My day was good. I slept in and then we went to Costco. I took mom and dad out to lunch for father's day. It tasted really good. Then we came home and took a nap. Mom made soup for dinner. After dinner I helped get peas out of the pods. There were a lot of them. I hope everyone has a great Father's day tomorrow. Bye
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Oliver had a birthday party to go to so we went and got a present and took him to it. We went Father's day shopping and it was fun. We mowed the lawn and turned on the water. Casey worked on the CRV and got a bolt out that he has been struggling with. Me and the kids rode our bikes to Lee's and got some berries. Kelly came over and needed help with his car. Andy was going through his stuff and asked if we wanted it. He had some nice sleeping bags and amy backpacks that we took. It was nice of him.
Love Rachel
We had a nice day. Dad harvested the peas and pulled them up. I helped for awhile but just went slow. Karen was out of allegra so we went to Costco. She took us out to lunch for father's day. I cut some kale and made zuppa soup for dinner. That is a good recipe. Karen started peeling the peas and I helped her. We got about half of them done. I blanched and froze them. There are a lot.of them. We will finish them up tomorrow. Yell casey and jeramy happy father's day. Love mom
Friday, June 14, 2024
We made it safe and sound. It was a fun trip. We got home by about 230. I have a couple more pictures below. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Today was flag day and Isaac had to get up early and put out flags for young men's. Then he had his last day of camp. They had a parent concert. They played three songs as a orchestra and then his group played. They played really well and they dressed to match. One girl brought flowers and Isaac had it in his pocket. When they were done playing he threw it into the audience. It was so funny. Casey worked from home and I took the kids swimming. It was so busy but it felt really good to be in the water. We stayed all afternoon until we had to come home so Isaac could take down the flags. Casey painted the front pillars and we weeded the garden.
Love Rachel
We made it home safe and sound. We stopped just outside of moab and hiked around wilson arch. It was huge. We didn't go all the way up but almost. It was nice to be home. I didn't get hurt when I passed out. Bless dad he caught me. We are just going g to have a quiet weekend. Dad's crown o. His tooth fell off when we got home. I will c all the dentist on Monday to get that fixed. It is suppose to cool off so that will be nice. I hope Casey is feeling better. Airborne really works. Love mom
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Mom that is so scary. I hope you didn't get hurt when you passed out. I am sorry. Those are amazing pictures and that looks like an incredible place. I am so glad you guys were able to go. Today was good. Work went well and I am really liking it and I love only working part time. Isaac is performing tomorrow with him group and he wanted to wear a red vest. We could find one so we got a white one at the di and Casey dyed it. Casey is tired and had a cold. It is so good to have him home. I had book group tonight. We met at Karie Ann's which is really good. They are amazing ladies and it is so good to visit with them. Take it easy Mom.
Love Rachel
We had such a nice day. We got up and went on a hike. It was a fun hike. It was a hard hike but I really enjoyed it. We had lunch at cliff palace and it was a really neat cliff dwelling. We had tickets for 130. We started the hike and climbed up a ladder and we stopped to wait for the ranger and I got so dizzy and next thing I knew there were all these people around me. I guess I passed out. I felt fine but they had four ladders to get out and since I didn t know why I passed out I thought I would go back. They wouldn't let us go without an escort so three people came and walked me out. I was just fine. It was so embarrassing. The emt said my blood pressure was low. Karen finished the hike and me and dad just went back. We had just started going to the dwelling. We drove to the visitor center afterwards and walked around for 15 minutes before they closed. We came back to hotel and just took it easy the rest of the night. We are going to work our way back home tomorrow. I am glad casey made it home safe and sound. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
We had a fun day. We got up around 7 and went to the petroglyph loop. It was a lot of up and down but it was a fun hike. Then we had lunch. Then we did the cliff palace tour. Mom had trouble and had the medics help her up. They said it was low blood pressure. She is fine now though. Other than that it was a cool hike. Below are the pictures.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Casey Made it home and it is so good to have him back. We drove down tonight and picked him up. The kids did really well being in the car that long. Work went well today. I have really been liking it. I picked up Isaac and then we went to a reptile show the library was doing. They had it at the soccer field and their was at least a thousand people there. It was crazy crazy crowded. I am glad we were able to go and I like the animals. I studied for a bit and then we left to get Casey. I am glad you are having a fun vacation.
Love Rachel
We had a nice trip down. We left at 5 and missed all the traffic. We went to the museum and they have two hikes tomorrow we are going on and then we are all going on a guided tour. It is suppose to be not as hard as the one Karen did today. Me and dad didn't do the tour today. It was a hot one today. Rachel I hope Casey made it home safe and sound. I bet you are glad he is home. Robin I am glad you are doing ok. This is stressful. Love you lots mom
We made it safe and sound. We got here around 11 and they let us check into our room early, so that was nice. We had lunch and then went into the park. It is a pretty cool place. I went on the balcony house tour. We had to climb up a 32 ft wood ladder. Then you were in. Then to exit you had to crawl through a tunnel, climb 2 more ladders and some sand stone steps. It was fun. Below are my pictures. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...