Friday, May 21, 2021


We had a good day.  I walked this morning and it was cooler but didn't rain.  The boys rode their bikes to school.  We went to exercise class and after that Ruth went with her friend Emily to the library and the park. It was raining after school so I drove down to get the boys.  Oliver was going to Adams house and the wanted to ride their bikes still.  I drove Isaac and Josh to our house.  Josh is scared of dogs so I kept Tony in the living room.  Me and Ruth did crafts and I laid out a paper piecing pillow I haven't worked on in forever.  I messed up and let Tony outside while they were playing outside.  I didn't think they were out there.  Ruth and Oliver wanted to go to red balloon toys to spend the money Mom gave them and the tooth fairy money.  Oliver got a Zorro cape and Ruth got a pretend washing machine. We have been planning all week to ride our bikes to lees and get doughnuts and eat them at the pond.  The kids were going to let the rain stop us.  We were planning on getting some dinner at Lees to eat at the pond but since it was raining we got deli food and ate it there. We got the doughnuts and went to the pond in the rain.  We are them under a tree and then came home. It wasn't raining super hard and we had a fun time.  I hope you are feeling ok.  Love you guys.



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