Saturday, April 6, 2013
We're Back
Cute hair cut Robin. I really like it. It sounds like you had a really fun day. Way to go Karen on fixing your toilet. You are brave to do that. We had a really fun time in Logan. We did make it to baby animals days between rains storms. We also got all the bricks down off the front flower bed and put the footing down for the new one. It is still a work in progress but some of the work did get done. Thanks Rachel, Casey and Isaac for the fun time. Me and Rachel got some material to make some clothes. We got almost all of it cut out and I am almost done with a jumper. I hope it turns out. I did see the banner for animal days as we were leaving Logan tonight. Not much else to report other than we had a really nice weekend. LOVE MOM
get er did
TOday was good busy busy. SOrry I forgot to blog last night I was watching breaking bad and things were crazy on the show. But I did makeup for richs daughter for prom, then rich had a mini photoshoot. it was fun. This morning I woke up and went to work till 10 then met amber (from lagoon) for lunch. I went and got my hair cut and colored (picture below) then got my car inspected and oil changed. I have had my car a year now ;) yeah!! Then I went to gordmans and bought a new shirt because I wanted one and they are cheap there. I made a delious steak for dinner and now I am finishing off breaking bad. whew. it was a day. hope every one has a relaxing and nice sunday

I fixed it
Well my day has been good. I tried to light a fire in my fire pit but the wood was still too wet. I did get a nap and it was wonderful. Then I went to Walmart and got a few groceries. I also got my plumbing for the toilet in the bathroom with the toilet that was running all the time. I replaced it and now it doesn't run all the time anymore. So that was good. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Friday, April 5, 2013
Yea for Friday
Well my days was good. I didn't win at the company part, but it was still fun. It did rain a lot here this afternoon. But it was nice and sunny when I got home. Rachel my peas haven't come up yet but it has still been really cold at night so I still have hope. I did get to make cotton candy yesterday. It was fun, but I was a sticky mess. SO I ended up doing laundry to wash all the stuff off. After I got home I cut all the dried yellow stuff that was above my fountain. It looks really nice now. there was green stuff coming up under the dead yellow stuff so I am glad that i did it. It also looks like there are 2 rose bushes up there. Well I hope that weather was nice enough in Logan for you to go to baby animal days. Have a great weekend everyone. BYE
Thursday, April 4, 2013
I can fix it
Thanks for making an awesome banner for baby animal days. I will take a picture for you Robin. That sounds fun to do makeup for prom. Good job. Mom and Dad made it up to Logan safety and Isaac was excited to see Grandpa's Jeep. Isaac has a big blister on his toe. We are going to get him some new shoes tomorrow. I feel bad for him. Isaac took a screw driver and "fixed" my wheel on the car. I attached a picture, it was cute. Karen how are your peas? I was watering mine today and they look like they are starting to come up. Kamas is colder so it may take longer. Everyone have a good night.
today was good. Tomorrow I am going to leave work a little early and go and do makeup for rich's daughter so she can go to prom. I am so glad that tomorrow is friday I hope the work day goes by fast ;) Have fun in logan everyone!!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
baby animal
So at work we are making a baby animal day poster for logan. its kinda a huge banner that is going to suck to sew but I will do it so you guys know where you are going :) HOpe you have fun this weekend. Its been really busy at work. I'm glad tomorrow is wensday. so I was thinking of cutting my hair i posted a picture below of an idea of cut not sure on color yet. I am just waiting for my tax return to show up. have a great night and travel safe everyone

I am sore
We had a good day. We had play group today but Isaac was grumpy and wouldn't calm down so we had to leave a bit early. It worked out because we were able to meet Casey at the park for lunch which was fun. It was really nice day. It got kind of stormy looking in the afternoon but we still went on a walk. The nicest people live by the canal and they have given us bread twice to feed the ducks. I need to make them cookies or something. Then we saw a tractor plowing a field which was pretty exciting. We were going to work on the front yard a bit but Isaac wanted to go on a truck ride. I stayed behind and finished up the raspberries. They didn't have a great year last year so it went pretty quick. I was so sore this morning from our bike ride yesterday. I feel worn out tonight with all the yard work. I hope that it makes me skinnier in the end. :) I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.
