Saturday, January 28, 2012
Rachel, tell Casey and his dad thanks for fixing the leak. I hope that Kelly finds a new job. That is hard. Does he get to be there when the baby is born? Tell Casey's dad thanks also. That is really nice of them to do that. I am glad that Karen found a place to live also. It will be a good place to start figuring out where she wants to be. We had a nice evening playing games. I like to do that. Have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM
I am glad that you found potential places to live Karen, I am excited for you. I am sorry that we didn't make it down. I am sending Casey down with boxes and Mom and Dad can take them to you. We had a good day. Casey got in late last night so he slept in and me and Isaac hung out. He slept all night, it was soooo nice. We took Kelly to lunch. He lost his job. He said that his baby was going to be born on Monday so that is exciting. We took Isaac to petsmart to look at all the animals. It seems like there were a lot of people there doing that. He loved looking at them all. Then we can home and the pipe down stairs was still leaking so Casey and his Dad worked on that. Terry came over also and fixed Isaac's hair, it looks a lot better. Well they are finishing up working on the pipe, they just had to replace the whole thing. We are holding off on the dry wall until the pipe is fixed. Well I hope that you guys got some rest. Good luck driving back Karen.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
tunnel vision
today was fun my day was like rachel's. It was fun I liked the play place, It was rainy a bit today though but it wasn't bad to drive through. Drive safe karen I hope there isn't to much traffic. I'm glad that there is interest in your apt. karen that is a load off. whew. well have a great one
Karen drive safe tomorrow. I am excited to go house hunting. We have been looking at houses tonight. It is fun. I am glad you had some people interested in the house. Thanks Rachel and RObin for getting dad's meds. I appreciate it. I am glad you had a good time. Work was really busy and will continue to be for awhile. Have a great friday.
Thanks Robin for coming up today, it was a really nice day. We first went and got Dad's meds and went to lunch at the copper mill. We went and played at the fun park, they have an awesome soft gym that was really fun. My quilt was done so we went to pick it up but they wanted a check and I don't carry those around so I will have to go back. Karen, I am excited for you to move up. I am not sure what we are doing this weekend yet but we will figure it out. I am glad that you had people respond to your ad, that will help a lot.
Well my day was good. I posted my apartment last night on Craig's list. I had 2 replies already. So Yeah! It won't be hard to get someone to take my lease. I hope that Robin had a good trip to Logan. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. It should be wild and crazy. have a good Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee
just thought I would post a song to get ready for the summer if someone wanted to get a boat... :) wink wink. jk. well today was same ole apply for jobs. heading up to logan tomorrow. drive safe friday karen
busy day
Work was really busy but I am moving along. It is nice to have the day go fast. I am giving skills tests to people applying for a data analyst job and I keep thinking how good Rachel would be for the job. Dad stayed home today with the cold. He said he was feeling better. Have a fun trip to Logan Robin. I am jealous. Good luck with getting everything done for the move Karen. LOVE MOM
Today was good, Isaac did a lot better. I worked on my mystery quilt with Jenn Cox. It was fun. I also finished my binding on the brown quilt. I have attached pictures of both. There is something about laying a quilt down that makes you want to crawl on it. Isaac loves to crawl on them when I lay them out. We went to an relief society activity tonight. It was just a speaker but it was nice to go. Isaac got a little vocal so we left early. He wasn't bad but it was so quiet I felt bad having him talk. Well drive safe tomorrow Robin, it will be fun to have you come up. Good luck with you last two weeks for work Karen. I hope that Dad is feeling better.


