Friday, March 10, 2023


 Isaac was light headed this morning so he stayed home.  He is fine though and I don't think he is sick.  He went to ambassadors after school.  My work had a warehouse sale today.  They let employees clock out and go early.  They had where you could fill a bag for 10 dollars so I did that and got some fabric.  Then the kids wanted to go so we went and filled another bag.  It was fun and we got some fun craft stuff.  We went grocery shopping while Isaac was at or orchestra.  It was pouring rain and really windy all day.  See you guys tomorrow.

Love Rachel


 I was tired and had attitude at work. I worked slow. I did walk over to the university and get nachos for lunch. They are so good. They have companies come one day a week. Fridays it is salsa leeds. They make good nachos. I came home and dad pressure cooked some potatoes. They tasted so good. We decided to not go to Kamas in the snow. We are going in the morning. We did go get some treats at Costco and was pouring rain when we got out. Crazy. Everyone drive safe tomorrow. There is an avalanche in provo canyon. It is closed. Love you all mom


 Sorry,  I have been horrible at blogging this week. My day was good. I got to put a leak tester together so that was fun. Then we went to Costco. We decided that since the weather was interesting that we would drive up to Kamas in the morning. Thanks everyone for coming up and helping out. Bye

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Nothing to wild to report. I have a headache so I'm just taking easy tonight. 



 Today was good at work. They had pie pizza for lunch and it was good. Karen took us to jinyas for dinner. We went to home depot and got light fixtures. It was fun to walk around. We are going to Kamas tomorrow after work. Thanks everyone for coming up. Hopefully this will finish it up. Love mom


 Thanks for organizing lunch Karen.  That is really nice of you.  Work was good today.  We did a lot of editing all morning.  Then I made an apron.  Delia's machine was pulling up oil and turning her thread black.  It was so crazy.  She cleaned it a couple of times and then just let it stitch to get it all cleaned out.  They are having a public warehouse sale tomorrow and Saturday so we took a bunch of stuff down for the sell.  I think I am going to buy some fabric.  It is only $4 a yard.  Isaac had orchestra after school and Ruth had tumbling this evening.  She had fun but scratched her knee and it was bothering her.  It is not a visible scratch to the naked eye.  I finished quilting my last quilt so I just have to bind everything.  I got a pop it multiplication times table.  I thought Oliver might be a visual learner so we practiced with it tonight and he really liked it.  

Love Rachel

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 It snowed all day here and it is so cold.  It is an endless winter.  Work was good.  I have been struggling putting snaps on so today they pulled them and we are going to do something different.  We found out that we need more photo shoot samples so we had to get organized.  It seemed busy today.  Their was a semi parked behind me when I was leaving work so I was a little late picking up the kids.  Everyone was happy today and it was nice.  Me and Ruth made cupcakes.  I had to run to the store to get eggs so we could make them.  Casey worked late and I was lazy so we just had spaghetti for dinner.  I had book group and that was a lot fun.  They are all so funny and it is nice to talk about books.  It was a fun evening.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 It was a good day at work. Someone brought enchiladas for lunch and they were so good. It was a blizzard here tonight but it looks like it has stopped. Not much else to report on my end.  Luna looks like she has grown a foot. Rachel I hope all is going well. Karen is happy when she comes home. Things are going well. Love mom


Luna was so happy this morning. It helped with making the morning easy. Then a vendor took us to lunch. It started snowing after dinner and it covered our grass. Hopefully we don't get alot tonight. 


 Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. Things are going good here. I am getting some tasks to do at work so that makes it nice. I am tired of the snow. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 I had to take minutes for a meeting at 7. I was nervous about setting up the computer so I got there at 630. I left early to get my hair cut but they were booked until closing. We went to smiths to get some treats. We had dinner and then I found a great clips that was opened and me and dad went and got our hair cut. It feels so nice. That just feels not right that Isaac is going to middle school. I am sorry Luna didn't nap good. It is hard when they start growing out of naps. I still am an hour my time so I can come a little late and leave a little early. That is always nice. I was glad it wasn't snowing this morning. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 Isaac took a tour of the middle school today.  They showed him around and gave them information.  He had a hard time opening the lockers but I think he can practice again.  Then this evening we registered him for middle school.  Work was good.  We have a lot of editing to do so we are spreading it out all week.  So we edited for a while.  We had a team meeting and then I made this cute valentine's gum ball machine.  Isaac had orchestra so I took the little kids and got a primary piano book so I could practice.  I bribed them with snacks if they would come with me so I got them chick FIL a.  We did homework and then they were playing playdough so I quilted my quilt for a bit and am half way done.  Casey worked late but I made it to exercise class.  Then when I got back Casey went skiing with his friend Dylan.  They just left.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


