Thursday, June 30, 2011

i like to move it move it

well i have saturday off. crowd goes wild,,, ;) i'm excited at least it will be so fun to just play alllllll day long. I don't think josh will be able to make it though he has to work. but he felt bad he couldn't meet karen. but I am excited for karen to come up drive safe :) I'm sorry isaac is not sleeping so swell. just wait till he learns to climb out of the crib, then we have code groov'n baby. :) well tomorrow I work from 12-5 at zions and then I have a photoshoot at 6 I hope it goes well. It been a while since I've done a photoshoot. well all ya'll have a good night


Hot Hot Hot

Mom, I am fine. He slept better last night and we had a good day today. I think that he was getting too hot. So last night I had him sleep in the basement for a while. I bought him some thin onsies that I am going to have him wear instead of the foot pajamas , they are just too hot for him right now. His new thing is rolling over when he is asleep or half conscience and it wakes him up. It has been real fun, I am hoping he works through that soon. He has also been rolling a lot on the floor and scooted backwards about five feet today. He is really starting to get moving. Other than that I finished piecing a quilt today, I need to do some applique on the border and that is going to take a while. I bought this kits years ago, I think that it was our first quilt fair at Utah State, this may be my first quilt kit. It has always intimidated me and I finally got the guts to do it. It looks pretty good but it isn't great. Well I have been rambling I will let everyone go.


So Close

Drive careful Karen. I am excited for our weekend. Robin texted me and she has saturday off. That will be fun. We can have the whole day and night to hang out. If you guys want to do anything special just let me know. I am excited. I went and saw grandma after work and she wasn't awake and she looked really bad. I was hoping to see her up and eating again. That didn't happen. I got all my laundry done and that was nice. Have a safe trip Karen.



Well it is finally Friday tomorrow. Just a half day of work to get through. I have got all packed and I took out the trash. Now all I have to do is start the dish washer and I will be all set. It was nice here today being in the low 90s after 105 makes it seem cool out. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. See you all soon BYE

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am worried

Rachel, you need some sleep. I am getting worried about you. I think you need me to come up and take a night so you can sleep. It has been a long time since you got 8 hours. You really need it. I do remember that song now. Thanks for showing it to me. It was rainy here this afternoon. We got a down burst. I went to see grandma after work and she ate her dinner. It haven't seen her eat that much in a long time. Then I came home and me and dad vegged and watched movies all night. The inside job is a good movie. I am excited for this weekend. LOVE MOM


Here is the video Mom. It isn't a great song but it is stuck in my head.

I had a long day. Isaac didn't sleep well last night and I had a hard time this morning. I had a couple of cokes and I did better. I watered the lawn today. Not much else is going on, everyone have a good night.


Well the week is half over, yeah. It is windy here again today. Mom said that they got rain, but there was no rain here just wind and a few clouds. Work was pretty good it was busy in the morning but kind of slow in the afternoon. I am excited to come up on Friday. I am glad that Friday is almost here. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I drove all day and night

I don't think that is a song but I did drive all day and night. We had a good day. All of dad's doctor's turned out good. That made my day. We got to spend some time with Rachel and Isaac and I love that. I am glad that Casey made it home and you got subway. That is fun. We went and saw grandma and then went to Target to get Isaac some shorts. They did have some. It was fun. Karen good luck with your Kindle I am excited you got a new one. Robin I hope you had a good date with Josh. Well I don't have any news. Grandma was the same. I thought she looked bad tonight but I think that about every other night. IT is hard to tell. WEll have a great hump day. I am excited for Karen to come up this weekend.

I drove all night

I have had that song stuck in my head for a week, dang you Celine Dion. I had a really nice day. Mom and Dad let me drive with them to Ogden, me and Isaac hung out at the mall it was really nice. It is a nice mall, I really like it. Then we went out to lunch(I had a coke) and we drove to Logan. Thanks Mom and Dad, it was fun to spend the day with you. I did some laundry when I got home. We also weeded and watched cars for a while. Casey came home and brought subway sandwiches and we ate them outside. It was nice. Well I hope that everyone has a good night.


Well i don't know what me problem was today but i was tired. But I will have you know I was still good and didn't have a coke. It is super hot and windy here today. We have wind warning tonight and then again tomorrow afternoon and until evening. I may get blown away. Well I mailed my broken kindle back. They made it really easy to do. I just put it in the box they sent my new one in and then they had a prepaid label i printed out and taped on. then I just had to drop it off at the UPS store. That was a lot less of a hassel than when my blue ray stopped working. I am glad that dad's test went well. I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

Monday, June 27, 2011


today was good. a monday but good. I worked all day so that was pretty exciting. I'm glad isaac is doing well after the doctors. I hope dads apt. goes well. and I'm glad that you have a new kindle karen. Its like mini christmas :) anyway I hope everyone has a great one


The report

Isaacs appointment went well. He weighted 19 pds 2 oz, 27 inches long. He is in the 75th percentale for both of those. His head circumference is in the 90th percentale. He has been a little grumpy with the shots but not too bad. I am glad you got a new kindle Karen, that was fast. I can't imagine life without mine. They are amazing.

Nice Night

We had a nice night. WE went to dinner with Casey and RAchel and Isaac. Isaac is doing really well considering he had 3 shots today. We went and saw grandma tonight. She didn't know who I was. I am not sure she sees all that well anymore. Good luck with your new kindle Karen. If it breaks in other year is it still under warranty. I will message you with updates about dad. Rachel wants to go to the mall tomorrow and hang out for awhile and then we will take her home after the stress test. Should be about an hour. Well have a great Tuesday. LOVE MOM

New Kindle

Well I got my new kindle today.It is nice to have back. I had a good day. It was a little slow this this afternoon, but I am hoping that it will pick up tomorrow. I hope Isaac had a good day at the doctor. But if I had to go and get a shot I might be a little grumpy. I hope that dad's test goes well tomorrow I will miss email you at work tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday. BYE

Happy birthday

Happy birthday mom. I hope it was a fun day :) I'm excited for karen to come up next week!!!! I hope everyone has a great week this week. I hope it goes fast with the holiday around the corner :)


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nice Birthday

It was a nice birthday. I got to have a nap and play games and went for a long walk. Thanks for all the nice presents. I have some serious shopping to do now. That will be fun. I get to go see Josh Gorbin also. WOW I am spoiled. Have a great week. Dad has a stress test on Tuesday so that will be a long day. LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday

I hope that you had a Happy Birthday Mom! My day was good. My lesson went well today. I think that they had fun with it. It is windy here today. I have made it one whole day with out my kindle. I did get my laundry done last night. I put beef stew in the crock pot this morning and it was yummy for dinner. I am excited for Friday. It will be fun to come up and play. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...