Jeramy's friends are excited. It will be fun. Jenkins has been wild so it will be nice to have him settled.
Congrats on the new house Robin. I am excited to see it. It was super cold here today. It was 3 degrees when I left for work. My day went good. It was meeting day so that made it go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, February 17, 2020
I had a nice day off. I slept in and then just laid around. I called Kay and Julie and we met up for lunch. Dad went to work. I took another bag of paper to shred and that felt nice. One more to go and then I am all caught up. We walked around Kohls and then went to Wingers for lunch. Mark is suing Paul for money in a trust fund. Paul said if he had just called him he could have had his share of the money. Angela quit her job and is working with her friends doing a day care. I thought that was good info. Robin, I am so excited for you. You are going to love being settled. I HATE moving. Karen, I am so glad that they are fixing your car. Let us know if you need anything. Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day. It is fun to just have a slow day. I have to go back to the real world tomorrow. I am not looking forward to that. Oh well I only have to work 3 day because I am taking Friday off to help Robin move. I should be able to handle that. Everyone enjoy the weather. it is suppose to be warming up a little bit. LOVE MOM
You guys have a busy week. Good luck with your car Karen and good luck with your house Robin. That is exciting. Everyone here had the day off and it was nice. I got up early and I quilted my seasons quilt. The kids slept in until 10 so I was able to finish it which was fun. I just need to bind it. We went on a bike ride up and down the street which was nice. Me and Casey went to Lowes and got some stuff to finish the bathroom. Then we looked at couches just to see how much they are. After dinner we went to the jump zone and the kids loved that. It was nice to have the day off. Love you guys.
Today was ok it definitely was a Monday. We did a few more boxes today but we are starting tomrun out of room for boxes. So I am just doing the small stuff till we can move some big stuff out. We are now closing tomorrow at 5:30 so Wednesday they can move money around. It's going to be a crazy week but it will be good to finally start moving. Thanks for the fun weekend
Well I have an appointment to drop off my car Thursday morning. I also have the rental car all set to pick me up from the car place. So I should be good to go. I did have to shovel this morning. It was about 2 inches, but it was light fluffy snow so it wasn't too bad. Work was busy so it went by fast. After work I cleaned the random crap out of my car and then I did homework. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, February 16, 2020
I am glad that you ok Karen. I am glad that insurance has been good to work with. We had a really great weekend. Thanks for making Oliver feel special. Today was good. My meeting and church went well. I like being in primary. We just took it easy the rest of the day which was nice. Love you guys.
Karen stayed the night and then walked around Costco. We walked every isle. It was fun to see everything they have there. We got this fun India food they were selling there and it tasted really good. Dad's stomach has taken a headache today so he just took it easy. I did take a nap and that was nice. Karen, I am so glad you didn't get hut. Robin, I am excited for your house. Rachel thanks for the fun time at your house. I sure had a nice time. LOVE MOM
Beside the deer I had a really fun weekend. Thanks everyone. I did finally make it home. I took a nap and then I did my art assignment and turned that in. Tomorrow I am going to call the car repair place and get that going. Should be a busy day. Thanks for the help on the picture taking. I am jealous most every gets the day off tomorrow. I still have to work. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...