Moving right along
Well my week is moving right along. I am still kind of tired but I am doing better than yesterday. Rachel one load of boxes is fine for right now. I was going to take the one load with me to start getting some stuff packed. Thanks for bringing them down for me. Have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
same ole
sorry I forgot to blog I've been bad at it. Things really haven't changed though so nothing new to report. watching burn notice its a good t.v series. not much else. have a good wensday
I am sorry Isaac is grumpy. Did you check to see how the teeth are coming along. Maybe they will break the skin soon. I am excited for you to come home this weekend Karen. It will be fun to look for a new place for you to live. Work was crazy busy today and I am afraid it is going to be that way all week. I am tired. It was nice weather today and it looked so pretty outside with the snow. I enjoyed my ride to work this morning. Well busy week for sure. Have a nice hump day. LOVE MOM
Karen I will bring down the boxes. I will send some down with Casey tomorrow also because I don't think they will make it down in one load. Casey came home tonight which was really nice, it was good to see him. Isaac was grumpy today, I don't think that he is 100%. We did go grocery shopping and delivered invitations for a relief society activity for wed. I did half yesterday and the rest today. I am glad that giving your notice wasn't too traumatic, it is hard to do. I cried when I quite Icon, I may have cried for two weeks. I saw my old boss at church Sunday. He does something for the stake and it was ward conference so he was there. We went up and said hi and showed him Isaac. It was nice to see him. Well thanks for coming up Thursday Robin, we will have a fun time, I am excited.
Made it
Well my flight was suppose to leave at 945 and it didn't take off until 1140. So I didn't get back to my place until 1. So I have been tired all day. I did turn in my 2 weeks notice. It wasn't as traumatic as I thought it was going to be that was nice. Everyone said that they would miss me. They also said there is no need to pack my sugar, flour, and chocolate chips and that they would be more than happen to get all the cookies I could make out of it so that I wouldn't have to pack it. Rachel, mom said that you had some extra boxed I could use. That would be nice. I am planning on coming up on Friday. If you are coming living place shopping with us on Saturday it would be nice if you could bring some down for me that would be great. Well have a great week everyone. BYE
Monday, January 23, 2012
2 down one to go
Robin you will find the next job. It is your turn. I am excited for you Karen. We took her to the airport in the snow storm. I hope her plane ride isn't a bad. It was busy at work today but I got a lot done and that was good. It is going to be a busy next couple of weeks. I am sorry that Issac's teeth are hurting him. YOu can tell because his fingers are in his mouth. He is so cute. I love the way he says his s's. Dad is coming down with a cold. Hope it doesn't snow too much. LOVE MOM
Good job Karen, that is awesome. I am excited for you. I think that it will be fun to have you closer. I will miss St George though, we will have to think of a new place to vacation at. Maybe just Park City. Today was good. I went to the church and help sew bags for a humanitarian project. It was fun, I didn't get much done with Isaac though but there were a lot of people there. Isaac wanted to watch his truck movie on our bed all day. I have attached a picture below. I think that it is his teeth that are hurting. He isn't sleeping all that great so he is tired also. Also he likes to watch himself on my phone so we were doing that today and he says his S sound through his nose and I think it is funny so I have attached a video of that. I am asking him what a snake says, it kind of got cut off.

Sunday, January 22, 2012
We went to Kamas today and looked around. The building is a castle and even has a mote. It was cute. It will be interesting to see how the interview goes. It really snowed here a lot on saturday. WE have been playing a lot of games. Rachel your quilt is beautiful. You are amazing. I am glad that you and Casey had a good weekend. I am sorry Isaac is teething. Poor guy. That is so hard on them. I hope the break the skin soon. I got the cutest book for him and was excited to give it to him. I will give it to him next weekend. Good luck Karen tomorrow. Marissa is getting married on May 11th. I called Teresa and said that I wanted to give her a shower. I think we are going to have it at the Lion House. I really like that place. I thought we would make invitations like we did for Vickie's. I really liked those. Have a nice week
Quilts with fire
I am glad that you guys had a fun time yesterday. We have had a good weekend. Casey made bread today. He grinded wheat and it turned out really good. I have been on a quilting rampage and am getting a lot done. I finished another quilt, I put the picture below. I have a brown one quilted and I need to hand sew the binding on and the Halloween quilt I have almost finished quilting that. I think that tomorrow I will be able to put the binding on. Isaac is doing good. He is standing a ton more. He knows the word stand and will do it when I ask him too. He is having trouble sleeping at night, we think it is his teeth. Friday night he woke up at 4 and wouldn't go back to sleep, Casey was sweet and stayed up with him. So we have been napping a lot. Last night he woke up at 1 and 5 but I was able to get him back to sleep both times. Well it was nice to have Casey home all weekend. Good luck tomorrow Karen, you will do great you are so smart.

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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...