Friday, November 4, 2022


 Congratulations Karen.  It is fun to get a raise.  That is fun you took the day off Robin.  Today was good.  Work went better today and it was good.  Casey was worried about the kids walking home so he picked them up.  He also picked up our 100 miler shirts.  We both got them this year.  Isaac had ambassador practice.  The little kids came with and we shopped.  We got gas and a back for my quilt.  Then we walked around joann's and the kids got these fussy animal ornaments.  It was Teri's birthday yesterday so we went up tonight and had dinner and cupcakes.  The kids were so wild and crazy it was insane.  I hope the weather isn't too bad tomorrow.  It will be good to see everyone.

Love Rachel 


 Karen congratulations on you raise that is awesome. Robin I am glad you got the day off. That is nice to get stuff done. In Houston they use it call mothers day out. If the weather gets too bad we can reschedule. If the weather is good I am excited to hook up. I didn't feel great today but I went to work.and I think that helped. I just went slow. Not much else to report on my end. Love you all mom


I took today off because I could. I wanted a craft day but I didn't get anything amazing completed. I took down our Halloween decorations and weed Wacker the back yard. I then went in and got my physical done. I was suppose to get it done a year after I had Luna to make sure everything was in check. It seemed to go well. I keep getting snow alerts on my phone for this weekend. I guess the mountains are getting 6-12 inches. Drive safe.



 I am so glad that the weekend is here. Work went good. I got a 6% raise for getting my degree but no title change. But it is still a nice raise. I am going to use my new raise to hire someone to shovel my snow this winter because I won't be able to after bunion surgery. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, November 3, 2022


 It has been a werid week.  I am glad that Dad's knees doesn't need surgery and I am glad you colonoscopy went great.  That is all good news.  Today ok.  The kids all made it to school.  Work was ok.  I had meetings and then we were working on some design issues.  Isaac had orchestra after school.  The kids all hung up their laundry which really helps.  After dinner I went to exercise class and we did tabata and I love that.  I like doing strength training.  Casey is walking Tony.  Tony was going stir crazy today and really needed a walk.

Love Rachel 

10 more years

 I got my colonoscopy and I don't have to go back for 10 years. That is cool. I just rested all day. I didn't sleep.which was weird. It is so nice to be done. Dad got his mri back of his knee and he has arthritis but no torn ligaments which is so nice. He has this syndrome that he needs to slow down a bit and strengthen his gluten. I need to read more about it. It has been the weirdest week. I can't believe it is Friday.  I haven't been to work.all week. I am going in tomorrow. Love mom 


 Well i didn't shovel this morning. I think it was a good choice because the snow in my walls mostly all melted. Work was good. I am making progress on my to do list so that is nice. I am glad that your colonoscopy went good mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 It is werid what works at physical therapy.  I was thinking today how much better my scars feel since he twisted that needle in them.  I never would have thought about that.  Good luck tomorrow Mom.  Ruth stayed home from school and Casey worked from home.  She is fine and Casey thinks she just needed a day off.  Work was good for me.  I was in a lot of meetings and figuring out what fabric would work best for a project.  The kids went grocery shopping with me and it was a lot of fun to have them.  I had book group tonight and it was a lot of fun.  It is just nice to talk and laugh.  Isaac went to young men's and had a fun time also.  He took my phone so he could call when he was done.

Love Rachel 


 I feel a lot better today. I know that is weird. I worked from home today and took all the drugs they wanted me to have. It was bad but not as bad as Monday night. I go in at 930. I have to be there a little early so I should be home by noon. Luna is so cute. It seems like you have always had Jenkins. He has been so good for you. Karen that is a lot.of.snow. it snowed here all day but nothing stuck. I am getting me a big Mac after this. I told Oliver we could go to the trampoline park at Jordan landing on Saturday. I thought maybe we and go .to.lunch and the jump.for a little while. Just hang out. I am so glad jeramy feels better. I was never a believer of cupping. I may have to change my.mind. Rachel I hope Ruth is OK. Love mom


 It snowed here all day. I had about 3 inches on my car when I left work. It was really wet snow so I didn't shovel because it was heavy. I hope it will melt off the walls tomorrow. Work was good. It was just the usual, but I am glad that the week is half over. Good luck with the colonoscopy tomorrow mom. If you need anything just give me a call. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


