Thursday, June 28, 2018


It was windy today.  It was nice in the evening to have it cooler.  I stayed up late last night and worked on Oliver's rug and watched the Last Jedi on nextflixs.  It was so much fun.  Today was the last day of swimming lessons.  Isaac moved up a level which is good.  The made pancakes for everyone after lessons which was fun.  The kids were in a lot better mood today so that was nice.  We picked up Casey for lunch and went to Panda, the kids liked that.  Isaac played with Imogen for a while and had fun.  Afterwards we went to Sam's club and got diapers for Ruth.  The kids were hungry again so we got pizza's.  Casey got a flat tire on the way home from work so after dinner he worked on fixing his bike.  I took the kids on a bike ride around the block and that was fun.  Thanks for picking up my glasses.  I am excited to get them.



WE got a call yesterday saying dad's glasses were in so we went and picked them up.  We picked up Rachel's glasses also.  We went out to dinner and then came home.  It was super windy out there today.  Dad's allergies are bad.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  I am glad it is Friday.  I worked a whole week.  I haven't done that in a while.  I am glad this weekend is going to be a little cooler that will be nice to work on the deck.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. It wasn't as hot today so that was nice. I really don't have anything exciting to report. It was a pretty quiet day. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Today was ok. Design has been a hand full and they are making my life a living hell. It just old it happens every new season. I came home and worked on some of the fox bags but I'm moving slow so I didn't get very far. Hope you have a good thursday.



We had swimming lessons this morning and we were kind of late as usual.  The kids like to lounge and eat snacks afterwards.  We came home and had lunch and then went to a magic show at the library.  Isaac liked it and the little kids got bored half way through.  Their were so many people, it was crazy.  It was a hot day today so we pulled out the water slide and pool and played with that and that was fun.  I had to move the slip n slide a hundred time and it was a lot of work.  Casey donated blood and didn't feel well this evening.  I took the boys on a bike ride, Oliver rode his bike and he is getting really good at it.  Then we just watched a show.  My glasses are ready to pick up.  I was thinking of coming down sometime next week.   Love you guys.


Hump day

I had a quiet day today and that was nice.  Not a lot going on.  I did get invited to go to a best practice learning field trip on Friday.  I was excited about that one.  It will be in the morning.  Karen that is cool about the targets.  That will be fun.  Thanks.  Rachel that was a cute picture of the bunny.  I bet the kids want one now.  We just came home after work and I did laundry and dishes.  It was getting scary here.  I think I am going to ask the apartment complex if they will come in and clean the carpets.  They are looking really dirty.  Robin, I hope that you are surviving Amy in England.  I keep hoping you get to go.    Everyone enjoy Thursday.  LOVE MOM


My morning started off busy. But I got all the crisises done by lunch. Then I worked on random things the rest of the afternoon. After I went to Heber because I was out of apples and wintergreen lifesavers. I also found some cool targets for when I take you shooting for your birthday mom. They look like battle ship. They are split in half so you can take turns and see who can sink the other persons ships first. I thought they would be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Happy Birthday Mom

I am glad you had a good birthday mom. My day was good. Work was busy, but I got thru it. It was hot here today also. My thermometer got up to 97 today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Happy birthday

I'm glad you had a good birthday mom. That was nice they bought you flowers. I have started to go in early. It's been pretty chill so far but everyone is still trying to get things geared up in England. It had been super busy with other projects so I've had a full workload. I started to sew the little bags but I was tired so I didn't get very far. Have a good Wednesday


Happy Birthday

I am glad that you had a fun day Mom.  It is fun to have a long birthday.  Today was good, we had swimming lessons this morning.  We went to go swimming afterwards and the water was so cold no one wanted to swim but Isaac.  This afternoon the kids all want rugs now so we went to joanns and they had 70% off the fabric so we scored, it was a lot of fun.  Then we went to a tree farm and bought a Kentucky Coffee Tree.  It is going to be a big tree and will give the deck a lot of shade we are hoping.  It was so hot we just played in the basement the rest of the day.  I had young women's tonight and we planned for the rest of the summer which was good.  Our raspberries are starting and they tasted really good.  It is such a relief to have a smaller patch this year.  It is enjoyable.  Love you guys.


Nice day

I had a nice birthday day.  I had flowers on my desk and we went to lunch it was nice.  Everyone wished me a happy birthday.  I really felt like I had my birthday already because we had such a nice weekend.  Thanks again.  Robin, I hope England went OK today.  I remembered you had to go into work early.  I hope I remembered right.  Dad took me to Yellow Finn for dinner and it was so good.  I love their miso ramen soup.  We went to Office Max afterwards and got some engineering paper so he could work on his experiments.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM

Monday, June 25, 2018


Today was good. Nothing to crazy. I had all these crazy emails from.friday I think I finally got through. Basically every grown we make is defective lol but I'm sure the crazy storm will pass. Not much else with me have a good one



I made it to work but I could have been like Oliver and taken a nap.  Work was slow and I am all caught up.  Crazy days.  We did go to Sam's after dinner and get gas and meds.  It was nice to walk around.  I found two cute sticker books for Ruth for when she gets her tonsils out.  Not much else going on with us.  It was a hot one today.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Oliver woke up early this morning and then he was so tired he didn't want to go to swimming lessons.  We went anyway and it was fun.  We swam for a little bit and then we were warming up and Oliver fell asleep on the towel, it was cute.  Isaac and Ruthie swam for a little bit more.  We ran errand this afternoon and then read for a while.  After dinner we rode bikes to see Leona and just played their for a while outside.  Ruthie was so cute she was standing at the top of this hill and sang let it go and danced.  I should of taken a video of it, it was so cute.  Good job going to the dentist Karen, I am glad that it wasn't bad.



It was hot here today. Work was good, except for the water being off this morning until 1115. I left work at 130 and went to the dentist to fix my cracked tooth. It wasn't too bad. He just put a filling in. Then I came home and mowed my front yard. It was hot so I wimped out and didn't mow the back. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Thank you for the fun weekend, you guys are the best.  Today we just went slow in the morning.  Isaac said he woke up early and the switch wasn't their so he went back to sleep and he slept until 12.  He needed it.  Isaac lost his tooth this morning, it has been loose forever.  Casey worked all day and we went to church.  Ruthie is doing really well in nursery and I can leave her now.  After we got home Imogen came over and played for a while and we worked on the stairs.  Casey got the structure of them up and they are looking good.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow, it is hard to get back to real life.



My day was good. It was a quiet day.  I went and saw Incredibles 2. It was good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Thank you

Thank you for the wonderful birthday weekend.  I do love you all.  I love your pictures Robin.  They are so cute.  Karen what movie did you see?  I am glad you had a nice day.  We went and saw Grandma today.  Her bunion was acting up she is going to get a cortisone shot on Wednesday to help with the swelling.  We brought her some lunch and then watched a movie.  I texted when it was on.  We came home and just vegged.  I had made a meat loaf and I cooked it and had that for dinner.  It tasted really good.  Everyone have a wonderful week.  I am going to have to work all week.  I haven't done that in a while.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...