We drove up to Logan and time always go to fast. We had a really fun time. We went to cafe sabor for lunch. I like el torro vejeio better. We got a new out fit for school and then went to the fair. It was hot but the kids had so much fun on the rides and Rachel's quilt looked beautiful. I am sorry Oliver got stung by a hornet. That really hurts. Karen us spending the night with us. Love mom
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Friday, August 13, 2021
I was so glad it was Friday. I got caught back up so that felt really nice. Karen came down and we went to yellow fin for dinner. It was busy. I did go to old navy afterwards and the Barnes and noble. We are going to Logan in the morning. Love 💕 mom
Today was good. Casey had the day off which is fun. We walked a long way today and it felt good. We helped Andy next door take down his old fence. We got new post holes and the posts set. It was super hot. We took a break around 2 and took the kids out for lunch. We went to the fun unlimited to see if they had an old attri but hey didn't. Casey helped Andy a bit more and I took the kids to the library foam party. Their was a lady from our ward there so I talked to her for a while. We just watched a movie this evening. Drive safe tomorrow and thanks for coming up.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Work is calming down and that was nice. I left at 3 and that felt nice. I was over my time so I didn't have to take any vacation. We went to the hospital and got dad's m r I and I am glad it is done. He said it hurt to lay there. He took a codeine before he went in I think that helped. Robin if it is too much you don't have to go to Logan. It is a big trip. Karen is coming down tomorrow and spending the night. They said it might be Monday before we know the results of the MRI. I thought that was a long time. Have a nice Friday. It was so hot outside today. Love 💕 mom
It was warm this morning and it ended up being a hot day. We didn't have anything going on today and we took it easy. I sewed a bit this morning and that was nice. I signed up for a 30 class on kaggle. They email you an lesson ever day. I got way behind and had like 7 lessons to do so I worked on that today and got caught up. I had already done some of the lessons so it went fast. I had some primary stuff that was stressing me so I just got it done today which felt nice. We went to the library in the afternoon and I got a interesting book on bird migration. The kids were talking about going to cold stone and how it had been forever since we went. I checked the mail and I got a gift card in the mail so we went and got ice cream. Me and Isaac made soup for dinner. It was spicy but really good. I cleaned a bit and that felt nice. Love you guys. Luna's outfit is super cute. I am sorry she is cranky.
My day was good. I finally got the stuff in the mail to put my toilet back together. It now doesn't run all the time. Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Just one more week until school starts again for me. I hope dad's mri went well. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
It was weird because it was a quiet day and I got a lot done but I never got ahead on my emails. It was weird. I am glad Ruth will have her as a teacher they are going to have a fun year. We just vegged tonight. I did buy a pepperidge farm chocolate cake for dad's birthday and it was good. I am going to buy that again. I did get dad an MRI appointment for tomorrow at 430. That took some effort but I got it. Pam wrote me and said bobby was at lds hospital with covid. That is scary. I am excited for Saturday. Robin are you going to drive up with us? Everyone enjoy Thursday. Love mom
It's cold in the morning. I have to wear a jacket now on my walks. For some reason I didn't go very far today. We just walked an hour so I had some extra time before everyone got up. We went to exercise class. Oliver brought his my bro and all the kids loved it. We some of them were playing with it and broke the arm and lost the flower part. He was so so sad. Casey tried fixing it tonight and couldn't so he ordered him a replacement. After exercise class Ruth's friend Emily came over to play. They had a fun time. We had to go to the store but we stopped at the fair grounds to check on my quilt. I didn't win but it is fun to participate. Grocery shopping went well and the kids are good to help. We went on a walk after dinner and it was a pretty evening. Oh Ruth is going to be in afternoon kindergarten and she had the same teacher that Isaac had in 3rd grade. She is really a good teacher so I am excited for her. Love you guys.
My day was good. My house was cold this morning. I left my cooler running too long last night. It was 60 when I got up this morning. It has warmed up though so I am not freezing any more. I hope dad had a happy birthday today. Bye
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Work was busy and I was tired. We did meet and work out who is going to do what. I added one person but he was my boss before I move to administration. Julie got a new job still with the county but I think it will be so good for her. I was coming home and dad was walking so I picked him up and we went and got Oliver his surprise. We went to WinCo afterwards and tried a new place to eat. It was a pub and grill and they had really good onion rings. It was by WinCo. We were out of chocolate but we have some now. I was out of m and m. I got some of them. I am so glad Oliver got his staples out. You can really see that bruise now. Love mom
It was cold last night. I pulled out a second blanket to sleep with and I wore a jacket on my walk. It was my birthday jacket from Robin, thank you. The kids slept in this morning so I laid back down for a bit. We didn't know what we could do with Oliver's head so we just stayed home. Isaac had a playdate at a friend's house. We stopped at whips on the way there to get a snack. After we dropped him off I thought we could try the er and see if the were busy. I wanted to get Oliver's staples out. They weren't busy and we're able to see us. It hurt getting them out and he was sad. When we got home Ruth made some spots for Oliver to rest at, she is sweet. I gave Oliver a shower and cleaned him up. Casey made Carmel popcorn after dinner and it was delicious. I didn't eat very healthy today. Love you guys.
You can see the bruise on his cheek in the picture below.
Well things are just the usual here. It was meeting day at work so that made the day go by pretty fast. Then I came home and was lazy tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, August 9, 2021
Sorry, I didn't realize that is when the quilt show was. We are going hiking and Mom and Dad watching the kids. They taking them up to Kamas for the kingdom ball. Karen said she doesn't love going to the hot air balloon. I love them and maybe we could go next year. We are definitely hiking to caves for Karen's birthday the weekend before. I walked and it is cooler and darker in the mornings now. We went to exercise class and that was nice. We dropped off the paperwork at the police for the dog biting incident. We had a early lunch at great harvest and then we bought backpacks for school. The kids chose good ones and it is good to have that checked off our list. We dropped off my quilt at the fair. They were setting up the carnival rides and Isaac was super excited about it. Randy and Teri came by to check on Oliver and see how he was healing. Charlotte bought Oliver a prankster my bro and he was so excited. It came in the mail today and him and Ruth played with it forever. After dinner we cleaned up all the apricots on the groups and shook some out of the tree. The kids helped shake them with the swing. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.
I forgot that Rachel and Casey are going back packing the week of the 18th. I am watching the kids Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Today was really busy. We had four ripe tomatoes and I made noodles. It tasted good. I called Jeff and James got 4 free tickets to the raiders game on Saturday and Jeff bought a ticket so he is going down with his family. I was glad he was going. I saw on face book that Daniel Morgan's son killed himself. He was 23. Has two kids. I felt bad. I loved Luna's pictures on Facebook. Not much else going on with me. I am tired of the smoke also. Love mom
Things are going good here. I am tired of all the smoke. Robin, I am volunteering at the Kingdom Ball on the 18th of September, so I will be setting up in the morning. I thought we could go to Timpanogos caves for my birthday. Maybe on the 19th if that works for everyone. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, August 8, 2021
We got up and went to lehi and babysat Luna. We sure had a fun time. She is the best baby. We were taking her for a walk and dad was holding her and they were looking at a truck driving by and she just feel sound asleep. It was so cute. We came home and just vegged. It it payroll so I worked a little bit. Rachel I am sorry it is stressful. That wears you out. Karen I am sorry you didn't get your toilet fixed. We can come up and help. Did everyone make a big deal about Oliver at church? I was hoping he got lot of sympathy. The smoke is suppose to be really bad again tomorrow. I thought is was bad now. It is miserable. Love you all mom
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...