Friday, November 25, 2016


Well since I just saw everyone today I don't have too much to report. Robin I forgot to give you the plates. I will bring then down to bingo and hopefully remember to give them to you. Have a great night everyone. Bye

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

One day more

Well just one more day to go. I am reafy for the holiday. My day was good . Nothing too exciting to report. I am glad that I only have one more day to work this week. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

So close

Well, I am really close to being done for the week and I am pretty excited about that.  I love the picture of Oliver's bum.  You will be able to use that for ransom as he gets older.  Good job.  Robin, I thought you had to work on Friday already.  Is it just 2 hours earlier?  We will be all done shopping by then.  Work was work and I am going to leave early tomorrow.  Not much else going on with me.  Everyone drive safe and we will be feasting soon.  LOVE MOM


Don't work the day after Robin, just tell them no.  I am sorry.  I had a much better day and Oliver was a lot better.  This morning we had to run to the store for a couple of things and then we played at home.  We worked on peeing in the potty and I got a cute picture of Oliver's bum.  We also got some nuggets for lunch.  Isaac had a thanksgiving feast at school and had a fun time.  Imogene came and played for a while and Casey made a bonfire out of the old papers in the backyard.  They had a fun time.  Casey had scouts this evening and we just watched Mighty Machines.  Isaac was cold so he took an hour bath after dinner to warm up.  He cracks me up, he wont wear warm clothes.  I finished some sewing projects finished which feels nice.  Casey has tomorrow off and I am excited to have everyone come up.  Thanks guys.



Today was ok. I had to work at a scheels. I guess the girl that was working the day shift for day after thanksgiving  bailed. So now they want me to come in at 3. And then when I came in the day girl didn't do anything and had stuff everywhere. I had to take 5 min and just breath I was on edge. But I'm good now and got through most of the work that didn't get done in the day. Have a good one. I will see everyone thursday.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Rainy days and Monday

Man it really rained here.  I thought for sure you guys would get snow.  I feel bad that Casey had to fix his car in the rain.  Poor kid.  I am sorry about your fish also.  I hope it wasn't too traumatic on everyone.  I wonder why Oliver is so grouchy.  Ever since he got his molars he just hasn't been very happy.  Not much going on with me.  I worked and I stayed a little late and worked my lunch hour so I could leave early on Wednesday.  I am excited to get the party going.  We just came home and didn't do much.  I made tacos for dinner.  It reminded me of hunting for tacos that Robin posted the other day.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Oliver was grumpy today and that made for a long day.  I forgot Isaac's library book so I ran that over after we dropped him off.  Then we went to the hobby lobby, I wanted to make some center pieces with the kids.  We were looking at train and cars for an hour and then Oliver had a major melt down and we just had to leave without getting anything.  I picked up the boys from school and watched Henry till 3, his Mom asked me to watch him for a while.  Randy came over and wanted to take the boys but just took Oliver since Isaac was busy.  We had a fun time with Henry and Oliver and a fun time with Randy so it was good for everyone.  Casey is going to fix bikes for sub for Santa this year with the scouts so he had some errands to run for that after work.  His car broken down and he fixed that also.  It was pouring rain on him poor guy.  Fermento the fish died today. Henry and Isaac were feeding them and they said he was taking a nap but he had gone to the other side.  Casey cleaned up the tank and Fin is doing good.  We went to petsmart after dinner to get a new filter and snail so Finn could have a new friend since he lost a friend today.  Rest in peace Fermento.



Well my day was good. It was a busy day. I also had to stay a little late. I am hoping tomorrow will clam down a little bit. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Today was good. I just did crafts all day. Ricky needed to watch his nephews so we didn't meet up today. I did go to Joanns to get more thread. They had 40 percent off the flannel but then I looked at the black friday off and it goes to 70 percent off. That is crazy. Well have a good monday



I thought I would stick with tradition and have the same heading.  Rachel that dress is darling on her.  I am so glad it fits her.  She sure can stand.  Oliver looked pale yesterday.  I don't think he is feeling 100 percent.  He has a bug of some kind.  I am glad he got some rest.  We met Dirk, Melody and grandma for lunch.  It was a lot of fun.  Jani didn't want to leave her dog.  He doesn't have a cage so he is getting into trouble.  We just vegged all afternoon.  I didn't sleep well last night so I took a nap.  Rachel I am glad you took a nap.  It does help even if you feel more tired.  You need some sleep.  Karen, I am glad you cleaned your windows, it is suppose to storm tomorrow.   I can feel the storm coming.  It is making my head hurt.  Have a wonderful Monday.  I am so looking forward to the short week.  LOVE MOM


We had a fun time yesterday, thank.  I am excited for Thanksgiving, we will have a fun time.  Calleen isn't coming for Thanksgiving so it will just be us this year.  Today was pretty good.  We went to church and the kids looked cute.  Oliver was grumpy and wouldn't go to nursery at all so Casey took them home and gave the little ones a nap.  Me and Isaac stayed for the whole time.  Oliver slept all afternoon/evening.  I was tired and took a nap which was a bad idea because it makes me feel more tired I think.  Ruthie did sleep last night and only woke up once which was a miracle.  Everyone enjoy your short week, I am excited we get together soon.



Well thanks for the nice time yesterday. I did end up with a ranch packet that isn't mine so I will bring it up with me Thursday. My day has been good. Yesterday I noticed that the inside windows of my car were dirty so I washed them today. Other than that I just had a lazy day. I am glad that this is a short week. I hope everyone has a grwat week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...