Friday, January 24, 2014
Nice day
It was nice to have a short day. Dad's jeep has been getting low on coolant so we took it to Pep Boys tonight to see if there was a leaky hose. They are going to look at it tomorrow. We watched Empire Strikes Back tonight and I enjoyed that show. Everyone drive careful tomorrow. Grandma Bodily would like to come to lunch with us so we will go pick her up. Good luck working tomorrow Karen. I called Vickie and asked her if we can give her a shower when she is here in March and she was really happy about that one. See you soon. LOVE MOM
Today was pretty good. Casey can go to work a little later on Friday since it is just overtime so he got to sleep in a little bit. I made potato soup in the crock pot. It turned out good and tasted good. It was a lot of cutting and I had to make french toast casserole for enrichment tomorrow and that involved a lot of cutting as well. I was in the kitchen a lot today. I hope that you had a fun time with Walter Robin. Karen good luck working tomorrow morning. I hope that it goes well. It was good to talk with you on the phone today Mom. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. I will text Mom when we leave. Everyone have a good night.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Yeah for Friday
Robin, I hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow for Walter's birthday. I was planning around noon but we can be a little later. I am good with anything. Rachel, I love that saying you found. Karen good luck with 5 in the morning on Saturday. I will think about you when I get up at 9:00. I went to work late and left a little early. I am way over my hours so I will do the same tomorrow. It was busy at work but nothing too crazy. I got a lot of things done that I needed to get done. That felt nice. I am excited for this weekend. Rachel are you coming down for the day or spending the night? I just wasn't sure what to plan for. I am good with what ever you want. I know these last couple of months are rough so it is what ever works for you. I am getting so excited for March. What a fun time. Have a great Friday and I will see you all soon. LOVE MOM
Today was good. I was planning on being super productive for my half day off but I just came home and slept. It felt so nice. I did go to zurchers and got some balloons for Walter and they had cardboard cut outs for cheap so I got a darth vader. I'm excited to see his reaction. I did meet up with Walter for dinner though he took me to Olive Garden. Are we planning at meeting at 12 on Saturday or nearer to one? Have a great Friday. :)
I intend to live forever. So far, so good. (Steven Wright)
Karen, good job working overtime. It is nice to be able to do that in the morning and then meet up with us. Have a good day off tomorrow Mom and Robin. I hope that it is a nice day. We had a pretty good day today. Isaac was tired this afternoon and a little grumpy but nothing too bad. This morning we went and played with Joseph. It was fun and nice to get out for a while. This afternoon I had to deliver invitations for enrichment this Saturday. It always takes time to walk up to everyone's door. Casey helped a lady from work fix her fireplace so he was later coming home from work. Here are a couple pictures from the last couple days. I forgot to say I cut Isaac's hair and it looks a lot better. It was getting pretty long.
Almost Friday
Well my day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. They needed volunteers to come in on Saturday and work some over time. So I volunteered. I get to go in early though so I will still be able to make lunch. I tried to print out some tax stuff tonight but my ink cartridge is empty, so it didn't work to well. I will have to get a new one a try again. Well I hope that you have a fun time on your day off Robin. And I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Half day
I'm so glad that it was Wednesday I only work a half day tomorrow. I had extra vacation hours from last year so i used some before my day off on Friday. I am taking Friday off for Walters birthday I got some groupons. So we are going to midway we get 40 minutes in the hot springs there with snorkeling gear and then we are going to the ice castles after. Then we are coming back down and going to Five Alls for dinner. It's on foot hill drive it's a fancy restraunt so it will be a fun Friday. I think I am going to give him the coi fish wood burning I did forever ago since he loves to fish. Along with his floor mats just something fun..... Today I tried the new car wash that was by me it was 7 dollars and you get free vacuuming my car looks so nice it almost looks brand new. :) have a great Thursday.
