Saturday, September 17, 2022


 We spent most of the day working on the kingdom ball. They had the high school kids help so there wasn't a lot of hard lifting. There weren't as.many kids this year but they sure have fun. It was the first year back after covid. I enjoy watching the high school kids dance. Rachel that is a lot of work. You house will be warmer this winter. Robin that is scary the ball broke. I am taking it that jeramy can work from home. That is nice. I might be really stiff tomorrow


Jeramy had to work today. Usually it's only a few minutes here and there. But some guy was working on updating their contacts so Jeramy was busy. They were going through the whole alphabet of carriers. He was thinking if he got an apple watch he could feel the watch and see how important the messages were. So I found one on Facebook marketplace place for a good deal. I went to Provo with Luna to pick it up. Then I ran to the di to see if they had any good monitors for the computer so he could have a 3 monitor set up. I found a really nice one for 15 dollars so that was exciting. The I returned some pants at Kohl's I bought on Amazon that I didn't like. By then Luna was a mess. So I drove through chick FIL a for lunch. I bought her a new squishy ball that is yellow but squishes to a neon orange. When I got home there was a hole in the ball and got all over Luna and the car. It was a disaster. So we took a mini bath. Then after lunch she went down for nap. Then it was a chill Saturday.



 Today was busy but good.  I got up and went to exercise class.  I did a dance/bar class and it was hard.  A lot of people stay for a second class which was high so I stayed.  It was fun.  We spent all day putting insulation in the attic.  We did 40 bags.  Isaac and Casey were in the attic spraying it and I put the bags in the hopper.  The machines kept now working right and Casey had to go back twice to get a different machines.  It will be nice having the insulation in.  It makes a big difference.  I am feeding the cats next door.  Luke is getting married this weekend which is exciting.

Love Rachel

Friday, September 16, 2022


 If it is possible i think I got farther behind but i  will keep working at it.  We met Karen in park city and had dinner at taco bell and then went to the outlook center and got new shoes. We are spending the night . We worked on the escape room game. It is good. I am not good at riddles but dad and Karen are doing good. Luna is so cute. Rachel I thi k that is good to start at bear lake and work your way down. We are helping at the kingdom ball tomorrow. Love mom


 Today was good.  We had a huge thunderstorm come through in the middle of the night that woke everyone up.  Work we had more tours coming through and then the had us go to the presentation where they show the ladies all our new products to sell them everything.  They are starting to teach me how to take step by step photos.  Everyone is so busy it has taken a while to get to it.  Oliver and Ruth had playdates after school.  I had Isaac pick what he wanted to make for dinner and then we went to the store.  It was good to spend time with him.  He made carrot soup.  After dinner me, Casey and Ruth went to Lowes to get insulation for our attic.  We are going to put more in tomorrow.  They were so so slow to help us.  Ruth fell off a chair so me and her walked to cold stone and got some ice cream and walked back.  Casey was just finishing loading the trailer so it worked out ok.  Also the shoe rack that Karen bought us has been broken from a couple different crashes so we got a new one.  It looks really nice and cleaned up the area a lot.  

Love Rachel


Today was good. They were having convention but I just linked into the virtual showing. I didn't want to go up to salt lake. And today wasn't the fun launch day it was just lectures. After work Jeramy had to get his eyes checked. He's out of contacts. It was next door to Texas Roadhouse so we went there for dinner. Luna loved the Mac and cheese. At daycare they had pajama day. It was cute this morning her teacher was busy chnaoa diaper. So we were waiting outside the door. Two older kids came up to the window and we're saying "nana" they were trying to say Luna but l's are hard. It was cute.


Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Work was quiet and I made it through.  I just can't seem to get caught back up.  Weird.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday as well.  Robin that convention looks wild.  That is a lot of people.  Rachel, I love picture day.  Everyone looks so cute.  We met up with the Gumm gang for dinner and everyone was chatty.  It was fun.  We came home and just vegged.  I am glad the kids got their snacks.  Mail is always fun.  When are we decorating Rachel's house.  That is always so much fun.  LOVE MOM 


Today I went to SLC they had the main convention product release today. It was wild they had thing fall from the rafters for free gifts and everyone was cheering and excited. I didn't get back till 4:00 so I just left and called it a day. Luna was super grumpy before bed she was tired. So hopefully she sleeps well tonight



 Thanks for decorating our house Robin.  I am super excited.  It is my favorite thing.  Thank you.  Today was picture day at school.  The kids looked cute.  Ruth was really excited and picked out her outfit and then wanted her hair with one little ponytail in front with a lot of rubber bands Casey did a good job on it.  I have worked for one month so I had a one month interview and they gave me a jacket.  I also got my employee discount all set up.  They had a huge retreat and we are one of their stops.  They told us we couldn't recommend machines or thread.  We had to be unbiased.  The tours were quick and they didn't have time to ask a lot of questions.  Mom sent the kids some.snacks in the mail and Tiffany sent us some vitamin, coffee and soup.  So it was a fun mail day.  After dinner I went to exercise class.  It was a weight lifting class and I loved it.  Casey runs at night and I think it all works out ok.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I kept hoping that it was Friday, but alas it was only Thursday. At least tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. I don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 Oliver had a field trip to the lumber pine trail today and he had a fun time.  He loved it.  Work was good.  The lady I work with is out of the office the rest of the week but I did good by myself.  I finished two projects.  I went grocery shopping after work.  We did homework and I folded laundry.  After dinner everyone went to activity days.  They made puppets and Ruth burned herself on a hot glue gun.  Isaac stayed for young men's. Casey is having a pot luck tomorrow so he is making dutch oven potatoes tonight for it.  I made it to exercise class and it felt so good.  I made a friend on Saturday and she was there tonight.  She said that Monday was a marching band festival so that was why it was so crowded.  She said it usually isn't like that.  That sounds fun you get to go to a conference Robin.  I am jealous.

Love Rachel 


 Work was a lot quieter today. I felt I got things done but didn't catch up. It poured rained all afternoon. It nice to watch. We came home and just vegged. I did make veggie hamburgers. I like them. Robin that is fun you get to go to the conference. It is pricey to get in. If you need anything let us know. I love Lunas new shoes. We are hooking up with the gumm gang for dinner tomorrow. Rachel thanks for letting me.know that Claire Robinson died. Hope you got some rain also. Love mom


Today went by fast. Our convention started today. It was a bit scattered so we went to SLC and got our employee badges. They rented charter buses to go from pleasant Grove to salt lake. Tomorrow I am going all day, they are doing their new product reveal. I pretty much know them all since we buy everything. Lol but we are going with our vendors and be apart of it all. Jeramy found out he gets his own office so he was pretty excited about it. We had spaghetti for dinner and watched trolls.



 Well it was a cloudy rainy day here. It is nice that it is cooler though. Work is still moving along. Nothing too wild and crazy. Then I went grocery shopping after work. It is nice having food in my house. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 Work was crazy busy today. The had a meeting for new hires and I had to get t shirts for them and I was a sweat bucket before i was done. I ran all day. I came home and we made those apple rolls I got at costco and they are good. I slept through a movie. We didn't get any rain here but it was cloudy all day. I am glad you got a new trash can Rachel. Yours was really broken. Karen I love your new stuff you got for your birthday. Thanks for posting it. Robin that is so nice that you helped them get settled. I hope they find their own place soon. Love mom


 Today was good.  Casey's car would start this morning so he had our neighbor give him a jump. Work was good. I worked on a pillow with two inch blocks.  I .almost done.  They didn't have some of the details figured out on it so I have been getting the information I need.  Isaac forgot his violin for orchestra after school so I ran home and got it for him.  Ruth had tumbling and is doing really it.  After I picked everyone up we did homework.  Casey wants to put more insulation in our attic this weekend so we went to look at that.  We bought a new garbage can because our keeps breaking and everyone hate it.  It rained a lot today and it feels nice to have cooler weather.

