Saturday, June 26, 2010

One spoiled mom

Thanks everyone for my marathon birthday weekend. I had so much fun. Benihanas, Red Lobster, Shopping new shirts at VanHuesen, cute presents from Robins. I love my sayings and the crafts from Rachel. I am really enjoying doing embroidery again. It has been fun in St. George. I even got a nap. I am glad that Grandma had a good time in Wendover. I am assuming that she didn't win. I am sorry Robin that you didn't have airconditioning. We will have to buy you a portable one to take with you. We are leaving in the morning and should be in SLC in the early afternoon. Thanks again for everything You guys are the best.


one year older and wiser to

That is cool you got a new camera karen. I guess mom and dad got the spontaneous purchase :) I still think I won with the wii! ha ha ha just kidding. I'm glad mom had a good birthday. Well I made it through the day barely. I'm pretty sure I melted all day. The air conditioning was down in both places that I worked at. yuck. but I'm alive. Grandma had a lot of fun in wendover and they made it home safe. She said it was really good to get out, and she looked really happy so that was good. well drive safe mom and dad have a great night



Well I hope that mom got everything that she wanted for her birthday. Today was good. I got me a new camera. It has 14 mega pixels, 7x zoom, and can take panorama photos. It is pretty cool. I took mom and dad out to Red Lobster for dinner, it was really good. It is pretty warm here today it got up to 103. Mom said that was hot but I think that hot doesn't hit until 110. Well I hope that you made it thru your busy day Robin. It sounded like you had a lot going on. I also hope that you had a great day Rachel. Have a great rest of the weekend.

Friday, June 25, 2010

awesome blossom

Thanks for taking care of grandma rachel you rock! I'm glad that mom and dad made it safe I hope you have a good weekend. Its kinda toasty up here to. Today I went shopping for the cirque photoshoot I am planning. I think I got most of the outfits I just need a few extra stuff. But I'm excited for it. Then I worked at lagoon. it was a bit toasty but i survived. I'm working at xpose tomorrow and at lagoon so its going to be pretty packed. To say the least. have a great saturday


Red Robin

I am glad that Dads tst came back good, that is really great news. I am glad. I had a good night. I took Grandma out to dinner to Red Robins and we meet Casey their. She got a Rootbeer float and she liked it. Then we went and watched a movie at the apartment. She was happy and is doing good. Then I stoped by on my way home to see how Casey was doing. Now I am going to play mario galaxy. Have a good time in St George, I wish I were there.


Safe and sound in St. George

We made it safe and sound to St. George. Boy is it is hot here. I am not use to hot weather. It has been so cold. The doctor called Gary this morning and said his test was good and that everything is OK. No advance in his ateries. That is really good news. Not much else to report. It feels so good to be here in St. George.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

hook and sinker

I am glad that everyone had a great time at dinner tonight. I just hope Rachel doesn't have cravings for benihana's or I will be one broke sister. :) ha ha ha just kidding. Today I went to the zoo with kay, sara, and jen and there kids, and grandma. It was fun. They have really cute kids so they were fun to hang out with. I am pretty beat though. Then I went to lagoon and worked, it was so hot today I don't think the air conditioning was working so we all were dying. Tomorrow I work in the night a girl wanted to switch shifts for something or another. So I won't be able to go to dinner tomorrow rachel but I will call you about times and stuff, in case you still want to take out grandma ;). Well I hope everyone has a great friday and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

love you


Thank you everyone for being so sweet to me, I really appricate it. I had a good day, it was fun to go to dinner with everyone. We had a good time at Benihana's, it tastes so good. Then Dad got a fun game at best buy with Karens fathers day present and I got to play it all night. It was fun. Well have fun in st George and be safe. I am glad that all your planning is going good for the cruise, I am excited for you. Well thank you again everyone for everything, I have the best family.


Thursday that feels like Friday

It feels so much like friday to me. Dad's heart test went well. The medicine made his stomach sick but he got to go home so that is a good sign. Grandma and Robin went to the zoo with Kay and Jen and Sarah and the kids. It was fun. Grandma had such a good time. I met them for lunch at McDonalds. We went to get dad some new glasses this afternoon and that was good. I have been wanting to do that before Toronto. So that is good. I am excited to leave inthe morning for St. George. Not sure when we will leave but hopefully in the morning. See ya soon Karen. LOVE MOM