my bags are packed
I have my serger and sewing machine ready to go. I just need to throw in a couple of clothes and I am set for baby animal days. I had a nice day, it was so pretty outside. Not much else going on with us. Dad is asleep on the couch and I am looking for patterns for skirts. We lead an exciting life. He still isn't quite back to the united states time. He couldn't sleep last night. Have a nice Thursday. LOVE MOM
Half way
Well things are good here in Kamas. It is really nice outside today. Tomorrow is suppose to be super nice as well. For the company party on Friday, Sherrelle wants to have bags of cotton candy. So she asked me to help her make them tomorrow. So that should be fun. I have never made cotton candy before. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Thanks for the video rachel its been a while since that song has been in our lives ha ha ;)Today was good. Its nice to have some extra hands at work, it makes it less stress full. I went grocery shopping today. it was good to refresh the food supply. I just relaxed tonight, I was going to do something but it was nice to just chill. I am feeling a lot better today though. well have a great wensday.
Thanks for the song Rachel that was really neat you could do that. I had never seen that video. That was nice. Me and dad went for a walk this evening around the neighborhood and it was so nice to get out and move. It felt nice. Work did go good and she is really a nice girl. I think we will do just fine in the same office. Not much else going on. I did laundry and am getting ready for baby animal days of Friday. Channel 5 said it might rain but I am going with the attitude that it will be a little sprinkle and we will be good. Have a great night. LOVE MOM
Lift your spirts
We didn't get any snow up here, it just rained last night but it was really pretty today. You have to wait until Mothers Day in May to plant things outside Karen, that is a good rule to follow. Robin I am sorry that you aren't feeling good. I attached an S Club 7 video to help lift your spirits, I hope it lifts everyone's spirit. Mom, I am glad that training that lady is going good. Is she sharing a cubical with you? I am glad that she is nice. We had a pretty good day. We went to story time and I tried to check out the Odd Thomas book but it was checked out already so I put it on hold. Isaac didn't take a nap so we just played outside. When Casey got home Isaac wanted to go on a bike ride so we did that and it was nice to be out. I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
Well it snowed about an inch last night. Thankfully it all melted before I got home though. Although I am glad that I haven't planted any plants outside yet. I have been really tempted too. I went to Heber tonight and transferred stuff from my savings account to my checking to get my taxes all ready to go. That is nice to have done. Now all I have to do is write the check and mail it off. But I can do that later. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Monday, April 1, 2013
Thanks for the fun week. Work was good today. I had class as well, Sorry I'm not going to write to much After school I stopped at arby's and grabbed a chocolate milk shake. Bad idea It made me feel like I have the stomach flu. hopefully I will feel better in the morning. have a good night
Toys are everywhere
We didn't get any rain, it just sprinkled. Me and Isaac went on a walk and there was this huge rain cloud coming towards us, we walked so fast to miss it and it never really hit. Isaac through his trains all over this morning and then he said There are toys everywhere. It was funny. I found a gadget to demonstrate at enrichment. It is a julienne peeler, you can make vegetable pasta or just vegetable snacks. It looked interesting. I had such a good weekend, thank you everyone. Thanks for putting up with me. Isaac missed everyone today and talked about everyone a lot. I am excited to have Mom and Dad come up on Thursday night. We will have fun. Thanks for the info on Dan, I was wondering. :)
Pouring rain
It was pouring rain here when I got off work. It was really neat. I did get soaking wet but it was nice to have a rain storm. It will make everything so green and nice. Dad is for sure coming with me on Thursday. At least that is the plan right now. Not much else going on with me. Work was work but it went by fast so that was good. We had a new person start today and she is going to share my office. That will be good. I hope she is nice. The person that sat there before moved over into the hospital. He wasn't very excited about it. I am going to go call Melody and see if Dan really is engaged. I know he has been dating a girl for awhile now. I will let you know what I find out. It was an April Fools joke. Just an FYI Have a nice evening. LOVE MOM
Well it was rainy here today. But at least it wasn't snow so I am not complaining. I had a really fun weekend. Thanks for the nice time everyone. Today at work the IT guy (for April Fool's Day) made it so when you logged on your screen image was upside down. After that I was cautious about everything I touched. But I made it thru unscathed. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...