Saturday, April 30, 2016

Fun Saturday

Karen came down and played today.  We were going to the zoo but it was way too windy so we went to spaghetti factory and the jungle jims.  It was fun.  We haven't been there for a long time.  Rachel and kids made it home safe and sound.  Karen made is safe as well.  Dad isn't feeling 100 percent in addition to feet, cold and not kidney stones.  We are just going to take it easy tomorrow.  Thanks for the fun day.  Robin, I hope you are holding up OK.  LOVE MOM

Friday, April 29, 2016

Nice day

the Anderson family made it safe and sound. We had a nice evening. It is fun to have the kids. We bought ruthless a kindle and her first Barbie movie. I am glad we didn't get snow. Love ya


Well we made it to the weekend, yea! I woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground. At least it melted by lunch. Work was good. It went by fast so that was nice. I will see you guys tomorrow.  Bye

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Almost there

It is almost Friday so that is good.  Robin, I am glad you got your car inspected.  That is a relief for sure.  It is really windy here also.  Karen I am glad you got groceries.  Rachel that is one cute quilt.  That would be hard to give up for sure.  That is sweet you made that for her.  I am excited for you guys to come down.  Robin if you don't work on SAturday we are going to play.  Karen is coming down.  Dad is getting a cold.  Bad feet, cold, kidney stone.  He is under a bad moon right now.  Everyone have a good Friday.  Last one in April.  This month sure has gone by fast.  LOVE MOM


Today was a good day.  Isaac had school and they planted some grass seed which was fun.  I did some crafts with Oliver and it was fun, I need to do that more with just him.  Isaac's best friend wanted to play this afternoon so Isaac went over to their house and played.  Ollie and Ruthie fell asleep so I had a half an hour so I finished up a quilt for a lady in our ward, she is sick and wants to make her kids and some friends a quilt to remember her.  I dropped it off at Sylvia's on my way to pick up.  Isaac has been wanted to make stone soup and doughnuts forever.  Yesterday we got the stuff to make it and we did it tonight.  He had so much fun and loved that he planned and cooked dinner.  Casey's car is having problems still so he worked on that and after dinner he took the boys on a ride to see if it was working.  They did a little hiking too and got ice cream.  I stayed and put Ruthie to bed.  We are headed down tomorrow, thanks for having us and we are excited.


Me too

I also wished that today was Friday. Almost there though. Work went good. We had cake at work today. It was to celebrate Graco being voted a great place to work in some magazine. So that was fun. Then after work I decided to go grocery shopping.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Only thursday

I wanted today to be friday so bad. But at least tomorrow really is friday. Work went by ok. Nothing to crazy. We just keep figuring out how things are working with everyone's new position. So it's always a surprise on how the day will go. I had to work at scheels tonight so it's boring. Not much else have a good night


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


My car is finally registered. Yeah. That is cool you got your return Karen. I will keep an eye out for mine. Well not to much with me I didn't work at scheels. I just registered my car and slept. I loved it. But I was lazy. Have a good one.


Admin day

It was administration assistant day and they had a breakfast for me and the administration sent me a huge basket full of goodies at my house.  It was really nice.  It made a nice day.  It is pouring rain here right now.  I would love for you to come down Friday and stay the night.  It would be fun.  I am very flexible so what ever you want to do.  I finished up laundry tonight.  I was way behind.  I worked late I had to make up hours from doctor appointments.  I still have an hour to make up but I  will do that tomorrow.  Karen that is sweet you got your state taxes back.  Robin you might get yours back soon also.  Have a great Thursday.  I can't believe it is the last week in April.  Time has gone really fast.  LOVE MOM

Daddy Do it

Today was good, we were pretty busy.  Isaac had marshmallows last night and they made him sick in the night.  So he slept we me for a while.  He was fine in the morning and went to school.  He planted a sunflower seed and had a fun time.  While he was at school we went visiting teaching, it was good to go.  After lunch I put Oliver down for a nap but he never fell asleep.  We had another visiting teaching appointment so we walked their and it felt really good to be outside.  Casey worked late and was driving home the same time we were walking home so he picked up the boys and me and Ruthie walked the rest of the way.  We needed to go grocery shopping so Casey stayed with Ruthie and I took the boys.  Isaac was helping me put things on the belt and load up the car.  I told him I didn't know what I would do without two strong boys to help me shop and he said that Jesus made him for me so he could lift heavy things for me.  It was cute.  Casey has been telling the boys ghost stories before bed but tonight he went to bed before them so I was trying to tell one and Oliver kept saying stop, stop, daddy do it.  So Casey came in to tell them a story.  This weekend I was thinking of coming down Friday night and then coming home on Saturday night.  I have to go to church to teach the lesson.  Does that sound alright?



Well i got my state tax return today. Wha who. My day was good. Work is moving along. It only rained a little bit here this morning.  So that makes it the driest day of the week so far. It is suppose to be stormy again tomorrow. I am hoping for a big thunder storm and no snow. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It's Tuesday

The kids are getting better, they still have coughs but they aren't as bad.  Even Ruthie seemed happier and had a better color today.  It was cold and rainy here also so we just played inside this morning.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it was really fun.  The kids were really good and it was fun.  Casey had car troubles today and worked on that for a bit.  He had scouts tonight and they were doing a fire so he had to get some wood ready, he had a busy day.  I hope that Dad's feet get better fast, poor guy.  The boys were yelling at me today when I would take their picture so they are mostly of Ruthie today.