I think that instead of predicting a boy or a girl for Rachel we should just wish for twins that way there could be one of each. Just a thought. Well my day was slow. The network was still having troubles at work so it was slow. It took like 5 minutes to get anything opened. And I think that it slowed down as the day went on. Oh well. Well I got an email back for the Cruise people so now I know what times need to get airplane tickets so i am going to be working on that. I hope that mom has a great birthday dinner I am jealous that you get to go Benijans. I am excited to see mom and dad tomorrow. It should be a fun weekend. Mom will have a good excuse to wander in the baby clothes now. Have a great night everyone. Love ya all tons. BYE

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Well today I the girl I work with at lagoon also works at a movie theater so I went and saw toy story 3 today with her. It was a cute movie. I enjoyed it. Then me and dad went out and saw grandma and grandpa bodily. They are looking good. Grandpa said he is feeling a lot better. Tomorrow I am working at lagoon and then going to the preview night for the film festival. Anywho I will see you tomorrow mom, drive safe


Nice Day

Well I got a lot done tonight. I took over some garage sale stuff and also went to Sam's and got Grandma some money for Wendover. Lowe's called and the carpet is coming next week YEAH. Vickie called and we got the menu already to go so I just need to make invitations. I will call Lion House tomorrow and confirm everything. I am excited to go to St. George this weekend. That will be fun. I only have to work one more day. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. He and Robin went to visit Grandpa Bodily tonight. I thought that was nice. LOVE MOM


I had a good day. Went went good and then I went and picked Casey up and we went to dinner. Then we watched Men Who Stare at Goats. It is a funny movie. I don't have much else going on, have a good night.


Well things are good here is St. George. Work was busy because I was working on a proposal that they need done by the end of today. That sort of stuff just keeps you working until the last minute. But I got it done in time so that was good. I don't have much else to report cause it has been a pretty quiet week so far. That is a nice thing to have every now and again. I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Monday, June 21, 2010

Way late

We stayed up real late and watched a movie. Grandma had a good time. She got a perm today and I got my hair cut. It feels good. Not much else going on here. Dad is leaving in the morning to go to SLC and I am going to work. I did go through one shelf in the art room so that was good. Slowly making progress. Lowe's called today and said the carpet wouldn't be in until July 16 and the vinyl on the 27. I am going to have to see what is going on. They told me 2 weeks. I might have to find someplace else. WEll have a great day. LOVE MOM

honey money

Well today was pretty chill for me today. Me,rachel and casey went out for dinner so that was fun. I also decided to sign up for the gym out here. Its $10 a month and I figured it would motivate me again. I am glad that mom and dad get to go to st george that will be fun. I'm sorry to hear that grandpa isn't doing well If they need anything I can run errands or whatever is needed. Have a great night


I'm back

Well I am back sorry I wasn't able to blog this weekend. We had a really god time with Casey's family, it was a fun weekend and I am exhausted now. I am going to go to bed. Mom and Dad were sweet to let us stay at their house and see them, it was really nice. I wish we had more time this weekend. I am excited to go to dinner on thursday for Mom's birthday, it will be fun. Tonight me and Casey went out to dinner with Robin and went walking around the city. We went to California pizza and it tasted really good. Well I am off to bed. I hope that everyone had a good day.



I am excited to see and dad this weekend mom. That will be fun. My day was good today. I even kept busy at work so it went by pretty fast. I hope that everyone else had a good Monday. Mondays and Fridays seem lie the longest days of the week. Well have a good one. BYE

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nice day

I had a nice day. Rachel and Casey had lunch with us and that was fun. Then we just hung out and took a nap. Dad and I went to the park and flew his kite and then the wind stopped and we went home. It was nice to just be outside. Your pictures looks really good Robin. How did the movie go? When can we see them? We are planning on being in SLC wendesday night and then me and dad are going to Ogden Thursday morning for his stress test and then we are going to Behni Hanis for my birthday on Thursday evening. Then me and dad are going to St. George for the weekend and grandma is going with Kay to wendover on Saturday. Crazy weekend. Grandpa Bodily is the in hospital. His heart just isn't doing well and they says he has Crohns and it is acting up. I will keep you posted on that one one LOVE MOM

Happy Father's Day

Your pictures look good Robin. I am impressed. Well things are just the same old same old here. I did get a nap so that was nice. I think that the weekends should have more time in them then they do. It just goes by too quickly. Oh well. I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Happy fathers day

I also forgot to wish dad a happy fathers day. I have his gift up here so I will give it to him when he is in SLC again. :)

sleep is good

Well I slept most of the day today. It was really good to get some sleep. Well Not to much else is going on. I am just going to relax for the rest of the day. I put some pictures up of the scary girl I did. The before and after. Have a great night



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...