Today was good. Nothing to wild. Luna took an early short nap at daycare so when we got home she fell asleep. I let her sleep for a bit so she wouldn't be too grumpy. We watched croods and she just watched That once I woke her up. She woke up at 1 this morning and I couldn't fall back to sleep after so I am tired too. 

Monday, March 6, 2023


 It is weird to have snow everyday. I am ready for some sunshine. It is pretty outside however. Work was busy. It was payroll Monday. It is nice however not to work on Sundays. I have to take minutes at a meeting at 7 tomorrow. Will be a long day but I can leave early a couple of days. I made ham fried rice for dinner and it tasted so good. We ate it all. Not much else to report on my end. Did you know we spring ahead this weekend? It will be nice to have it light at night. Love mom


 Today was fine.  At work we spent most of the day editing instructions then I made a couple things.  We are recording our stitches with a go pro as a time lapse video. They look neat when they are done.  Isaac had violin lessons and we went to the grocery really fast while he was there.  Oliver is not doing well in math so I am going to spend some extra time on math every day.  He was good to do that today.  Isaac made squash for dinner.  It was supposed to have pomegranates but Ruth ate what we had and I couldn't find any at the store.  I went to exercise class and it was strength training and it is so hard to do.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I was tired today but I made it through. It snowed about 3 inches here so kamas might be buried. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good nothing wild. We are just living the life. :) It didn't snow alot here so that was nice
. The dirt we bought to re transfer our green house was frozen yesterday. So today I moved the plants.over so they can grow taller. I forgot to take a picture though


Sunday, March 5, 2023


We went up to kamas on Saturday and made I home before the snow. Then we went to provo today. Jeramys sister needed her bath room wall fixed. They don't sell just one panel for the plastic bath tub liners for the walls. So we are doing research. We might do the same.thing next week if Jeramy can find the part for his sister. We will plan Saturday in kamas and Sunday we might go to Provo again. We started an small in home green house. The plants exploded so we are moving them to terracotta pots till spring. Luna helped fill them up with dirt. 



 Well it was a busy weekend. We got a lot done at my place in Kamas. There is still a bunch of painting to do so we will be back at it next weekend. Thanks for the help everyone. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We got a lot done and the realtor came and said to touch up paint and replace light fixtures  and faceplate. She is going to wait another week to take pictures. Rachel I was reading that the resturant at lava springs the roof collapsed. It was scary. I am so glad you had fun. Your kids are growing up way to fast. Robin I loved the pictures of the snow piles. That made my day. Kamas has so much snow. It is suppose to warm up a bit so that will be nice. Still really stormy but warm. Have a nice week. Love mom

The weekend

 Sorry I feel asleep last night before I could blog.  We have had a fun weekend.  Yesterday we went up to Lava hot springs.  Isaac didn't want to go so he was grumpy at first but we had a good time despite that.  We got pizza for lunch like we always do.  Everyone in Idaho was at lava hot springs.  Their was no where to park for the outdoor hot tubes and it looked packed in there.  So we went to the indoor one.  The kids loved swimming and it was fun.  They are all good swimmers and they stayed in the big pool the whole time.  They are too big for the kids area now.  We got dinner and lottery tickets in Preston on the way home.  Today we went to church and Casey went to work.  I got called to be a primary piano player which is great.  Oliver gave a talk and Ruth gave a scripture in primary and did a good job.  After church I finished quilting my first quilt and loaded on the second one.  Isaac made banana bread and did a good job.  We took Tony for a walk which was nice.  The sun was out and it was a beautiful day.  The kids are outgrown their church clothes so we went and got some new ones.  Then we went up to Randy's house for dinner.  Casey met up with us there when he was done.  Good luck with work this week.  It is hard to go back on Monday.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...