I had a fun day as well. Me and mom went shopping. I was out of Gatorade and needed a Costco run. Then I came home and had a nap. It was super windy here this evening. I put the roast I got at Costco in my crackpot so it will be ready to eat tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Saturday, May 22, 2021
I did really well and slept all night. That was exciting. Karen came down and we went to Costco and WinCo and then birthday shopping for jeramy. It was a fun day and it was nice to get out. I just vegged the rest of the day. Hope every one else had a nice day. Love mom
Friday, May 21, 2021
Doing good
Things are going really well. It was so smooth and so much easier this time. No stitches and so far only a couple of ibuprofen. Technology has really made this so much nicer. They put padding on my denture so the new studs would fit. Karen thanks for the coloring books. Rachel I am so glad the kids got their donuts. That story made me smile. Robin I am glad your baby shower was nice. 4 more weeks. Everyone have a nice weekend. Love mom
We had a good day. I walked this morning and it was cooler but didn't rain. The boys rode their bikes to school. We went to exercise class and after that Ruth went with her friend Emily to the library and the park. It was raining after school so I drove down to get the boys. Oliver was going to Adams house and the wanted to ride their bikes still. I drove Isaac and Josh to our house. Josh is scared of dogs so I kept Tony in the living room. Me and Ruth did crafts and I laid out a paper piecing pillow I haven't worked on in forever. I messed up and let Tony outside while they were playing outside. I didn't think they were out there. Ruth and Oliver wanted to go to red balloon toys to spend the money Mom gave them and the tooth fairy money. Oliver got a Zorro cape and Ruth got a pretend washing machine. We have been planning all week to ride our bikes to lees and get doughnuts and eat them at the pond. The kids were going to let the rain stop us. We were planning on getting some dinner at Lees to eat at the pond but since it was raining we got deli food and ate it there. We got the doughnuts and went to the pond in the rain. We are them under a tree and then came home. It wasn't raining super hard and we had a fun time. I hope you are feeling ok. Love you guys.
My day was good. I am so glad that the weekend is here. Summer semester starts Monday so this is my last free weekend. I am glad that your teeth went well mom. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
Thursday, May 20, 2021
This week is going so fast I can't believe it. Good luck tomorrow Mom. I walked this morning. I forgot to get a snack for Ruth to take to school because she was superstar. So I ran and got something really fast. We helped in Isaac's class for the last time. They made memory books of what they worked on all year. It was cute. I broke the hole puncher. Preschool was good also. In the afternoon Ruth was playing with the tinker toys and knocked her loose tooth out. She looks so different without it. Collin came over and played with Isaac after school. Ruth had her last soccer game and got a medal. We mowed the lawn and weeded. I love a newly mowed lawn. Oliver was really cute to help and carry things. Love you guys.
Today at work was good. Just same old same old. We were told we have to come back to work full time. I hope it will work out ok. I am really nervous for tomorrow. I hope it goes ok and I don't get to sick. Dad took me to gateway. There aren't many stores but there were a lot of people so it didn't feel scary. We thought the planetarium was opening back up but it was still closed. It was nice to do something different. It is suppose to rain this weekend. Robin have a fun baby shower. Karen I hope the rain helps your allergies. Rachel that is funny you have two kids with no front teeth. I am glad your last day at preschool went well. Love mom
My day was good. It was super windy all day today. Work was good. It wasn't too crazy so that was nice. My allergies were bad today. I think it was because of the wind. Also so you can watch online shows next sewing day, I bought a ruko for that TV. Good luck with your studs tomorrow mom. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
check up
Hump day
We made it half way. May is going fast. I bet Robin doesn't think that. I am glad that luna checked out good today. I went into work today and it was quiet. We went to WinCo after dinner to get soft food. I hope it all goes well on Friday. Not much else to report on my end. I am glad Oliver have a nice time at the zoo. Love mom
I walked this morning and went to exercise class. Oliver had a field trip to the zoo and had a fun time. I programed and my visiting teachers came over and it was good to visit. Oliver had a friend come over to play. He is a cute kids and they had a fun time. He lives close so we all rode our bikes to drop him off. After dinner we went on bike ride. Tony was pulling a lot so I didn't ride very far with him. It was a hot day and we had all the windows open. Love you guys.
My day was good. Morning still came too early but I made it. Work is going good. My morning was busy but it calmed down in the afternoon. After work I went to Food Town and got some junk food. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
I sleep asleep after my alarm went off so I didn't walk. I programed while Ruth was at school. I had a dentist appointment to clean my teeth this afternoon. Ruth had a playdate with her friend after school and she had a fun time. I set up playdates for the boys this week also, I am on fire. Casey came home a bit early so we went to the park with bikes and Tony to fly the drone. It was fun and we are really liking the drone. Tell Dad thanks. We are getting in summer mode and staying up too late. Also after school we cleaned up our little pool but it is too small for Tony.
I went into work today and that was good. I had a nice day. I took an allergy pill last night and I feel better. I guess I needed that. I came home and we had bacon and tomato sandwiches again. They tasted good. Karen, I am sorry your arm is sore. That is miserable. I hope it feels better tomorrow. Robin good luck at the doctor tomorrow. I hope all goes well. I think I should glow. I like that. This week is going faster than last week so that is good. Rachel, I hope your day went well. LOVE MOM
My day was good. I got my allergy shot this morning. My arm is sore but I am doing good. Work was just the usual. Nothing to crazy here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, May 17, 2021
Thank you also for the fun weekend. Thanks for hosting Karen. Thanks for putting up with me. It was fun to see and go hiking. Today was good. I walked and went to exercise class. Isaac had a field trip and he was so excited. He had a fun time and had fun playing in the great salt lake. I worked on python while Ruth was at school. Ruth had pictures at her dance class and I should have done her hair better. It will be fine and she is pretty. After dinner we went to elk ridge and flew the drone. The kids are getting better at it. Everyone rode their bikes and I walked Tony. Love you guys.
Thank you all
I can't thank you enough for the fun weekend. I had such a fun time. I couldn't sleep last night so today was long at work. I took a nap on my lunch hour. Bacon and tomato sandwiches sound so good so I went and bought some bacon and made those. They were yummy. Nothing else to report on my end. We did plant our tomatoes and they look a lot better. I was worried they didn't survive the weekend. Love you all mom
My day was good. It was tough getting up this morning but I made it to work on time. Thanks for the nice weekend everyone. It hailed here this afternoon. It was pretty big hail also. Then it rained after that. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...