Saturday, October 16, 2010

mmm -k

Well today was another lagoon day. it was uber busy there were so many people. It was days like today that I enjoy sitting inside and forget about the mass heards of people. Tomorrow is yet another lagoon day. Although I would like to throw in how much I love my phone I can get pandora on it and listen to it at work. Its awesome. well nothing to exciting hope everyone has a great weekend



Well I went to the bank this morning and then got my car registered. Then i went and got the program for church all copied. Then I just took it easy the rest of the day. I bought the second season of Dollhouse on dvd and have been watching it. I am sucked in, I may have to stay up all night watching it. I think that it has suck me in worse than the 1st season did. Oh well. Rachel if you want to borrow it ( it is not on instant netflix) let me know and I will bring it up. I hope that you had a good time in Logan with mom and dad. Well have a good one. BYE

Friday, October 15, 2010

which store do you shop at??

well today was good. My cold is starting to go away so that is a bonus. It wasn't anything to crazy I just felt crappy. but I fell better now all thanks to Nyquil :) I forgot to blog last night, Yikes got side tracked. I'm glad that everyone is doing well. Its been busy at lagoon its UEA this week so there are alot of people that are coming to the park. I'm having fun with my zombies though I will have to post more pictures. The guy I do the most on says the more crazy I go the more people like it. So we are defiantly going crazy. well not to much else going on just working. Have a great saturday.


Caramel Apple

I had a good day. Work was really busy, we were having problems with updating the databases, it gets kind of stressful. After work I was invited to go to a birthday party for a girl at work. So I went to the Gateway to get her some lotion and I got a caramel apple, it tasted so good. Then I meet Casey for dinner at Red Robin. he had to go back to work so I went to the party. It was pretty fun. I sat with the people that don't drink and we just talked. I stayed a lot longer than I thought I would. I went grocery shopping when I got home because I was out of milk. Let me tell you that they are a ton of single guys that do their grocery shopping late if anyone is interested. Well I am off to bed. We are headed to Logan tomorrow and that will be fun.


and the cough goes on

Shayla and her boys stopped by tonight. They were wanting Robin to put some more makeup on them. It was good to see them. Not much else going on here. We did go buy how to train your dragon tonight. Everyone says it is a good movie. My cough is still here but I am hanging in there. I am glad it is the weekend. I am excited for Rachel and CAsey to come up. That will be fun. Robin I hope your cold is feeling better. I haven't heard how you are doing with that. Love you guys MOM


Well it is the weekend. I am glad for that. I still need to make the program for church, but I figure that I will just make copies tomorrow morning after I get my car registered. I am just planning to take it easy to try and get over my cold. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Neat pictures

Love the pictures Robin. I did pick up your contacts to day so they are ready to go. If you are in desperate need I will send them down with RAchel on saturday. I had such bad laringitis today. I decided not to go to work but ended up there for about 1/2 hour this morning helping. It wasn't too bad I really didn't feel good and when I had to start moving it was hard. My voice is a lot better now. I am going to the cough part now. Dad made it home safe and sound and bought me a big bag of ice so I am going to take a big cup of that to work and hopefully that will help with the cough. WEll have a great friday. I am glad it is the weekend.



Robin, I like your pictures they are really gross. I am sorry that everyone is sick, I hope that everyone starts feeling better. I had a good day, it was full of training and that is going good, it makes the day longer. Tonight when Casey got home we started to drive to Heber but only made it to Park City, we had dinner there. It was fun to get out and drive. I hope that everyone starts to feel better.


Robin those are cool looking photos. I am impressed. Well I am feeling a little better today. i still have a cough and coughing is annoying. I hope I get over this cold soon. Work was good today. I started working on a new proposal so that was fun. I am glad that you like the dollhouse Rachel. I thought it was a good show. I hope that you are feeling better mom. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Well this week is uea so we are open tomorrow. we usually are open friday saturday and sunday. Today I worked at lagoon just to get things ready for tomorrow then I went out for dinner with everyone. I went out and ran some errands after and didn't get done until 9. I got the Pictures back from the short I did a while ago called capital punishment. Its the one we shot out at the sewage facility. anyway I posted some picts of the guy dying. have a great night


Doll house

Karen, thanks for recommending the Doll House. We watched one episode tonight and it was good, I like it. Today was pretty good, I trained the temp all day. Then me, Casey, Dad and Robin went to dinner. It was fun and good to see everyone. Well I hope that everyone starts to feel better. I am glad that this week is half way over.


