Friday, March 9, 2012
let the fun begin
I am excited to see the changes. We will be up as soon as we can. I am glad it is working out good. I really liked the blue kitchen. I am anxious to see the difference. Drive Careful Karen. LOVE MOM
A full day
We were up at the crack of dawn and we got straight to work and we just finished. We got a lot done, mostly Robin, and it looks wonderful. She got everything painted except the cabinets and we are going to do tomorrow. It was fun to work and see all the changes. It was hard to let go of the blue. I liked it and we had a lot of fond memories with it but I really like the brown and think that the change it good. That is fun that you had a party today Karen, they sound like a good company. I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow, thanks for all your help. Thanks Robin again for everything.
Well we had the end of month party at work today. You get free food and you don't clock out for lunch so you get over time. So they pay you time and a half to eat free food. It was fun to go to. I am excited to come up tomorrow and see everyone. I hope that Robin had a fun time painting. She probably has all the fun stuff done and left all the hard stuff for the rest of us to do tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The lone writer
I had a nice evening tonight. Thanks Karen for letting us come up and visit. I haven't been to Walmart in a long time. It was nice to walk around. It was a full moon coming home and the jordanelle was beautiful with the moonlight. I am glad you made it safe and sound Robin. I hope you get a lot of painting done before we get up there :). Have a great friday. LOVE MOM
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
change a ro
well today I found out I don't have to work on friday so I am going to drive to logan tomorrow and stay an extra night. Well not to much else. I went to Kelly's today and i had to do some paper work online so hopefully I can get it all done. not to much else with me have a great one
Hump day
I made through Wednesday. I got the survey all entered into the web site now I just need everyone to sign off on it and send it in. Getting closer. Me and dad went to class tonight. We have two left. It has been a different class but I have learned some things so I guess that is good. I think we are going to Heber tomorrow to take Karen her stuff. I really need to go to Walmart. I am excited for this weekend also. I love working on the house. I sent everything with Robin. Have a great day
Love love me
I was listening to some mika today and that song is stuck in my head. Today was good nothing too exciting. I did finish the mystery quilt for the week and finished all the blocks for my blue quilt. I don't feel as stressed about everything now. I have got a lot done. I was sweeping today and Isaac loved using the broom, I couldn't get it back from him. I am excited for you to come up robin. It will be fun. Drive.safetly. We should have good weather for the weekend so that will he really nice. I am sorry about express Robin, I like your plan. I think something better will work out.
Well the week is half over. Yeah! i hope that everyone had a good Wednesday. My day was pretty good. They had visitors today at work. Nothing really that effected me. I just had to look busy as they walked by the room. Well have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
doubting thomas
well alas I have no idea what to do. I went to orientation at express and they are offering 7.25 an hour with a 30% percent discount. It not that appealing to me but I filled out the paper work and I don't have a shift till next week so I am going to thing about it for a day or two and see. I am going to head to kelly's temp. I thought today that maybe they would have a part time sewing job that would take me so I can get experience. so cross your fingers. I went to lagoon today it went well. I think on friday I should be able to get out early so I will text you rachel when I am done so you know when I am heading up. some time between 3-6 I hoping more towards 3 when I get out. but we will see. but that is the news for me have a good wens.
They created a new farm in farmville for Hawaii. I don't think that I am going to play it but we will see how it goes. Isaac's teeth has started to break through so he is feeling better. He slept all night last night and he took a really good nap today. Jenn came over and we sewed. It was fun to get together with her. Not much else going on. Oh Terry had a pretty necklace Sunday and she crochet it. She gave me a kit for one and I made it today. It is so pretty. I am going to give it to you Mom, I think that you will like it. I went to the craft stores to get more yarn and they didn't have any like it. I will have to look around online to find some. She said it come out to being a dollar a necklace. They are really fast to make also. I will show you all on Saturday.
I got my laundry all done tonight. I even did a little bit of ironing. It is snowing here and I am ready for spring. It was a quiet day at work today. Tomorrow I am going to start entering the data into the website for the survey. I will be all done by friday. YEAH. We are going to our class tomorrow night. We didn't go last week. It was just too much. Tomorrow is Wednesday. We made it half way through.
Robin i hope that orientation went well. My day was good. Nothing to exciting to report. Work is going good. I put beef stew in the crock pot this morning and it was nice to have it done when i got home. I am excited to come up to help paint on Saturday. I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE
Monday, March 5, 2012
well I got the job at express I have orientation tomorrow. I also work at lagoon for measurements, so its alot of driving, but I guess its work. Today I had to drive to lagoon to get my paperwork done and help with measurements. well that was about my day it was really nice outside today. I can't believe how warm it was. have a good tuesday
Isaac slept better last night. He did wake up at 4 again but I stuck to what I read in the book Mom got me and he fell asleep again and slept until 9. It was nice and he needed it. I worked on my block of the month when he took his nap and I really didn't like the pattern to being with and I did a horrible job doing it. I was so frustrated I almost threw it away but I just set it aside. I showed Casey when he got home and it didn't look as bad so I think that I will just finish it and it will be fine. Maybe I later I can think of a new pattern for March and make a different one. I made salmon for dinner, we both have been wanting fish and it was on sale. It tasted really good. I have been finding really good recipes online. It has been fun to cook, it makes the day fun. The weather was really nice today so we spend a lot of time outside walking around. Everyone have a good night and thanks for letting me ramble about my quilts.
We don't need sleep
I am sorry that Isaac doesn't need sleep. That makes t rough. My day has been good. It was actually sunny this morning so that was nice. Work is still good. Nothing too exciting to report. I did turn in my receipts for my moving expenses so that is nice to have done. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, March 4, 2012
well your never going to get it
that is sad that isaac is not sleeping I would use the power of drugs like benadryl but that is why I don't have kids ;) anyway today was chill not to much happened watched some movies. tomorrow i work at lagoon for a few hours. have a good monday
Quiet day
We did make it to sacrament meeting and then we left to go see Grandma Bodily. She had the cutest books for Isaac. He is going to love them. Then we came home and I had to help someone with her resume. It was a busy day. I did manage to get a nap after dinner. That might have been a bad idea. Poor Isaac. He doesn't feel good. Maybe you should try and get his cold teething rings back out. The cold might help his mouth to feel better. Just a thought. Popcicles might help him also just before bed time. This is the age where bruises begin to appear. I think that is cute he fell asleep in Randy's arms. Thanks Karen. You will have a great time. Painting is good for us. It will give us lots of practice for you when you get your house. We will be really good at it by then. You will know what colors you like for sure. Next weekend is daylight savings. That means Isaac will be getting up at 3. I hope that didn't depress you too much.
Who needs sleep
Isaac woke up again at 4 in the morning. I am not sure why he feels that is time to wake up. We are hoping that tonight goes a lot better. Isaac took his nap at just before stake conference was starting so we didn't go. After he woke up Casey made lunch and we went for a walk around the block, it was really nice. At the end though Isaac fell head first into some rocks so he has a bump on his head. Me and Isaac went over to Casey's Dad's for dinner, Casey had some work he had to catch up on so he stayed home. Isaac fell asleep when Randy was reading him a book and soon both of them were asleep, it was cute. Well I hope that everyone has a good week. It will be fun to do some dry walling and painting next weekend, thanks for everyone's help.
Well I missed church. By the time I found the building I was way late so I just went back home. Well other than that it has been a quiet day. I will come up to Logan next weekend to help with the wall and painting or I will watch Isaac while others work. Well i hope that everyone had a good weekend BYE.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...