Well it was snowing here this morning. Then it switched to rain. It has been a really damp week so far. Work is still going good. Then after work I had to do laundry. I had an impressive pile going. It took me four loads to do. Which is a lot for me. Mom, I hope that dads feet feel better soon. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.

Image result for funny sayings
Image result for funny sayings
Image result for funny sayings

Feet part 2

So Dr. Strong said we really need to find a dermatologist to make sure he had the right diagnosis and so I was going to call some and one of the ladies at work said she had a really good one and gave me their number and they had an opening at 1:30 so we took it.  He does have that inflammation pus foot thing. It is an autoimmune thing.  He felt a lot better knowing he couldn't give it to the kids.   They ordered a really strong steroid cream and gave us a bunch of things to try.  I really liked her.  So I went to pick up the cream and the pharmacy didn't get the order but they did get the steroid cream from Dr. Strong that isn't as strong and I just got that until I could get the other one.  Robin, I just love your sayings.  Thanks for posting them, they make me laugh.  You can go to Jiffy lube and they inspect and register all at the same time.  Let me know if you need to borrow our car.  We watched Phantom of the Opera tonight on the new sound system.  It was so nice.  I could hear everything.  I am going to love that.  It really rained here today.  It is so nice and green.  Not much else to report.  I am glad tomorrow is hump day.  I am glad the kids are doing OK.  It takes forever to get them over coughs.  I am not sure why that is but it just takes them a long time to get over it.  LOVE MOM

Whistle while you work

I'm sorry about dad's feet. Let me know if you need anything. Work was ok today. We are learning new things so that is fun. Hopefully I get my raise next week. Then I worked at scheels tonight. Tomorrow night I have off but I really need to get my car registered. I only have 4 more days to get it done. :/ better late than never.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Foot problems

I left work early today to take dad to the doctor.  He doesn't have athlete's foot and it isn't infected.  So that was nice.  The bad news is it is some kind of disease that is rare and is hard to get rid of.  I am going to call a dermatologist and get an appointment. I am not sure that is what it really is but it is connected with RA.   I have been soaking his feet in vinegar and put Clorox on them and it is looking better.  Go figure that one out. Rachel that was so nice of Randy to come get the boys.  That really is a nice break and he gets to know them.  I hope Ruthie gets feeling better soon.  We decided to go see Karen after the doctor.  It was such a pretty ride and she gave us her old sound bar and it works on our TV.  It is so nice.  I can hear a lot better.  Thanks Karen!  Robin that sucks you have to work so much.  I hope they find someone really soon.  I am excited for the quilt show also.  It will be a lot of fun.  The rain is nice.  LOVE MOM


It was chilly and rainy here most of the day. Things are going good though. Mom and dad stopped by tonight after dad's doctors appointment. It was fun to visit. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


I was tired today but it was a good day.  Ruthie and the boys still are coughing and are about the same, I think they are getting better.  Ruthie is still the worst one, poor thing.  The boys slept in and then Isaac had school.  He had a fun time, they learned about plants and seeds.  After lunch Randy came over and took the boys up to his house to play.  I got a little sewing done and it was a nice break.  Me and Casey and Ruthie went up their and visited for a while.  We all went to McDonald's for dinner, it was fun.  Terry got Isaac and Oliver some books, one was a nexo knight book and Isaac loved it.  This rain is nice, it makes everything so green.


What can you do

Today was ok. It was basically damned if you do dammed if you don't kinda a day. So I had to run around alot. But I made it out alive I think it was just monday. I had to work at scheels so nothing to crazy for tonight. I work alot at scheels this week cause the girl quit and now the new girl has a "family emergency" basically every weekend. :/ so I guess it's good money. I'm spending all these extra hour money's at the quilt show! Anyway have a good night


Sunday, April 24, 2016


Well i was just lazy today. I watch netflixs and took a nap. I am glad everyone had a great weekend. Love ya


Ruthie's eye looks infected in one of those pictures.  Keep an eye on it.  I can't believe that Adelaide is a year old.  That went by fast.  That was good you got to go to her birthday.  We had a really quiet day.  WE didn't go get grandma today because dad's feet are really bad.  I read on the internet to use Clorox and vinegar and that would help with infections.  They do look a little better but he is going to the doctor tomorrow for sure.  I tried to call on Friday but Dr. Strong doesn't work on Fridays.  They got bad really fast.  We watched a lot of movies and I read a whole book.  I really enjoyed that one.  Have a great Monday.  I am glad you went to church Rachel.  Karen I hope you had a good day as well.  LOVE MOM

The weekend

This weekend was pretty good.  I was feeling a lot better today, thanks Mom for the medicine, and I had a better attitude today also which felt nice.  Saturday mid morning I had a bridal shower for Casey's cousin to go to.  It was fun to see everyone and I am glad that I went.  Casey cleaned the fridge and it looks amazing, it was a big job.  Mom and Dad came up and it was really good to see them.  Thanks for driving up.  Today I had to teach a lesson and Isaac had a talk in primary so me and the boys went to church and Casey and Ruthie stayed home.  Poor Ruthie is still not feeling great but she seems to be on the mend.  We had a good time at church, Oliver even went to nursery with not problem.  We were all in a good mood afterwards.  We had an early dinner because I was starving after church.  The weather was nice today we played outside the rest of the day.  Less than two weeks for the quilt show, I am excited.


Taken over

Today was ok. I had to work at scheels I took the girl that quit hours. I only worked till 3 though Walters family was having a party. It was adalaide's 1st birthday. I am tired now. Not to much else with me have a good monday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...