Karen I am so sorry you still have a runny nose. SO do I have now it looks like the cough is coming. I bought some airborne so that will cure me. Lots of garlic will help also. Not much going on with me. I did get Robin's contacts ordered and will pick them up in the morning. Dad is coming home tomorrow. He has a doctor's appointment at 4. I am going to go veg for the rest of the night. I am excited for Casey and Rachel to come up this weekend. That will be fun.



Well I still have a runny nose. I hope that it stops soon. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. I am glad that grandma got her hair done. I still need to do my laundry. I am jealous that you did yours mom. I am glad that the week is half over also. I need a nap. I also need to get my car registered. I am just going t go to jiffy lube and get it all done there on Saturday. Well have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Rachel I would love for you and Casey to come up for the weekend. That would be so nice. I will make a birthday dinner. Don't work to hard on moving things around. There will be time after the baby is born and you are feeling better. Just move slow. LOVE MOM


I took grandma to get a perm tonight and it was past 8 before we got home. I did a few batches of clothes and then we watched a netflix movie. Not much else to report. It was chilly here this morning first time it really felt like fall. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Birthday Weekend

Mom, I talked to Casey and he wants to come up to Logan this weekend and go to a corn maze. Then we can visit his Dad also. Does that sound fun? Today went well, the temp started and we went over reports and it was good. Tonight I worked on moving things into the right room, right now I am watching glee and taking a break. It is a good one tonight.



I think that I have that cold also. Man I hoped that it was just allergies. Mom the new girl is fine. I really don't know her all the well. Well I will keep my fingers crossed for you Robin. Nothing too exciting to report so I will go. BYE

Monday, October 11, 2010


BreeAnn went into Labor today so they babies should be born soon. That is exciting. I took Grandma to Walmart and she couldn't walk about half way through. It was scary. She is taking the wheelchair from now on. Tomorrow I am taking her to get a perm for her hair. I am sorry you have a cold Robin. I think I have it also. I hope it isn't anything bad. I haven't caught the mouse yet. Oh joy. Rachel I can't get those coupons to work online. Do you need to take them into the store. If I come down on Saturday maybe we could do that because that is a good deal. I am glad they hired someone Karen. You act like you don't like her very much. Have a great tuesday. I need to get my car inspected and registered also Karen. We both made it a year with our cars.



well my interview was weird there were 4 of us in the same interview and then the girl interviewing wasn't paying attention. So we will see how it goes, It was defiantly interesting. well I also worked at lagoon today. I am going in tomorrow as well. I caught a cold or allergies today. I woke up and couldn't breath. So I bought some nyquil and hopefully it doesn't get to bad. My ears won't pop and my head is about to explode. but thats the worst of it. I'm glad everyone is doing well. have a great night and tuesday


Good evening

Robin I hope that your interview went well. That would be a fun place to work. Karen I am sorry that they didn't keep the temp but I am glad that they have someone to do it. I have a temp starting at my work tomorrow to do my job so it will be interesting. We moved our bed into the sewing room and it was a lot quieter. Tonight I worked a little on moving things into the right room. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.


Well I made it thru Monday. They did hire a permanent person for the secretary job, but I wished that they kept the temp. Oh well, at least they got someone. I have to get my car registered this month. I think that I will go to Jiffy Lube Saturday and get it all done. I went and got my grocery shopping done after work so that is good to have done. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. I also hope that your interview went well Robin. Bye

Sunday, October 10, 2010

in a house with a mouse

It was good to see everyone this week. It was truly quite a week. Sorry my work schedule was so crazy. Thanks for the dinner tonight rachel it was delicious. well Nothing to crazy just tired have a great monday



Just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate all you did this week. You are amazing. We were downstairs tonight and watching TV and a mouse runs by us. That will wake you up for sure. The traps are all set I hope we get him tonight. I had a fun time on saturday going to IEKA. I am washing grandma's new plates right now. Not much else to report. I am tired and headed to bed. LOVE MOM

Back in St. George

Well there is not too much new to report. I just thought that I would say that I made it back to St. Georgesafe and sound. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...