Love Rachel 


Today was good. We stopped by the Grovers again. They were laying carpet tiles. Jeramy went by after work and helped. They were finished by the time I stopped by. Then we had warm ups and did bath time. Jenkins woke me up at 4 running around. I took him outside and he kept running around. I took him out again and I saw him by the stump we are killing. So I went out to get him he dug a hole one the new dirt we put around the stump. Then he ran. To the living room. Come to find out he had a bone in his mouth the whole time and was trying to find a safe spot for it. So I took it away and he calmed down. It mader tired this morning.


 I made it back to work. It was cool all day today. It did rain this afternoon as well. Of course it raineded the hardest when I was walking to my car after work. I forgotnto say that I hung up mom and Robin's gifts yesterday. I put pictures below. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 12, 2022

happy birthday Karen

Today was good. Luna was so cranky yesterday she had a two hour melt down and scuffed up her nose a bit. So this morning she was tired and didn't want to wake up. We went to the Grovers new place to help their parents paint their room. It went pretty fast and Luna was so good. Jeramy is really liking his job. This week is convention for us so everyone is excited at work. Hope you had a good birthday Karen



 Happy birthday Karen. I am glad you had the day off. Work was good. The power went off twice. It was weird. We went to Sam's after work to get treats for work. They use them when they are rounding. We were out.  It is suppose to rain really hard. I hope it cleans my car. Rachel I am sorry  Issac was sick. I worry about that boy. Robin I hope your day was good. Karen I am glad your roast turned out. Your camel is amazing. Try again. Everyone have a nice Tuesday. Love mom

Happy birthday Karen

 I am glad you took the day off Karen.  That sounds really nice.  You are amazing.  Today was good.  Work went by really fast but I didn't get a lot done.  I was making a wreath on a pillow form but it was stretching and making the leafs look werid.  So I had to unpick it.  But we figured out how to make it work.  Then I started a pillow.  Isaac's stomach eso he stayed home today.  I think he didn't sleep well last night.  Casey came home for lunch and brought him sushi.  He felt good enough to go to violin lessons.  After dinner I went to an exercise class but they had a football game and their was no where to park so I had to come home.  It was depressing.  I will try again tomorrow.  Anyway happy birthday Karen, we love you.

Love Rachel 


 I had a good day off. I tried making carmel again but I missed a spot stirring and so it burned. Oops! I will have to try again because it tasted really good the first time I made it. I also made a roast for dinner, but that turned out. Then I got some laundry done. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 11, 2022


 I sure had a fun time yesterday. Thanks for the fun time. Provo beach is a good place. I also really like jurassic tacos.  Karen spent the night. We went to Costco and her sensor didn't work after the flow rider so we Also went to Walmart and got some test strip so she could test her blood. We took naps this afternoon. I.made some teriyaki chicken for dinner. It tasted.good. I am glad you had a good birthday weekend. Karen.  I am so not ready for Monday. Love mom


 Thanks everyone for the fun birthday weekend. I spent last night at mom and dad's. So this morning we went to Costco and got water softener salt for me. Then we had lunch and I headed home. There was a deer wandering around my backyard when I got home. He was back there until about 8. So it must be nice back there. I took a nap it was nice. Then I built the lego mom got me. It was fun. I am taking tomorrow off because it's my birthday 😁. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 Thanks for the fun time yesterday.  I wish we lived closer to everyone.  I miss you guys.  We got back late so we let the kids sleep in today and just me and Casey went to church.  It was ward conference so all the stake presidency was there.  The stake primary president came to our primary.  The said we are doing a good job.  The kids were singing so good for them.  I delivered some birthday books to primary kids.  Then I had a meeting.  The stake presidency came to our ward council and I was surprised it was done in an hour.  Casey worked today.  Isaac made some peach cobbler and it tasted really good.  I think we are going to make peach pie tomorrow.  We were going to watch the salmon run but it got too late.  Instead me and Casey took Tony on a walk.  The smoke is clearing out more which is nice.  I finished a another diamond bead.  I like doing them when the kids do their homework.  I hope everyone has a good Monday. 

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...