Big busy day
Rachel it was for some meetings they are having at work. We ordered food to late at the hospital so I had to coordinate the food for 110 people last night and clean up afterwards. There were three different meetings so I had to go into work early this morning and I was glad I did because they didn't get my order so we had to pitch hit food again. It has been busy. Tonight my boss bought the whole department and their guest dinner at the Blue Iguana. It was really fun. Me and dad parked at City Creek and walked around for awhile. It was a nice evening. It was really cold and foggy tonight. I am ready for spring also. Tomorrow should be a normal day. I have a lot of extra hours so I get am going in late tomorrow. Robin Karen got bullets for Saturday so we are good to go shooting. Have fun working 1/2 day tomorrow. I hope you have fun with Walter for his birthday. Next week is the last week of January. It will be nice to have that month over with. Won't be long before the baby is here. I am getting excited. LOVE MOM
Cold Cold Winter Day
Mom, why did you have to work so long yesterday? Was it a big project. That is a really long day. Robin why are you taking Friday off? Do you have any plans? We had a good day. Isaac has been a lot happier the last two weeks which has been nice. We spent some time on the trampoline this afternoon and it was really cold. Casey brought home some boxes and made an awesome box fort. It is pretty fun. I made dinner and it tasted good. I have made three things off of the budget bytes website and they have all been delicious. Casey has been reading Gulliver Travels to Isaac before he goes to sleep and it has been a really nice part of the night. I don't have much else going on. I hope that everyone has a good night sleep and good dreams.
Well we have made it halfway thru the week. My day was good. Although it did seem really cold today. Mom that was a long work day yesterday. I hope today was shorter and less crazy for you. I will plan on coming down to your place Friday after work then. That will be fun. Well have a great one. Bye
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Long Day
It was a long day today. I worked 13 hours. I get most of Friday off now. That will be fun. Karen I would love for you to come down Friday night. That will be fun. I am sorry your meds costs so much. I just think that is such a crime. Rachel I am glad your sewing machine got fixed. Robin you always had the weirdest dreams. You walk in the your sleep also. Those are really nice gifts for Walter. He is really spoiled. I hope he appreciates that. One more meeting and then we are done for the week. I am going to be busy the with that for the rest of the week. I hope we get a wind storm soon. The pollution is bad. Dad has had a really bad headache all day. I think it is the air. LOVE MOM
Last night I woke up and thought there was something that ruined everyone's braces and it was my job to tell everyone infected. Once I woke up I had a hard time going back to bed it was a weird dream. So I was tired today. I went to scheels after work and got floor mats for Walters car. He likes browning stuff it's a deer hunter look they also had a hoodie on sale with the browning logo so I got that for him to. Tomorrow is my last full day of work so excited. I have been making tool bags they ordered 200 and I have 100 done so hopefully I can kick it into gear and finish them tomorrow. We will see. Have A good night
Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?
You have to hollow out the head.
Today went pretty good. We went to story time and Jenn came over to sew which is fun. Friday I had dropped my sewing machine and it made the light go out so today when Casey came home we went and got a new light bulb and everything working great now. It was an easy fix. Sunday night I had been unpacking baby clothes and we made a fort with the boxes. Casey wanted to get more boxes to make it better so we drove to a couple places tonight but couldn't find any. We will keep on searching. The smog is getting bad again, I am ready for spring to be here. Their is a patch of grass under the apricot tree and their were a millions birds eating something there today. It was neat to see. Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.
Today went pretty good. We went to story time and Jenn came over to sew which is fun. Friday I had dropped my sewing machine and it made the light go out so today when Casey came home we went and got a new light bulb and everything working great now. It was an easy fix. Sunday night I had been unpacking baby clothes and we made a fort with the boxes. Casey wanted to get more boxes to make it better so we drove to a couple places tonight but couldn't find any. We will keep on searching. The smog is getting bad again, I am ready for spring to be here. Their is a patch of grass under the apricot tree and their were a millions birds eating something there today. It was neat to see. Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.