I hope mom and Isaac are feeling better. Jeramy had his physical therapy today. They tried cupping. I wasn't a big fan because it leaves big bruises on your back. But Jeramy said it was amazing and he can't believe he's waiting so long to do it. He said he back hasn't felt this good in years. He did get two welts on his back but he said it doesn't feel bruised just a bit tender. So we will see how he feels in the next coming days. At work we had wild snow that was sticking. But when I got home Lehi just had rain, it was crazy. I've had Jenkins 4 years. He's grayed alot. Luna helped brush his teeth today. it was cute. Stay warm


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 I sorry you are sick Mom.  I am sorry Luna was sick also.  Isaac stayed home from school today but he is acting better.  He was pretty sick.  Work was good today.  I did a bunch of little projects.  Ruth had tumbling and had a good time.  I went to exercise class after dinner and that felt really good.  I haven't been in a week.  Casey took Tony on a walk and is going to the climbing gym.  He had a busy day at work and is behind from taking last week off.  I hope everyone feels better.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I was in meetings most of the morning so that made the day go by fast. I made ramen noodles casserole for dinner. It tasted really good. I am glad that you are feeling better mom. I hate being sick. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


 I got really sick last night and was up all night barfing etc. I called in sick and just slept. I am feeling a little better. I hope Luna is OK. Isaac has had it bad. I start getting stuff colonoscopy tomorrow so I just got an extra day to clean it all out. I am going to work from home tomorrow. We'll have a nice day. Love mom


Work was slow today so that was nice. At 2:30 they called me and said Luna was off and had diarrhea. So I figured I would pick her up and finish working from home. It went well and she is acting fine. I let.her play on the apple computer I bought when I went to Toronto. It doesn't work.She is tired I think she might be growing. 

Monday, October 31, 2022


 We had a nice day. I did payroll this morning and then we left for logan. We had a really nice time. The kids were so cute. We drove home and traffic was good. I thought there might be a lot of traffic but it was nice. I love you make up Robin. You will convert everyone. Rachels.costume was really cute. Karen those soda holders. They really nice. I am glad you can wear your pump into surgery. That is so nice. Love mom

Happy Halloween

 You look beautiful Robin.  It is fun to dress up.  About half the people at my work dress up.  I dressed up as a cactus.  It was really nice to leave work early.  Isaac wasn't feeling well and stayed home from school.  We took him out to lunch and I thought eating a little would help but he still didn't feel great.  Mom and Dad did a great job organizing the class parties and getting all the supplies.  They turned out really nice and we had a fun time.  We went trick or treating at the mall and no one was there.  The kids did some candy.  We ate dinner and then Mom and Dad went home.  We went to Randy's and trick or treated some more with Ivy.  It was fun and the weather was really nice.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 My day was good. Work was quiet today one guy was off, then another had a flat tire, and one was sick so it was quiet in my office. I called my doctor to see if I could wear my insulin pump during airgun or not. It turns out I can, but it took the phone calls to get that answer. I got some soda holders and I think they look nice. I put a picture below. I hope everyone had a great Halloween. Bye


Today was good. I was the only person to dress up today lol. I felt good knowing I am keeping Halloween strong. We cam home and had tacos. Luna did not sleep good last night so she was exhausted tonight. I felt the same that is why I knew she was tired 🤣. We only had a few trick or treaters tonight. But it was fun to have some kids stop by. Hope everyone has a good night


Sunday, October 30, 2022


 We went down to watch Luna while Robin and jeramy got ready for winter. We had such a fun time. She is starting to say words. She is fighting naps can't wait for the falling asleep pictures while eating dinner.  We went out to.dinner and then came home it is payroll so I am working on that. We are going to logan to help with Halloween. I hope Isaac feels better. Poor kid. I hate throwing up. Have a happy Halloween. Love mom


 Isaac was sick most of the night, I feel bad for him.  He didn't feel well all day so I took him to sterling this evening. His vitals all were good and he doesn't have a urinary infection.  They gave him some nausea medicine which is what we needed.  I hope it helps him sleep tonight.  We had stake conference so we stayed home and it was nice.  I finished the Christmas bad Karen bought me but I didn't hand sew the panels so it isn't as cute as the picture.  We carved pumpkins this evening and that was fun.  Casey made his famous Mac and cheese for dinner and that tasted good.  Me and the little kids took Tony to the park this morning.  No one was there and we had a good time.  I decided to dress up for work and I made a cactus costume.  I glued white yarn on for the spikes and I made a flower for a headband.  It is dumb but I am trying to participate.

Love Rachel


 I had a good day. I slept in this morning. Then I took apart my toilet because I have a bad seal. Apparently I didn't get the right seal so I had to order the right one. So I will have to finish it later. I hope everyone had a great Halloween tomorrow. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...