Well today was pretty good. Work went by fast so that was nice. Then after work I had to go to Walmart and get my prescriptions. That sucked as usual. I also checked for 9th bullets and they were out. Well I hope everyone had a good Tuesday. Bye
Monday, January 20, 2014
It is really smoggy here also. You can just see it. I hope we get a wind storm soon. I had a busy day and it is going to turn into a busy week. Tomorrow I am going to have to work late and then Wednesday my boss takes the whole department out for dinner for a winter celebration. We are going to the Blue Iguana. That will be fun. We went to Walmart tonight and got ziplock bags. I was completely out. I didn't realize how much I use them until I didn't have any. I am excited for Walter's birthday also. We will do lunch at the Chinese Buffet and then who wants to go shooting can. They didn't have any bullets at Walmart tonight. I will look again on Friday and see what they have. Robin I am glad you went to the Chiropractor because you know what the problem is now and you can work on exercise for your neck and that will help a ton. Have a great day tomorrow. LOVE MOM
Today was pretty good. We didn't have much going on. This afternoon was nice so Isaac jumped on the trampoline for a while and then he wanted to dig in the sand. Luckily the sand wasn't frozen and was nice to play in. It was good to be outside for a while. Casey said the air pollution is unhealthy though so that isn't great. When Casey came home Isaac wanted to jump some more so they did that. Casey downloaded all the Sean the Sheep and Isaac loves watching it and laughs and laughs so we just watched that this evening. I am excited for this weekend, it will be good to see everyone. I have an enrichment breakfast Saturday morning so hopefully we will be able to leave around 10. Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.
Today went by fast that was nice. I had extra vacation from last year so I am taking a half day Thursday. I already planned for Friday off so I get extra time to chill. Nothing else to crazy with me I went to the chiropractor. I think instead of paying for a chiropractor I am going to save for one of those massage pad things like the ones at bed bath and beyond. It feels better and is cheaper in the long run. Have a good Tuesday love you
Well my Monday has been good. I have been working on getting pictures for manuals today. It doesn't sound like it would take very long but it is very time consuming. Robin I am excited to go shooting on Saturday. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, January 19, 2014
I'm glad you guys liked the picture. I was worried because it was so out there. I have been so lazy this week. I have slept for the most of it. I did start reading a book. Angels watching over me. It was free on my iPad so I thought it would be fun. It's a good book. Walter took me out for dinner at panda tonight so I did get out a little. I don't want to go to work I have liked being lazy. We'll not to much else. It's Walters birthday Saturday. I want sure if you still wanted to go shooting? We'll not to much else going on have a good night
Blue Hair
I love the blue hair. I think that is so cute. I am glad he loves his class. We went to sacrament meeting today and the speaker passed out. He was standing there and he said I am getting really dizzy and then he started to sway and out he went. I felt really bad for him. His wife spoke first and they have a one year old. There was a paramedic and a doctor in the ward and they took care of him. It took like 20 minutes before they let him get up. We just sang songs. We watched the last new stars wars movie tonight. It really isn't that good. I am looking forward to watching the older ones this week. I love the picture Robin. I am glad your shoot went OK. Rachel I love your count down. I am excited for Oliver to come. You guys have a great week. LOVE MOM
Part of my life
We had a good weekend. It was nice to go slow and be home. We went on a walk yesterday with the wagon and then me and Isaac headed to the fun park for the birthday party. Casey went with Isaac to the fun park Friday night and didn't have it in him to go again. It was fun at the birthday party and it was good to talk with everyone. The fun park wasn't supper organized but they did a good job and it would be a good place for a party. Today we went to church and Isaac would not go to sharing time. He wouldn't stay with Casey he only wanted to go to my class. He was upset so he just came with me. He went to his class fine afterwards. I stayed for a minute and he is Mr Chatterbox. He is really cute. His teachers said that he insisted that he had blue hair, attached the picture from Sunbeams. He has also been saying all weekend that "It is a big part of my life" or "This is a happy time of my life". I am not sure where he got it but it is funny. I love the gift basket that you got from work Mom, that is awful sweet of them. You are a hard worker and it is nice that people recognize that. Robin I really like your steam punk picture that was on facebook. It looks like the photoshoot was a success, good job. I am glad that you went shooting Karen. That sounds fun. I finished putting all of Oliver's clothes away and he has a lot. I only did up to 6 months and put the rest in the closet. It is looking a lot better in his room. Well everyone have a good night and a good Monday.
I have had a nice weekend also. It was fun hanging out with mom and dad yesterday. That was nice of your work to send you a gift basket mom. Your picture looked really cool Robin, good work. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...